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Benefits and disadvantages of weed
You may think this conversation on Weed (Marijuana, Cannabis) benefits and the risks started in
recent times. No, Marijuana has been cultivated from ancient times. It all started in India and
China. Think of its earliest benefit in healing motive, circa 1500 BC, in the Chinese
Did it stop there? No, it was introduced as a Indian hemp or Cannabis Indica , by Dr. William
Brooke O Shaughnessy to the western world.
In his book, The principles and practice of medicine, Sir William Osler advocated for use of
Cannabis for Migraines. This was a common call, from many prominent physicians in the 19th
and early 20th centuries.
You may have looked at reports and scrutiny of many scientific researchers on supposed medical
importance of weed. There has been support by studies for some of these declarations.
Looking at these declarations keenly, people can realize actual benefits that weed provide.
However, for all these years there is still a lot of public discussion about what precisely, are
weed advantages and risks.
Look at a review research from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
In the review done by couple of specialists in more than 10,000 studies published form 1999, it
gives the clearest scientific proof on weed.
The research points major advantages and disadvantages of weed.
Weed: Good or bad?
Are the benefits of weed higher than their risk? Look over the drug's advantages and
disadvantages here.
Most individuals regard weed as a technique of getting up or getting away. But it has many other
uses. Weed (Marijuana) consists of dried plant leaves, stems, flowers and hemp plant seeds. It
can be used to treat different kinds of diseases or to prevent them. It also has adverse effects,
such loss of memory. What do you think about medical weed?
Its important for you to know exactly what are the pros and cons of weed and how it affect your
health especially at this time when more countries around are moving towards legalizing weed.
It may help with social anxiousness, depression and post-traumatic
stress-disorder (PTSD).
You may have heard of the well-known relaxing effects of marijuana. A review of
all known scientific documents on the use of marijuana to treat symptoms of
psychological disorder was published in the Clinical Psychology Review.
So, it is not unexpected that in a 2016 research in Clinical Psychology Review,
patients with depression, social anxiety and post-traumatic stress can benefit from
Have you come across people who are more nervous about a public speaking
session? well a little doseof THC(Tetrahydrocannabinol), helps people to be less
worried about public-speaking Job. This is according to a study published in Drug
and Alcohol dependence.
It is not so straightforward, however: the dosewas just a few puffs on a weed
cigarette, the studies writers explain. They also found a little more THC, whatever
measure, would cause even a slightly high mild, actually exacerbates anxiety.
Additional study has also shown that weed is a risk for individuals with specific
conditions of mental health, such as psychosis or bipolar illness.
According to Emma Childs, PhD, associate professorofpsychiatry at the
University of Illinois at Chicago, cannabinoids can be beneficial for people with
anxieties. However, she believes additional research is necessary to discover
suitable amounts and means of delivery and to prevent the opposite effects.
Chronic pain and nausea can be relieved
Imagine you're having a back ache, what would be greatest treatment if the pain is intense, and
you need assistance quickly?
Pain treatment is a frequent usage for medical marijuana, and there are indeed excellent proof of
support from the National Academies of Sciences. The paper also states that marijuana products
appear useful in alleviating muscular spasms due to multiple sclerosis and in reducing nausea
and vomiting owing to chemical treatment.
There is also moderate evidence that cannabis or product derived from cannabis can aid patients
who suffer sleep problems related to sleep apnea, fibromyalgia or chronic pain.
Can people or even children with epilepsy get help?
Its great news for parents who have been making use of weed, often illicitly for years in order to
help their children with a rare kind of kind of epilepsy, Dravet syndrome. Cannabidiol oil  a
marijuana derivative  decreased seizures by 39 percent in this condition in a study in the New
England journal of medicine. Experts note that outcomes for other weed products may be riskier
and most unexpected.
It may have anticancereffects, however there is little study
How can cannabinoid influence cancer symptoms? Base on a number of trials, Dronabinol may
be useful for lowering nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy. Look at also the condition of
weight loss and poor food consumption by HIV patients. Dont you think these patients need the
best to drug to improve their food intake? Well, Dronabinol was also observed in HIV patients to
enhance their dietary intake and prevent loss of weight. However, it was not better than placebo
or another medication in trials of cancer patients (megestrol acetate).
Nabiximols demonstrated a promise to treat patients with cancer pain who were not eased by
severe pain medications, although it was not deemed useful in every trial. This medication
continues to be researched.
You might have encountered side effects with other drugs. The prescribed cannabinoid,
dronabinol and nabilone can induce side effects and complications, like with many other
Some people have a problem with rapid heartbeat, reduced blood pressure (particularly when
they get up), dizziness or fainting. These medicines may cause dizziness as well as change in
mood or a feeling that some people feel uncomfortable. Depression, mania or another mental
disease can also worsen. Some nabilone patients have reported hallucinations in trials. The
medications can increase certain effects, such as tiredness and impaired coordination, of
You should consult your physician on what to expect taking these drugs.
Would like to know how more pregnant women are treating morning
As use of weed become more frequent, many pregnant women are getting high
both for recreational use and for morning sickness. This is according to a 2016
study by JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association).
However, research shows that childhood development and health concerns,
including low birth weight, anemia, impaired impulse control, memory and
attention, are connected with prenatal exposure in weed, note the authors. Until
more is known, it should be emphasized that "you should avoid using weed or
other cannabinoids" if you are pregnant or you are considering getting pregnant.

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Benefits and disadvantages of weeds

  • 1. Benefits and disadvantages of weed You may think this conversation on Weed (Marijuana, Cannabis) benefits and the risks started in recent times. No, Marijuana has been cultivated from ancient times. It all started in India and China. Think of its earliest benefit in healing motive, circa 1500 BC, in the Chinese Pharmocopeia. Did it stop there? No, it was introduced as a Indian hemp or Cannabis Indica , by Dr. William Brooke O Shaughnessy to the western world. In his book, The principles and practice of medicine, Sir William Osler advocated for use of Cannabis for Migraines. This was a common call, from many prominent physicians in the 19th and early 20th centuries. You may have looked at reports and scrutiny of many scientific researchers on supposed medical importance of weed. There has been support by studies for some of these declarations. Looking at these declarations keenly, people can realize actual benefits that weed provide. However, for all these years there is still a lot of public discussion about what precisely, are weed advantages and risks. Look at a review research from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. In the review done by couple of specialists in more than 10,000 studies published form 1999, it gives the clearest scientific proof on weed. The research points major advantages and disadvantages of weed. Weed: Good or bad? Are the benefits of weed higher than their risk? Look over the drug's advantages and disadvantages here. Most individuals regard weed as a technique of getting up or getting away. But it has many other uses. Weed (Marijuana) consists of dried plant leaves, stems, flowers and hemp plant seeds. It can be used to treat different kinds of diseases or to prevent them. It also has adverse effects, such loss of memory. What do you think about medical weed? Its important for you to know exactly what are the pros and cons of weed and how it affect your health especially at this time when more countries around are moving towards legalizing weed. It may help with social anxiousness, depression and post-traumatic stress-disorder (PTSD). You may have heard of the well-known relaxing effects of marijuana. A review of all known scientific documents on the use of marijuana to treat symptoms of psychological disorder was published in the Clinical Psychology Review.
  • 2. So, it is not unexpected that in a 2016 research in Clinical Psychology Review, patients with depression, social anxiety and post-traumatic stress can benefit from it. Have you come across people who are more nervous about a public speaking session? well a little doseof THC(Tetrahydrocannabinol), helps people to be less worried about public-speaking Job. This is according to a study published in Drug and Alcohol dependence. It is not so straightforward, however: the dosewas just a few puffs on a weed cigarette, the studies writers explain. They also found a little more THC, whatever measure, would cause even a slightly high mild, actually exacerbates anxiety. Additional study has also shown that weed is a risk for individuals with specific conditions of mental health, such as psychosis or bipolar illness. According to Emma Childs, PhD, associate professorofpsychiatry at the University of Illinois at Chicago, cannabinoids can be beneficial for people with anxieties. However, she believes additional research is necessary to discover suitable amounts and means of delivery and to prevent the opposite effects. Chronic pain and nausea can be relieved Imagine you're having a back ache, what would be greatest treatment if the pain is intense, and you need assistance quickly? Pain treatment is a frequent usage for medical marijuana, and there are indeed excellent proof of support from the National Academies of Sciences. The paper also states that marijuana products appear useful in alleviating muscular spasms due to multiple sclerosis and in reducing nausea and vomiting owing to chemical treatment. There is also moderate evidence that cannabis or product derived from cannabis can aid patients who suffer sleep problems related to sleep apnea, fibromyalgia or chronic pain. Can people or even children with epilepsy get help? Its great news for parents who have been making use of weed, often illicitly for years in order to help their children with a rare kind of kind of epilepsy, Dravet syndrome. Cannabidiol oil a marijuana derivative decreased seizures by 39 percent in this condition in a study in the New England journal of medicine. Experts note that outcomes for other weed products may be riskier and most unexpected. It may have anticancereffects, however there is little study How can cannabinoid influence cancer symptoms? Base on a number of trials, Dronabinol may be useful for lowering nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy. Look at also the condition of
  • 3. weight loss and poor food consumption by HIV patients. Dont you think these patients need the best to drug to improve their food intake? Well, Dronabinol was also observed in HIV patients to enhance their dietary intake and prevent loss of weight. However, it was not better than placebo or another medication in trials of cancer patients (megestrol acetate). Nabiximols demonstrated a promise to treat patients with cancer pain who were not eased by severe pain medications, although it was not deemed useful in every trial. This medication continues to be researched. You might have encountered side effects with other drugs. The prescribed cannabinoid, dronabinol and nabilone can induce side effects and complications, like with many other medicines. Some people have a problem with rapid heartbeat, reduced blood pressure (particularly when they get up), dizziness or fainting. These medicines may cause dizziness as well as change in mood or a feeling that some people feel uncomfortable. Depression, mania or another mental disease can also worsen. Some nabilone patients have reported hallucinations in trials. The medications can increase certain effects, such as tiredness and impaired coordination, of sedatives. You should consult your physician on what to expect taking these drugs. Would like to know how more pregnant women are treating morning sickness? As use of weed become more frequent, many pregnant women are getting high both for recreational use and for morning sickness. This is according to a 2016 study by JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association). However, research shows that childhood development and health concerns, including low birth weight, anemia, impaired impulse control, memory and attention, are connected with prenatal exposure in weed, note the authors. Until more is known, it should be emphasized that "you should avoid using weed or other cannabinoids" if you are pregnant or you are considering getting pregnant.