The Senate Floors of Bahcesehir University regularly welcomed official guests but taking group photos was challenging as it required the campus photographer and guests had limited time. To address this, the author implemented a solution using an iPad with Muku Shutter, an instant photography device, allowing guests to easily take selfies as a group that were instantly emailed and archived for the university.
The Senate Floors of Bahcesehir University regularly welcomed official guests but taking group photos was challenging as it required the campus photographer and guests had limited time. To address this, the author implemented a solution using an iPad with Muku Shutter, an instant photography device, allowing guests to easily take selfies as a group that were instantly emailed and archived for the university.
The document provides a mise-en-scene analysis of the film 500 Days of Summer. It summarizes the plot, which follows Tom Hansen's one-sided relationship with Summer Finn over 500 days, as he believes in finding true love. It analyzes the film's use of nonlinear structure, flashbacks, voiceover narration, and creative cinematography and editing techniques. Specifically, it highlights the film's use of split screens, fade transitions between flashbacks, close-up shots, and realistic lighting to immerse the viewer in Tom's subjective experience.
MGS_The Theory of Future and its implicationsSyed Ehsan Azam
Dr. Peter Drucker was a renowned 20th century management consultant and writer. This debate discusses his predictions about future societal trends from his work "The Near Future." Specifically, Drucker predicted that declining birth rates would lead to an aging population in developed nations by 2050. This would significantly change markets and make immigration a divisive political issue as countries seek more workers. He also believed knowledge work would become more prevalent and create opportunities for upward mobility regardless of gender or age in a future knowledge-based society. Overall, the document analyzes Drucker's logical assumptions about upcoming demographic shifts and their implications for workforces, economies, and politics in rich countries.
Teks tersebut memberikan petunjuk soal untuk mengerjakan soal psikotes yang berkaitan dengan kemampuan verbal dan kuantitatif. Pada bagian kemampuan verbal, peserta diminta memilih sinonim atau kata yang memiliki makna sama untuk 50 pasang kata yang diberikan. Sedangkan pada bagian kemampuan kuantitatif, peserta diminta menyelesaikan 40 deret angka atau huruf yang diberikan. Kedua bagian soal memberikan waktu pengerjaan masing-m
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang paradigma institusionalisme dalam 6 poin utama. Pertama, institusionalisme adalah pandangan dunia yang melihat institusi sebagai penyebab perilaku manusia. Kedua, terdapat 2 pendekatan utama institusionalisme yaitu teori regulatif dan normatif. Ketiga, institusionalisme melihat organisasi lebih sebagai sistem sosial daripada alat. Keempat, terdapat berbagai aliran institusionalisme seperti