This document describes the development and extension of hull girder progressive collapse analysis methods for lightweight naval vessels. It presents the Smith Progressive Collapse Method and introduces the Extended Progressive Collapse Method, which adapts the approach to consider compartment-level elements rather than assuming independent interframe behavior. A case study analysis of an aluminum multihull vessel's longitudinal bending capacity is performed using the extended method and compared to nonlinear finite element analysis results, showing close agreement. The extended method and its ProColl implementation provide a simplified but accurate means of assessing the ultimate strength and collapse behavior of lightweight hull structures.
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More Related Content
Simon Benson, Jonathan Downes and Robert S. Dow
School of Marine Science and Technology
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The Smith Progressive Collapse Method
The Extended Progressive Collapse Method
Case Study Aluminium Multihull
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Office of Naval Research (ONR) project:
Structural Performance of Lightweight Naval Vessels
Development and extension of hull girder progressive
collapse analysis methodologies:
Ultimate Strength Analysis
Limit State Design
Damage Strength
Evaluation of longitudinal bending capacity of the hull girder
Solution methods:
Simplified Progressive Collapse Analysis
Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis
4. Motivation
Established hull girder progressive collapse methods have
been developed primarily for STEEL ships.
How do we adapt these approaches to lightweight ships?
Two general approaches:
Simplified analytical methods (e.g. progressive collapse):
Fast and efficient
Simplifying assumptions
Implicit characterisation of material and geometric imperfections
Nonlinear finite element methods (FEM):
Computationally expensive
Requires explicit characterisation of all material and geometric properties in
the FE model
Which methods are suitable for reliability analysis?
5. Interframe Progressive Collapse Method
5083-H116 Plate Load Shortening Curves
Define (midship) HAZ Ratio (HR) = 8
cross section 1
Normalised Stress, s' = save / s0
Element 0.6
Subdivision 0.4
Load shortening curve 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Normalised strain, e' = e ave / e 0
assigned to element
Curvature / BM
increment Assumptions:
Cross-section remains plane
Bending Moment, Mx ( x 10-10
Find equilibrium NA Interframe buckling 0.50
position hog
Panel elements act independently 0.00
-0.50 Progressive Collapse - 150mm hard corners
Abaqus 5bay model (50mm element size)
Calculate incremental Abaqus 5bay model (25mm element size)
Bending Moment -4.00 -3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00
Curvature, C (1/mm) x 106
6. Extended Progressive Collapse Method
Define (midship)
cross section
Extends the approach used to define the
Element element behaviour
Subdivision Revised Assumptions:
Cross section remains plane (as before)
Load shortening curve Compartment level elements
assigned to element Elements do not act independently
Interframe and overall buckling properties
Curvature / BM combined
Find equilibrium NA
Calculate incremental
Bending Moment
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Extended Progressive Collapse Method
Element Definition
Standard approach:
Plate-stiffener combination elements
Hard corners
Each element assigned a load
shortening curve (LSC)
Element does not have to
correspond directly to LSC
Refine for accuracy in calculations
LSC can represent global elements
LSC can be calculated for:
Components (plates, stiffeners)
Plate-stiffener combinations
Orthogonal stiffened panels
Panel strength calculated by a semi
analytical orthotropic plate method
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Extended Progressive Collapse Method
Panel Load Shortening Curves
Derived using a semi analytical method
Increments of end strain/displacement
At each increment:
1. Evaluate component (plate and stiffener) resistance
2. Calculate combined resistance
3. Evaluate beam column (interframe) strength and compare
4. Evaluate panel (overall) strength and compare
5. Derive increment of load shortening curve
Panel strength derived using a large deflection orthotropic
plate method
Method uses instantaneous component stiffness properties
Panel LSC can be assigned to small elements
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Extended Progressive Collapse Method
Implementation - ProColl
A GUI Interface for the extended
progressive collapse method
Interframe and compartment
level analyses
Runs vertical bending or
combinations of vertical and
horizontal (interaction diagram)
Increments of curvature or
bending moment
Post processor capabilities
Generate element load
shortening curves
Process BM vs. curvature plots
Graphically display element
stiffness and NA position
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Case Study: Aluminium Multihull
Interframe Analysis
Interframe LSCs
Close correlation to
equivalent FEM
13. Case Study: Aluminium Multihull
Interframe Analysis
Sag Bending Moment
Interframe Results
Very close agreement
between FEM and PColl
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Case Study: Aluminium Multihull
Compartment Analysis
Top Deck LSC
Overall Buckling
Reduction in ultimate
Close agreement between
FEM and semi analytical
15. Case Study: Aluminium Multihull
Compartment Analysis
7 bay results:
reduction in ultimate strength
Buckling of top deck prior to
ultimate strength point
Buckling of second deck at ultimate
strength point
Close agreement between FEM and
Top Deck Load Shortening
Accounts for different longitudinal
stiffener sizes
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We propose an extended progressive collapse methodology
Utilises a semi analytical method to predict compartment level load
shortening curves
Case study progressive collapse assessment of an aluminium multihull is
Shows significant strength reduction due to compartment level buckling
Good correlation to FEM results
Both FEM and simplified methods can produce reasonable and valid
solutions for the compartment level progressive collapse problem