This document provides definitions for various vocabulary terms that appear in the epic poem Beowulf. It defines words like "solace," "mail," "affliction," "banner," "fetters," "loathsome," "venerable," "scop," "druid," "elegiac," "heroic," "epic," "kenning," "caesure," "wyrd," and "pagan" that are relevant to understanding the language and context of the Old English poem.
14. Epic
Noting or pertaining to a long poetic
composition, usually centered upon a hero,
in which a series of great achievements or
events is narrated in elevated style
16. Caesure/Caesurea
A break, usually near the middle of a verse,
and marked in scansion by a double vertical
line, as in know then thyself || presume not
God to scan.
17. Wyrd
A concept in Old English and Old
Norse culture roughly
corresponding to fate or karma.
Fate personified
18. Pagan
A person who is not a Christian, Jew, or
Muslim; an irreligious or hedonistic person