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Moshagot1@gmail.com +251-(0)93297 4095
Curriculum Vitae
Tezera Moshago Berheto
Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia
Cell +251-932974095
Email: moshagot1@gmail.com
Motivation: An enthusiastic, hardworking and fast-learning person with a strong interest in
quantitative and epidemiological methods, a discovery of new strategies and I enjoy working
with professionals from diverse disciplines.
 Masters in Public Health, Jimma University, 2010-2012
Thesis: Urban Rural disparity in nutritional status of adolescent school girls in Southwest
Ethiopia (Published)
 Leadership in Strategic Information, School of Public Health, Addis Ababa University, 2013
Working Project: Survival Analysis of HIV-Infected People on Antiretroviral therapy in Mizan-
Aman Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia (Published)
 BSc in Nursing, College of Environmental and Public Health, Hawassa University, 2004-2007
1. Full-time Lecturer, School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences and
Medicine, Wolaita Sodo University, 2014 - present
2. Lecturer, Department of Public Health, Aman College of Health Sciences, 2012-
3. Assistant Lecturer, Aman College of Health Sciences, 2009-2011
1. Research Coordinator, College of Health Sciences and Medicine, Wolaita Sodo
University, 2015 - present
2. Part Time ResearchAssistant, 6-month placement, Regards to Ethiopian health
facility service provision assessment, Ethiopian public health institute, January
2014 to July 2014
3. Part Time Research Assistant, two-month placement, Regards to Ethiopian
National STEPS Survey for Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases and their Risk
Factors, Ethiopian Public Health Institute, April to May 2015
4. ResearchAssistant, three-month placement, Regards to the burden of non-
communicable disease in health care facilities of South Ethiopia, Wolaita Sodo
University, January to March 2016
Moshagot1@gmail.com +251-(0)93297 4095
1. Berheto TM, Mikitie WK, Argaw A: Urban-rural disparities in the nutritional status of
school Adolescent girls in the Mizan district, south-western Ethiopia. Rural and Remote
Health (Internet) 2015; 15: 3012. Available: at
2. Sibamo EL, Berheto TM: Community satisfaction with the urban health extension
service in South Ethiopia and associated factors. BMC Health Services Research 2015,
15(1):1-7. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12913-015-0821-4
3. Badacho AS, Tushune K, Ejigu Y, Berheto TM: Household satisfaction with a
community-based health insurance scheme in Ethiopia. BMC Research Notes 2016, 9(1):1-
10. Available at http://www.biomedcentral.com/1756-0500/9/424
4. Berheto MT, Demisew B, Mohammed S: Predictors of loss to follow-up in patients
living with HIV/AIDS after initiation of antiretroviral therapy: North Am J Med Sci
[serial online] 2014; 6:453-9. Available: at
5. Berheto MT, Birhanu D, Enqusilasie F: Survival Analysis of HIV Infected People on
Antiretroviral Therapy at Mizan-Aman General Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia.
International Journal of Science and Research 2014, 3(5):1462-1468. Available: at
 Ethiopian Public Health Association
 Peer review member Science Journal of Public Health
 Ethiopian Red Cross Society
Computer skill/training
 Statistical Software Packages R, SPSS, STATA
 Microsoft tools
(1) Professor Tefera Belachew (MD, MSc, PhD), Professor of Nutrition, Jimma University
College of Medical and Health Sciences  +251-913404604, E-mail
(2) Dr. Mekite Wondafrash (MD, DFSN, PhD), Associate professor of Nutrition, Jimma
University  +251-917804092, E-mail mekitie.wondafrash@ju.edu.et
Moshagot1@gmail.com +251-(0)93297 4095
(3) Professor Fikire Enqusilasie (MSc, PhD), Professor of Biostatistics, Addis Ababa University,
School of Public health  +251-912459707, E-mail: fikreen@yahoo.com
Thank you!

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  • 1. Moshagot1@gmail.com +251-(0)93297 4095 Curriculum Vitae Tezera Moshago Berheto Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia Cell +251-932974095 Email: moshagot1@gmail.com Motivation: An enthusiastic, hardworking and fast-learning person with a strong interest in quantitative and epidemiological methods, a discovery of new strategies and I enjoy working with professionals from diverse disciplines. Education Masters in Public Health, Jimma University, 2010-2012 Thesis: Urban Rural disparity in nutritional status of adolescent school girls in Southwest Ethiopia (Published) Leadership in Strategic Information, School of Public Health, Addis Ababa University, 2013 Working Project: Survival Analysis of HIV-Infected People on Antiretroviral therapy in Mizan- Aman Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia (Published) BSc in Nursing, College of Environmental and Public Health, Hawassa University, 2004-2007 WORK EXPERIENCE TEACHING EXPERIENCE 1. Full-time Lecturer, School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences and Medicine, Wolaita Sodo University, 2014 - present 2. Lecturer, Department of Public Health, Aman College of Health Sciences, 2012- 2014 3. Assistant Lecturer, Aman College of Health Sciences, 2009-2011 RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 1. Research Coordinator, College of Health Sciences and Medicine, Wolaita Sodo University, 2015 - present 2. Part Time ResearchAssistant, 6-month placement, Regards to Ethiopian health facility service provision assessment, Ethiopian public health institute, January 2014 to July 2014 3. Part Time Research Assistant, two-month placement, Regards to Ethiopian National STEPS Survey for Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases and their Risk Factors, Ethiopian Public Health Institute, April to May 2015 4. ResearchAssistant, three-month placement, Regards to the burden of non- communicable disease in health care facilities of South Ethiopia, Wolaita Sodo University, January to March 2016
  • 2. Moshagot1@gmail.com +251-(0)93297 4095 PUBLICATIONS 1. Berheto TM, Mikitie WK, Argaw A: Urban-rural disparities in the nutritional status of school Adolescent girls in the Mizan district, south-western Ethiopia. Rural and Remote Health (Internet) 2015; 15: 3012. Available: at http://www.rrh.org.au/articles/subviewnew.asp?ArticleID=3012 2. Sibamo EL, Berheto TM: Community satisfaction with the urban health extension service in South Ethiopia and associated factors. BMC Health Services Research 2015, 15(1):1-7. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12913-015-0821-4 3. Badacho AS, Tushune K, Ejigu Y, Berheto TM: Household satisfaction with a community-based health insurance scheme in Ethiopia. BMC Research Notes 2016, 9(1):1- 10. Available at http://www.biomedcentral.com/1756-0500/9/424 4. Berheto MT, Demisew B, Mohammed S: Predictors of loss to follow-up in patients living with HIV/AIDS after initiation of antiretroviral therapy: North Am J Med Sci [serial online] 2014; 6:453-9. Available: at http://www.najms.org/text.asp?2014/6/9/453/141636 5. Berheto MT, Birhanu D, Enqusilasie F: Survival Analysis of HIV Infected People on Antiretroviral Therapy at Mizan-Aman General Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia. International Journal of Science and Research 2014, 3(5):1462-1468. Available: at http://www.ijsr.net/archive/v3i5/MDIwMTMyMTAz.pdf Member Ethiopian Public Health Association Peer review member Science Journal of Public Health Ethiopian Red Cross Society Computer skill/training Statistical Software Packages R, SPSS, STATA Microsoft tools References (1) Professor Tefera Belachew (MD, MSc, PhD), Professor of Nutrition, Jimma University College of Medical and Health Sciences +251-913404604, E-mail tefera_belachew@yahoo.com (2) Dr. Mekite Wondafrash (MD, DFSN, PhD), Associate professor of Nutrition, Jimma University +251-917804092, E-mail mekitie.wondafrash@ju.edu.et
  • 3. Moshagot1@gmail.com +251-(0)93297 4095 (3) Professor Fikire Enqusilasie (MSc, PhD), Professor of Biostatistics, Addis Ababa University, School of Public health +251-912459707, E-mail: fikreen@yahoo.com Thank you!