This curriculum vitae summarizes the qualifications and experience of Tezera Moshago Berheto. Berheto has a Masters in Public Health from Jimma University and additional training in strategic information from Addis Ababa University. He has over 5 years of experience as a lecturer at Wolaita Sodo University and previously taught at Aman College of Health Sciences. Berheto has also worked on research projects with the Ethiopian Public Health Institute and Wolaita Sodo University. He has published 5 papers in peer-reviewed journals on topics related to nutrition, health services, and HIV/AIDS. Berheto has skills in statistical software and is a member of the Ethiopian Public Health Association.
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1. +251-(0)93297 4095
Curriculum Vitae
Tezera Moshago Berheto
Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia
Cell +251-932974095
Motivation: An enthusiastic, hardworking and fast-learning person with a strong interest in
quantitative and epidemiological methods, a discovery of new strategies and I enjoy working
with professionals from diverse disciplines.
Masters in Public Health, Jimma University, 2010-2012
Thesis: Urban Rural disparity in nutritional status of adolescent school girls in Southwest
Ethiopia (Published)
Leadership in Strategic Information, School of Public Health, Addis Ababa University, 2013
Working Project: Survival Analysis of HIV-Infected People on Antiretroviral therapy in Mizan-
Aman Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia (Published)
BSc in Nursing, College of Environmental and Public Health, Hawassa University, 2004-2007
1. Full-time Lecturer, School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences and
Medicine, Wolaita Sodo University, 2014 - present
2. Lecturer, Department of Public Health, Aman College of Health Sciences, 2012-
3. Assistant Lecturer, Aman College of Health Sciences, 2009-2011
1. Research Coordinator, College of Health Sciences and Medicine, Wolaita Sodo
University, 2015 - present
2. Part Time ResearchAssistant, 6-month placement, Regards to Ethiopian health
facility service provision assessment, Ethiopian public health institute, January
2014 to July 2014
3. Part Time Research Assistant, two-month placement, Regards to Ethiopian
National STEPS Survey for Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases and their Risk
Factors, Ethiopian Public Health Institute, April to May 2015
4. ResearchAssistant, three-month placement, Regards to the burden of non-
communicable disease in health care facilities of South Ethiopia, Wolaita Sodo
University, January to March 2016
2. +251-(0)93297 4095
1. Berheto TM, Mikitie WK, Argaw A: Urban-rural disparities in the nutritional status of
school Adolescent girls in the Mizan district, south-western Ethiopia. Rural and Remote
Health (Internet) 2015; 15: 3012. Available: at
2. Sibamo EL, Berheto TM: Community satisfaction with the urban health extension
service in South Ethiopia and associated factors. BMC Health Services Research 2015,
15(1):1-7. Available at:
3. Badacho AS, Tushune K, Ejigu Y, Berheto TM: Household satisfaction with a
community-based health insurance scheme in Ethiopia. BMC Research Notes 2016, 9(1):1-
10. Available at
4. Berheto MT, Demisew B, Mohammed S: Predictors of loss to follow-up in patients
living with HIV/AIDS after initiation of antiretroviral therapy: North Am J Med Sci
[serial online] 2014; 6:453-9. Available: at
5. Berheto MT, Birhanu D, Enqusilasie F: Survival Analysis of HIV Infected People on
Antiretroviral Therapy at Mizan-Aman General Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia.
International Journal of Science and Research 2014, 3(5):1462-1468. Available: at
Ethiopian Public Health Association
Peer review member Science Journal of Public Health
Ethiopian Red Cross Society
Computer skill/training
Statistical Software Packages R, SPSS, STATA
Microsoft tools
(1) Professor Tefera Belachew (MD, MSc, PhD), Professor of Nutrition, Jimma University
College of Medical and Health Sciences +251-913404604, E-mail
(2) Dr. Mekite Wondafrash (MD, DFSN, PhD), Associate professor of Nutrition, Jimma
University +251-917804092, E-mail
3. +251-(0)93297 4095
(3) Professor Fikire Enqusilasie (MSc, PhD), Professor of Biostatistics, Addis Ababa University,
School of Public health +251-912459707, E-mail:
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