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Der Fernsehturm

This is sometimes known
as the Popes revenge, as
the Tower, the pride of the
former anti-religious DDR,
can cast a shadow in the
form of a Cross!
Der Berliner Dom

This has wonderful acoustics
and also contains many
crypts of the
Hohenzollerns, who ruled
Prussia and built many of thei
great buildings.
Georg Elser

This is a new memorial to an
amazing man called Georg
Elser, who sadly died at
Sachsenhausen KZ. This has
been erected on an
unremarkable street
corner,near the Brandenburg
Gate. It is very striking!
Das Olympiastadion - This was built by the Nazis for the
1936 Olympics, and it was renovated ten years ago. It is
an amzing site with an amazing history, ranging from
Jesse Owens to Zineden Zidane! Sam loved it!
Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp - This is situated
north of Berlin in Oranienburg, and is a difficult but
worthwhile visit, which reminds of the depths to which
man can sink, if good men do nothing.
The Berlin Wall

                                 This is what the Berlin
                                 Wall looked like to East
                                 Berliners (minus these
                                 Almost impenetrable.

At least 136 people were killed trying to
cross the Anti-Fascist Protection Barrier in
the middle of Berlin. Many more died
elsewhere trying to flee from the DDR.
The Memorial to
the Murdered Jews
 of Europe.

This memorial was
erected in the last
ten years, and has
become a must-see
in modern Berlin.

    It remains controversial, but a visit to the Visitors
    Centre below the memorial brings home why it was
    built, and why we must never forget. The memorial
    itself is quite inspiring and thought-provoking!
The Reichstag

                                    The German Parliament
                                    building, whose fiery
                                    destruction in 1933 was
                                    used by the Nazis to
                                    help them gain power.

After reunification it was renovated by Lord Norman
Foster and is now both historic and modern, and well
worth a visit, especially to the wonderful glass dome.
Hohensch旦nhausen Prison
 and Interrogation Centre

This was where any political
prisoners were taken in the
DDR, by the Stasi, the DDR
Secret Police.

By psychological means used
here, prisoners were forced
to confess and to inform on
their friends and families.
Kaiser Wilhelm

This is the modern interior
of the new Memorial
church, the original building
having been left half ruined.

 The new building looks plain
 and uninteresting from the
 outside, but this is what it
 looks like inside!
The Pergamon Museum

    This is one half of the
    Pergamon Altar in the world-
    famous Pergamon Museum.

It showcases many of the finds
of German archaeologists from
the early 20th century. It is
Berlin 2012 part 2

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Berlin 2012 part 2

  • 1. Der Fernsehturm This is sometimes known as the Popes revenge, as the Tower, the pride of the former anti-religious DDR, can cast a shadow in the form of a Cross!
  • 2. Der Berliner Dom This has wonderful acoustics and also contains many crypts of the Hohenzollerns, who ruled Prussia and built many of thei great buildings.
  • 3. Georg Elser This is a new memorial to an amazing man called Georg Elser, who sadly died at Sachsenhausen KZ. This has been erected on an unremarkable street corner,near the Brandenburg Gate. It is very striking!
  • 4. Das Olympiastadion - This was built by the Nazis for the 1936 Olympics, and it was renovated ten years ago. It is an amzing site with an amazing history, ranging from Jesse Owens to Zineden Zidane! Sam loved it!
  • 5. Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp - This is situated north of Berlin in Oranienburg, and is a difficult but worthwhile visit, which reminds of the depths to which man can sink, if good men do nothing.
  • 6. The Berlin Wall This is what the Berlin Wall looked like to East Berliners (minus these 4!). Almost impenetrable. At least 136 people were killed trying to cross the Anti-Fascist Protection Barrier in the middle of Berlin. Many more died elsewhere trying to flee from the DDR.
  • 7. The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. This memorial was erected in the last ten years, and has become a must-see in modern Berlin. It remains controversial, but a visit to the Visitors Centre below the memorial brings home why it was built, and why we must never forget. The memorial itself is quite inspiring and thought-provoking!
  • 8. The Reichstag The German Parliament building, whose fiery destruction in 1933 was used by the Nazis to help them gain power. After reunification it was renovated by Lord Norman Foster and is now both historic and modern, and well worth a visit, especially to the wonderful glass dome.
  • 9. Hohensch旦nhausen Prison and Interrogation Centre This was where any political prisoners were taken in the DDR, by the Stasi, the DDR Secret Police. By psychological means used here, prisoners were forced to confess and to inform on their friends and families.
  • 10. Kaiser Wilhelm Ged辰chtniskirche This is the modern interior of the new Memorial church, the original building having been left half ruined. The new building looks plain and uninteresting from the outside, but this is what it looks like inside!
  • 11. The Pergamon Museum This is one half of the Pergamon Altar in the world- famous Pergamon Museum. It showcases many of the finds of German archaeologists from the early 20th century. It is amazing!!