2. Introduction
Scientific name :- Trifolium alexandrinum
Rabi season leguminous fodder crop,called as Kings of
fodder crop
Suitable for irrigated conditions,it remins soft,palatable
and succulent at all stges of growth
It has nitrogen fixing capacity which increase soil fertility
Rich in crude Protien 20-24% ,Calcium 3%,Phosphorus
0.4% and Digestible dry matter 65-70%.
It can converted into hay in March-April.
3. Origin and Area
It is indigenous to Egypt but cultivated in
Egypt,Israel,Syria,Persia ,Cyprus,Italy,South Africa,
South America,Australia, Pakistan etc
It is introduced in India in 1904 from Egypt.
It is cultivated around 2 million hectare area,mainly
in Punjab,Rajsthan, UP and other part of western
4. Climatic requirements
It require a dry ,cool Climate with a mild temperature
for germination and establishment.
It grows fast at 18-21OC & suspend growth > 35OC.
It cannot be grown in damp,heavy rain,frosty
Soil requirements
It can grown on all type of soil except light sandy soil.
It cant grown in acidic soil but can grown in saline soil.
It can grown at soil pH 7-8.
5. Field Preparation
Plough land 3-4 times with desi plough followed
by one soil inversion ploughing.
One to two planking should be done to break all
soil clods and prepare fine compact seed bed.
Remove grass,stubble as cause problem later.
6. Sowing
Sowing is done in end of September to end of October by
In late sowing winter reduces yield by interfering crop
Sown by 2 methods:-
1. seed are broadcasted uniformly over field with good
2. field is watered and seed are broadcasted in standing
puddled water.
7. Seed rate
Put seed in bucket containg 5% salt in water to remove weed
For 1st time cultivation give seed treatment with Rhizobium
Soak seed for 12 hours (overnight) ,spread on floor & mix seed
with berseem culture then dry for 1 hour.
Seed rate of 20-25kg/ha is recommended.
Mix 1Kg of Japani sarson or 25kg of oat for harvesting higher
quantity of fodder at 1st cut.
Seed treatment
8. Varieties
Varieties Area of adaptation GFY ( t/ha)
Mescavi Northen and Central India 80-90
Warden All India 90-150
BL-1 Punjab and HP. 100-120
BL-10 Punjab,Haryana and H.P. 110-115
BL-22 Temprete zone of India 90-100
JB-2 Northern and Central India 90-100
JHB146 NW qnd Central zone 58-85
UPB-110 Southern zone 50-65
BL-2 Northern India 65-90
JHTB 96-4 NE Zone 60-70
UPB-103 Northen,Cenral &South India 100-115
9. Varieties for Haryana
1.Mescavi:-Tillering is fast
and provide 5-6
are medium in size and no
cuts on margins.Green
fodder yield is 750-
850q/ha.The seeds are
yellow and shining.It give an
additional seed yield of 4.5-
5.5 q/ha.
10. 2.Hisar Berseem 1:- It is
new fast growing variety
for Haryana,have more
number of leaves,better
quality & remains 8-10
days more green than
Mescavi.Green fodder
yield is 700-750q/ha.It is
resisant to stem rot and
root rot
11. 3.Hisar Berseem 2:- It is
fast growing new variety
for Harayana,have more
leaves,better quality and
remains 8-10 days more
green than Hisar Berseem 1
,Green fodder yield is 700-
750 q/ha.It is resisant to
stem rot and root rot.
12. Fertiliser management
It require 20kg N+70kg P2O5 before sowing of crop.
If crop is new to field then treat seed with Rhizobium culture.
If oat seeds are mixed then extra dose of N @40kg/ha should
be added.
Irrigation management
1st irrigation is crucial 3-5 DAS in light soil while 8-10 DAS
in heavy soil.
Later depending on climate irrigate at 15-20 days interval.
Irrigation after each cutting is beneficial for regeneration.
13. Weed management
Main weeds are:-
1)Asphodelus 2)Chenopodium
3)Convovulus 4)Chichorium
Berseem is thicky crop so weeding is very difficult process.
Weeds also serve as fodder so donot make it necessary to
pull them out.
The crop matures usually in third week of April so it is
critical peroid for weed control.
14. Disease management
Diseases Casual
Symptoms Control
Collar region
becmes necrtic
with depressed
Stem are gridled at
collar region.
Avoid excessive irrigation.
Spray 0.1%Bavistine
twice during Jan-Feb.
Select resistant variety
Sudden complete
wilting of plant within
a day.
Effected plant can
easily be pulled out.
Crop sanitation
Resistant varieties.
Seed treatment with
15. Insect management
Pests Symptoms Control
Black ants These remove the
Germinating seeds
Apply Methyl Parathian
2% dust.
White grass hopper It damage crop in
month of April.
90%insect of other
crop damage this
Spray Malathion
@1lt/ha in 750 lt of
If crop is sown for
seed pupose apply
2% Methyl Parathian
dust @25kg/ha
16. Cuttng management
Crop should be harvested 55-60 Days after
Then subseqent cuts can be taken after
every 30-40 days interval.
In all 4-6 Cuts are taken with a production
of about 750-825 q/ha.
17. Seed production
For seed production last cut should be taken in 1st week of
March in low moist areas whereas in moist areas it can be
taken upto last week of march.
If weed are present,remove them, specially Kasni weed.
Irrigate field after 1st cut & after 15 days interval.
Seed will be mature in month of May and 4.5-5.5 q/ha seed
can be harvested.
The cutting schedual can also be adjusted in such a way so
as to harvest green fodder everyday.
18. Toxicity
A substance known as Astrogenons is present in
berseem,excess of which makes animal sick and cause
Bloat disease.
Bad effect of this can be reduced if fodder is sprayed
with Linseed or Mustard oil.
Mixing of dry fodder which contain more fibers like
wheat straw also reduces problem of bloating.