Este documento proporciona instrucciones para cocinar patatas fritas, incluyendo una lista de ingredientes y utensilios necesarios, pasos detallados para pelar, cortar y freÃr las patatas, y una advertencia sobre seguridad al cocinar con aceite caliente y vitrocerámica.
A person describes their daily routine which involves waking up at 8:00, having breakfast, walking their dog, taking their boy to school at 9:00, picking their boy up after class, having dinner, and putting their boy to bed after dinner.
A friend writes a letter describing their busy holiday activities in Burgos, Spain. They spent evenings at the pool with friends, ate dinner at restaurants, watched a Real Madrid vs Barcelona football match, went to the movies, went bird hunting with dogs, and visited family. The letter mentions many activities but lacks details and has poor grammar.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones para cocinar patatas fritas, incluyendo una lista de ingredientes y utensilios necesarios, pasos detallados para pelar, cortar y freÃr las patatas, y una advertencia sobre seguridad al cocinar con aceite caliente y vitrocerámica.
A person describes their daily routine which involves waking up at 8:00, having breakfast, walking their dog, taking their boy to school at 9:00, picking their boy up after class, having dinner, and putting their boy to bed after dinner.
A friend writes a letter describing their busy holiday activities in Burgos, Spain. They spent evenings at the pool with friends, ate dinner at restaurants, watched a Real Madrid vs Barcelona football match, went to the movies, went bird hunting with dogs, and visited family. The letter mentions many activities but lacks details and has poor grammar.
1. Bertsoa
Andreiren bizitza:
Nire lagunak dauka
Andreiren izena
Berak dauka emendik
Izen politena
Beti azarratuta
Baina parkamena
Beti ez da amaitzen
gure eukimena
Andreiren biarra:
bera ertzaintza dala
bera koipetzua
beran arpÃa data
oso ikaratzua
bera bera beti dagoo
oso pisutzua
beti noa beragaz ondartzan buztitzen
2. Bere poztazuna:
Bera pozgarria da
Bere irrebarria
Bere luzunkeria
Beti da onena
Bera lagun onak
Beti lagunekaz
Beti dabil neugaz
Jolasten dantzaten