2. Here are the BEST Last Minute VALENTINES DAY Date
Valentines day is here and before you label it as a
cheesy hallmark holiday, let me just say that it is the
perfect day to win a single girl over. Why? Because
from January the first she is already hoping and
wishing that she has someone to spend it with!
3. 10: Go to a singles event
There are probably quite a few Anti Valentines Day
events for singles in your area, which is a perfect
opportunity to grab some of your single mates and
head along to.
The reason why this is prime ground for finding a girl, is
you will literally be in a room with abundant of single
women who are probably wishing that next year they
have someone special to share the day with.
Now if you want to know the next 9 easy ways to find a
date then make sure you click the subscribe button and
give us a thumbs up!
4. 9: Carry a bunch of roses to give out
to women
This might sound random, but giving a random rose to
a woman who you are attracted to, is a great way to
open a conversation.
Now its not to say the first will take you up on your
offer, but if you carry enough roses and ask enough
girls then whos to say you cant find a girl who might
want to go on a date with you.
5. 8: Ask the girl out at the gym
If you have been eyeing a cutie at the gym or maybe
even had a few casual conversations, why not use
Valentines Day as the perfect excuse to take her out.
You might even say to her or slip her a note saying will
you be my Valentine it will probably make her giggle
and is a good way to open up a conversation that leads
to a date!
6. 7: Do a #hashtag search for
Valentines day on social media
There will be so many girls on social media either
trashing Valentines day or saying how much they wish
they had someone, so look at some of the accounts
you follow or search a few hashtags like
#singleawarenessday #needavalentine
#needaboyfriend.and start talking to them via a
message and see if you can woo her into a date
(provided she lives near you!)
7. 6: Go to a single parent meet up
If you are a single dad then this is a great way to
connect with other single mums who might be feeling
lonely this time of the year. The best ways to find single
parent groups is either a community notice board or
through joining a Facebook group that does local meet
8. 5: Ask your work colleagues if they
can set you up
Whilst dating your work colleague isnt always ideal,
its not to say you cant date one of their friends.
Sometimes finding a match is simply by using your
connections and social circle to your advantage by
expanding it and asking if they can set you up on a
blind date!
9. 4: Join a dating app or online site-
Ok obvious one here, but the good point is, you have
the perfect excuse to actually ask her out on a date
earlier rather than later. Chances are she will be
wanting to spend the day or night of Valentines with
someone rather than alone, so this is a great
opportunity to jump on!
10. 3: Host a dinner party
Dinner parties are a great way to meet new people in
the comfort of your own home. Ask your friends to
bring along any single friends or just new friends in
general, so that you can create opportunities to meet
new people and make a new connection. You never
know who they might bring or who they might also
know would be an ideal date for you!
11. 2: Buy a random girl a coffee
If you go to a regular coffee store and see, then why
not buy the next hot girl you see a coffee even if she
works behind the counter! Finding dates are often just
about recognising opportunities in different
environments and circumstances.
12. 1: Go on a date with yourself!
If all else fails why not make this day about spending
time with the most important you can ever have a
relationship with, and that is yourself! I am a huge fan
of dating myself regularly, because it means I learn to
find joy in my own company, which funnily enough
ends up attracting even more people into your life who
want to add value!