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Best practice on: Workplace Skills Planning (WSPs) and
Annual Training Reports
Gizelle Mc Intyre
Head: CPT Business College
Skills Development is not as expensive as you may think.
The Skills Development Act aims to develop the skills of the South African workforce thereby improving the quality of life for workers and
giving them more prospects of work. It also aims to improve productivity in the workplace, the competitiveness of employers and to promote
The Skills Development Levies collected by the SETA are channelled towards skills development. This levy can be claimed back by an
employer if they submit their WSP, ATR and Pivotal training report and achieve the goals set out. Companies should also have a skills
development committee whose responsibilities include monitoring the implementation of the WSP.
The WSP plays a significant role in the execution of education, training and development initiative in the organization. An employer needs to
establish a WSP, which is a strategic document that details how the employer will address the needs for development and training in the
workplace. The employer needs to consult with representatives from all occupational levels in the workplace in order to understand what
skills are required by each person. This should be in line with the core and critical skills identified by the SETA.
The ATR is accurate documentation of all the training that has taken place in the reporting period in the organisation. I.e.
the ATR is the past information and the WSP is the future planned training.
When skills development is structured in the best way and core and critical skills are identified implementation becomes
sustainable and ends up saving you money. Learnerships are a key strategy to achieving your goals as well as to take
advantage of the tax allowances and employee tax incentives which reduces your overall cost.
What are the benefits of submitting your WSP and ATR reports?
The WSP and ATR submission allows companies to receive points for BEE purposes. If you dont submit you get zero BEE points.
In terms of the revised regulations, 50% of the levy paid can be returned to an employer in the form of a mandatory grant upon submission and approval of the WSP, ATR and Pivotal
training report to the SETA and 10% in the form of a discretionary grant.
Discretionary grants are paid to registered employers who have expressed an interest in obtaining financial assistance from the SETA with the intention of pursuing relevant skills
development projects.
The SETA will use this data to better equip the company as well as provide further development and support to its stakeholders.
Best practice wsp and atr
Training Committee
Composition of the Training Committee
The Training Committee must comprise three constituent parties, namely the employer representatives, the employee representatives and the union representatives (where
applicable). The Skills Development Facilitator (SDF) remains a critical member of the Training Committee at all times. The number of employee and employer representatives
may be equal; however, the employer representatives must not be more than the employee representatives. At least one employee representative must represent one of the Major
OFO codes presented in the below, unless there are no employees in the major OFO category.
Technicians and Associate Professionals
Clerical Support Workers
Service and Sales Workers
Skilled Agricultural, Forestry, Fishery, Craft and Related Trades Workers
Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers
Elementary Occupations
The employee representative must be an employee of the organisation who is nominated or elected by the employees, and must not be in a management position. The employee
representatives responsibility is to discuss the skills development matters with employees within the organisation, and present employee skills development requirements and
aspirations to the Training Committee for discussion and/or implementation. It is important to note that a though the SDF is a critical member of the Training Committee, he/she
cannot be nominated as the employee or employer representative. The SDF must play a coordination and advisory role and remain objective at all times.
Training Committee Responsibilities
It should be noted that it is at the discretion of the Training Committee to place some of these responsibilities partially or wholly on
the SDF.
The Training Committee must:
Ensure that the organisation has a Training Policy and that it is in line with the regulations as laid down by the Skills Development
Ensure that the development and implementation of the Workplace Skills Plan is aligned to the strategic Mission and Vision of the
Keep the envisaged training and development of employees in the organisation abreast with the long-term transformation
objectives of the organisation.
Ensure that the Workplace Skills Plan is aligned to the Employment Equity Plan and Business Plan of the organisation.
Training Committee Responsibilities
For the benefit of the organisation, take cognisance of BBBEE requirements.
Establish training priorities for the organisation based on its short and long term needs.
Align training to the MICT Sector Skills Plan, learnerships, career pathways, accredited national qualifications, etc.
Communicate the completed Workplace Skills Plan to other employees in the organisation.
Monitor the implementation of the Workplace Skills Plan.
Periodically revise the Workplace Skills Plan.
Implement the development of employees in the organisation and the strategies of the organisation fairly and equally.
Acquire/identify the required resources to evaluate the training programs in the organisation.
Evaluate the skills development needs of the employees and organisation and continually evaluate the implementation of
identified needs.
Training Committee Responsibilities
Develop and implement external and internal skills development strategies.
Monitor the progress of the skills development of the organisation.
Monitor the implementation of the WSP.
Develop and implement correctional actions where required.
Ensure that the skills needs of the organisation are identified.
Ensure that all staff has been classified according to the Organising Framework for Occupations.
If required, ensure that that there is a skills performance system in the organisation.
If and where required, ensure that there is an individual development pathway for all employees, as well as the skills
requirement and learning pathway.
Where applicable, ensure that a portfolio of evidence has been developed for all employees that receive training in the
Ensure that at least all of the Mandatory Grant is spent on skills development.
Workplace Skills Planning
Annexure 2
Simple process
1. Compile an employee profile list
2. Compile a job title list (Use the OFO codes)
3. Compile a list of skills and training courses
4. Identify which skills or training courses are required for each job title
5. Assign required training courses to each employee
6. Compile a list of all past training records
7. Check and confirm training achievements
8. Identify any skills gaps and present a Skills Gap Analysis
9. Maintenance of Employee Skills Development by means of PDP discussions
The Skills Gap Analysis identifies where possible skills gap are, i.e. who needs training in accordance with their job title.
Best practice wsp and atr
Best practice wsp and atr
Best practice wsp and atr
Annual Training Reports
Submission Scenarios
Capturing the WSP-ATR Data
WSP Sheet
For entities that have an
annual payroll of R500 000
or more are required to pay
1% of their annual payroll
as SDL via the EMP201.
Pivotal Programmes Reporting and Planning
PIVOTAL (Professional, Vocational, Technical and Academic Learning) is any formal training that leads to a learner achieving a full or part
qualification, such as a certificate, diploma, Degree, etc.
This training is reported in the same way as the normal training, but just marked as PIVOTAL in the WSP/ATR submission.
Contact Details
Website  www.cpt.co.za
Phone  0860 278 278
Head: CPT Business
Learning Advisor  anila@cpt.co.za

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Best practice wsp and atr

  • 2. Best practice on: Workplace Skills Planning (WSPs) and Annual Training Reports Gizelle Mc Intyre Head: CPT Business College
  • 3. Introduction Skills Development is not as expensive as you may think. The Skills Development Act aims to develop the skills of the South African workforce thereby improving the quality of life for workers and giving them more prospects of work. It also aims to improve productivity in the workplace, the competitiveness of employers and to promote development. The Skills Development Levies collected by the SETA are channelled towards skills development. This levy can be claimed back by an employer if they submit their WSP, ATR and Pivotal training report and achieve the goals set out. Companies should also have a skills development committee whose responsibilities include monitoring the implementation of the WSP. The WSP plays a significant role in the execution of education, training and development initiative in the organization. An employer needs to establish a WSP, which is a strategic document that details how the employer will address the needs for development and training in the workplace. The employer needs to consult with representatives from all occupational levels in the workplace in order to understand what skills are required by each person. This should be in line with the core and critical skills identified by the SETA.
  • 4. Introduction The ATR is accurate documentation of all the training that has taken place in the reporting period in the organisation. I.e. the ATR is the past information and the WSP is the future planned training. When skills development is structured in the best way and core and critical skills are identified implementation becomes sustainable and ends up saving you money. Learnerships are a key strategy to achieving your goals as well as to take advantage of the tax allowances and employee tax incentives which reduces your overall cost. What are the benefits of submitting your WSP and ATR reports? The WSP and ATR submission allows companies to receive points for BEE purposes. If you dont submit you get zero BEE points. In terms of the revised regulations, 50% of the levy paid can be returned to an employer in the form of a mandatory grant upon submission and approval of the WSP, ATR and Pivotal training report to the SETA and 10% in the form of a discretionary grant. Discretionary grants are paid to registered employers who have expressed an interest in obtaining financial assistance from the SETA with the intention of pursuing relevant skills development projects. The SETA will use this data to better equip the company as well as provide further development and support to its stakeholders.
  • 6. Training Committee Composition of the Training Committee The Training Committee must comprise three constituent parties, namely the employer representatives, the employee representatives and the union representatives (where applicable). The Skills Development Facilitator (SDF) remains a critical member of the Training Committee at all times. The number of employee and employer representatives may be equal; however, the employer representatives must not be more than the employee representatives. At least one employee representative must represent one of the Major OFO codes presented in the below, unless there are no employees in the major OFO category. Managers Professionals Technicians and Associate Professionals Clerical Support Workers Service and Sales Workers Skilled Agricultural, Forestry, Fishery, Craft and Related Trades Workers Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers Elementary Occupations The employee representative must be an employee of the organisation who is nominated or elected by the employees, and must not be in a management position. The employee representatives responsibility is to discuss the skills development matters with employees within the organisation, and present employee skills development requirements and aspirations to the Training Committee for discussion and/or implementation. It is important to note that a though the SDF is a critical member of the Training Committee, he/she cannot be nominated as the employee or employer representative. The SDF must play a coordination and advisory role and remain objective at all times.
  • 7. Training Committee Responsibilities It should be noted that it is at the discretion of the Training Committee to place some of these responsibilities partially or wholly on the SDF. The Training Committee must: Ensure that the organisation has a Training Policy and that it is in line with the regulations as laid down by the Skills Development Act. Ensure that the development and implementation of the Workplace Skills Plan is aligned to the strategic Mission and Vision of the organisation. Keep the envisaged training and development of employees in the organisation abreast with the long-term transformation objectives of the organisation. Ensure that the Workplace Skills Plan is aligned to the Employment Equity Plan and Business Plan of the organisation.
  • 8. Training Committee Responsibilities For the benefit of the organisation, take cognisance of BBBEE requirements. Establish training priorities for the organisation based on its short and long term needs. Align training to the MICT Sector Skills Plan, learnerships, career pathways, accredited national qualifications, etc. Communicate the completed Workplace Skills Plan to other employees in the organisation. Monitor the implementation of the Workplace Skills Plan. Periodically revise the Workplace Skills Plan. Implement the development of employees in the organisation and the strategies of the organisation fairly and equally. Acquire/identify the required resources to evaluate the training programs in the organisation. Evaluate the skills development needs of the employees and organisation and continually evaluate the implementation of identified needs.
  • 9. Training Committee Responsibilities Develop and implement external and internal skills development strategies. Monitor the progress of the skills development of the organisation. Monitor the implementation of the WSP. Develop and implement correctional actions where required. Ensure that the skills needs of the organisation are identified. Ensure that all staff has been classified according to the Organising Framework for Occupations. If required, ensure that that there is a skills performance system in the organisation. If and where required, ensure that there is an individual development pathway for all employees, as well as the skills requirement and learning pathway. Where applicable, ensure that a portfolio of evidence has been developed for all employees that receive training in the organisation. Ensure that at least all of the Mandatory Grant is spent on skills development.
  • 10. Workplace Skills Planning Annexure 2 Simple process 1. Compile an employee profile list 2. Compile a job title list (Use the OFO codes) 3. Compile a list of skills and training courses 4. Identify which skills or training courses are required for each job title 5. Assign required training courses to each employee 6. Compile a list of all past training records 7. Check and confirm training achievements 8. Identify any skills gaps and present a Skills Gap Analysis 9. Maintenance of Employee Skills Development by means of PDP discussions The Skills Gap Analysis identifies where possible skills gap are, i.e. who needs training in accordance with their job title.
  • 14. Annual Training Reports Submission Scenarios Capturing the WSP-ATR Data WSP Sheet
  • 15. THE SKILLS DEVELOPMENT LEVY (SDL) BREAKDOWN For entities that have an annual payroll of R500 000 or more are required to pay 1% of their annual payroll as SDL via the EMP201.
  • 16. Pivotal Programmes Reporting and Planning PIVOTAL (Professional, Vocational, Technical and Academic Learning) is any formal training that leads to a learner achieving a full or part qualification, such as a certificate, diploma, Degree, etc. This training is reported in the same way as the normal training, but just marked as PIVOTAL in the WSP/ATR submission.
  • 17. Contact Details Website www.cpt.co.za Phone 0860 278 278 Head: CPT Business College gizelle@cpt.co.za Learning Advisor anila@cpt.co.za