This document outlines best practices for developing a WordPress plugin from scratch. It discusses code readability standards, references for plugin development, and creating a basic plugin structure. It then describes building a sample "Fancy" gallery plugin to demonstrate integrating Fancybox functionality into the WordPress gallery. Key aspects covered include hooking into WordPress actions and filters, implementing a plugin options page using the Settings API, enqueueing scripts and styles, and modifying the gallery link output. The document aims to teach plugin development fundamentals and best practices.
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Saigon Wordpress Meetup - Best practices for plugin development - A WordPress plugin from scratch - Andrea
2. Andrea Sciamanna
Lead developer for WPML
responsible and active
developer of the WPML
plugin and add-ons
Web and desktop application
developer (mostly using .net
3. Agenda
Quick introduction about:
a. code readability
b. documentation
c. patterns
Some references
Creating a WordPress plugin from scratch
(time allowing) Introducing IDEs and OOP
4. Code readability
1. Use coding standards
a. Use WordPress PHP Coding Standards: http://goo.
b. Comment with PhpDOC:
c. Don't repeat yourself (DRY): http://blog.codinghorror.
d. Dont go crazy trying to follow standards: just get used
to them.
5. References
WordPress Codex:
Stack Overflow:
WordPress Development: http://wordpress.
Google: seriously, do I need to tell you?
7. A Fancy plugin for your galleries
Integrate Fancybox in the standard WordPress
8. Planned Functionalities
Show images in a Fancybox/lightbox, rather
than opening them in a different page
Do not interfere with the active theme
Make it SEO proof
Pseudo-Watermark images without modifying
Allow some customization
9. Goals
Learn how to:
enqueue scripts and styles
use actions and filters
use WordPress Settings API
Learn best practices, of course!
...and the Fancybox plugin
10. Standard plugin structure
Single file: unique file name (my-own-plugin.
Complex structure:
unique folder name (/wp-content/plugins/my-own-
bootstrap script: plugin.php or any name
Main plugin file: Standard Plugin Information
readme.txt file
12. Main plugin file
Define useful constants, for later use:
Plugin version
Plugin path
Plugin folder
Plugin URL
Include dependencies
Shared functions
Core class
Options class
Remember to namespace
your functions, by either
using unique plugins, or
unique class names
Do not use actual PHP
13. Hooks
What are they?
Actions -> They do things
Filters -> They return something
How they must be used?
Hook a filter, or action to a custom function
At the right time: its a bit tricky and needs practices,
some cheat sheet, or asking the community
14. Hook to some actions and filters
The loader class: why?
Decoupling functionalities
Specialized classes
Hook to actions:
plugins_loaded -> the actual entry point (usually)
wp_enqueue_scripts -> scripts and CSS goes here
Hook to filters:
15. Implement hooks
Hook to actions
Add scripts and styles
Main script and styles
Fancybox, helpers and more
Pass data to scripts: wp_enqueue_script()
Hook to filters
Tweak the gallery item link
16. Plugin options definitions and handling
Implement plugin options
A new class => a new file
The options loader class
17. WP Settings API
WP Settings API
Some thoughts about the APIs:
Honestly, we ought to take the time to learn the Settings API however the steep the learning curve,
and start working with it. It is the definitive way to go about creating options pages, and it is the current
version of the API that we have available.
Tom McFarlin (
18. Plugin options page
Show the plugin options page
OTGS_Fancybox_Gallery_Options::get_setting static
method: why is static?
Add a menu item in Settings menu
Add some javascript and enqueue the script in the
19. Refine the main class
Handle plugin options
Take advantage of $wp_object_cache in
20. The main gallery.js
Do not use $ (in WordPress)!
Implement jquery.fancybox()
Cache jQuery elements
Play with plugin options