This document provides best practices for developing digital content. It discusses starting with clear objectives and planning how content will be delivered. It emphasizes creating content that is clear over being cool, through using easy-to-read fonts, colors, and graphics. Maintaining flow during and after content delivery is also addressed through teacher proximity, hyperlinks, and providing student resources. The document stresses the importance of conscious content development.
2. Best Practices
For Digital Content Development
Do you deliver content in a
digital format regularly?
= yes = no
3. Best Practices
For Digital Content Development
If so, what format do you typically use?
B = Powerpoint
C = Various Websites & Docs
D = Other (Prezi, Glogster, etc.)
4. - Agenda
Conscious Content
Hands On
to start?
vs. Flow
5. - Where to Start?
Title Page
Title / Objectives Focus Development
Teacher Notes Provided structure and context for
others using lesson material
Lesson Notes Materials needed for lesson
Suggested differentiation
Suggested scaffolding
6. - Where to Start?
Planning a Lesson Activity
What are the objectives?
What content do you want to deliver?
How are you going to deliver the content to meet
How are you going to make the content
meaningful, relevant, and interactive for your
Immediacy Interactivity Richness
7. - Agenda
Conscious Content
Hands On
to start?
vs. Flow
8. Best Practices
For Digital Content Development
Is presentation (how it will look
to the students learning) in the
forefront of your mind when
you create?
= yes = no
9. - Cool vs. Clear
Background Color
Off-white and pastel
Bright Colors can be colors allow you to
distracting. bring in brighter
colors to highlight key
If glare is an issue in your classroom, an
off-white color may be better.
If glare is an issue in your
Bright colors can be very
classroom, an off-white
hard on the eyes.
color may be better.
10. Using the Magic Pen , spotlight or magnify the microorganisms
listed below:
11. - Cool vs. Clear
Using the Magic Pen , spotlight or magnify the
microorganisms listed below:
12. - Cool vs. Clear
Grade Appropriate
Consider the structure - Comic Sans MS /
Century Gothic / Sans Serif
13. - Cool vs. Clear
Lucida Many mazes are found in the mind.
Sans Mighty mice sneak up from behind.
Many mazes are found in the mind.
Mighty mice sneak up from behind.
Many mazes are found in the mind.
Arial Mighty mice sneak up from behind.
Many mazes are found in the mind.
Verdana Mighty mice sneak up from behind.
Times New Many mazes are found in the mind.
Roman Mighty mice sneak up from behind.
14. - Cool vs. Clear
Easy to See
Font Size - 36 suggested / no smaller than 24
15. - Cool vs. Clear
Charging by ___________ occurs when two substances are rubbed together. These two substances are
initially__________. However, after being rubbed, one object becomes __________ while the other
becomes __________.
Charging by ___________ occurs when two substances
are rubbed together. These two substances are
initially__________. However, after being rubbed, one
object becomes __________ while the other becomes
16. - Cool vs. Clear
I. Part I - Denmark
A. Introduction
1. Founding of the Scylding Dynasty
2. Building of Heorot
B. Grendel
1. Introduction - Outer Darkness vs. Creation of Light
2. His Ravages
C. Beowulf
1. Introduction
2. His Coming to Denmark
D. Arrival at Heorot --Ceremony, Feasting, Boasts
E. The Fight with Grendel
F. After the Fight--Praise, Feasting, Gifts
1. The story of Sigemund
2. The story of Heremond
3. The story of Finnsburh
4. The story of the Brosinga Mene
G. Vengeance--Grendel's Mother
H. The Fight with Grendel's Mother
I. After the Flight--Praise, Moralizing, Feasting, Gifts
"Hrothar's Sermon"
Part 1 - Exeplum
Part 2 - Application, Amplicfication, Generalization
Part 3 - Application, Specification
17. Why the French Revolution
was important
It brought the People to the forefront of politics
Set the model for later revolutions
Changed the political map of Europe forever
Causes of the French Revolution
Social Political Select to
18. - Cool vs. Clear
Use one font throughout your lesson.
More than one can make it difficult to read.
19. - Cool vs. Clear
Contrasting Colors
The color of your writing needs to contrast against any color that is
behind it. Some work better than others.
The color of your writing needs to contrast against any color that is
behind it. Some work better than others.
20. - Cool vs Clear
Combinations to Avoid
Colors clash and are
Do not mix! hard to read.
(5-8% men R/G color blind)
Colors seem to shake
Do not mix! against each other.
Some combinations
Do not mix! just lack contrast.
21. - Cool vs Clear
Combinations to use
Very Clear! Very Clear!
Very Clear! Very Clear!
22. - Cool vs Clear
Keys to Color
Color is never viewed in isolation, but is always judged in its environment.
Use bright vibrant colors on title/navigation pages and clear, high
contest, consistent color for content pages.
The best rule to follow when selecting color is keep it simple. With color
choice, more is not generally better.
23. - Cool vs. Clear
If it does not add to the lesson do not add it to the
28. - Cool vs. Clear
Mentor Best Practices
Have the conversation about copyright with your
29. - Cool vs. Clear
White Spaces
What is not on the pages is equally as important as
what is on the page.
30. - Cool vs Clear
If John puts three apples into the bag and Tim puts
in six more apples how many apples are there in the bag?
If Frank puts ten spiders into a jar and Sam puts two more
spiders in how many spiders will there be left if Pam takes two
If Petu puts four cards onto the table and Marcy adds four
more then Garrett takes six off the table how many cards are
left on the table?
31. - Cool vs. Clear
If Petu puts four cards onto the table and Marcy
adds four more then Garrett takes six off the table
how many cards are left on the table?
32. - Agenda
Conscious Content
Hands On
to start?
vs. Flow
33. Best Practices
For Digital Content Development
Do you feel that accessing
multiple resources during
content delivery disturbs the
= yes = no
34. - Flow
During Content Delivery
Teacher Proximity
1. Face class
2. Stand on the side of the board/screen
In the audience using a device to change slides
35. - Flow
During Content Delivery
Using Hyperlinks
for Documents, Video, and Websites
1. Speeds up transitions
2. Retains resources with unit
36. - Flow
Following Content Delivery
Resource for Students
for Directions and Examples
1. Students more independent
2. Teacher available to work with more students
3. Allows for scaffolding and accommodations
37. - Agenda
Conscious Content
Hands On
to start?
vs. Flow
38. - Hands on
Option 1 Critique your own work
1. Choose a recent digital lesson you have taught
2. Critique that lesson based on todays material
3. Post 1 or 2 comments on the Google Doc or in
the Chat
Option 2 Critique a Google Presentation
1. Copy & Paste the following link into your Internet
2. Critique that lesson based on todays material
3. Post 1 or 2 comments on the Google Doc or in
the Chat
39. Wrap-Up
1. Any final questions???
2. Content Development checklist to
3. Thanks for your attention!!