Due to large amount of minerals present in water , water becomes hard , when it comes in water pipe line, drip irrigation line and sprinkler nozzle get choked over a period of time and there is no uniform water supply to all crops. Also hard TDS water burns tips of leaves, reduces growth of the plant, affects crops yield as compared to normal water farming and also damages the soil structure.
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Best water softener for agriculture-Dairy Farming,Poultry Farming,Fish Farming
1. Best water softener for agriculture - Dairy
Farming,Poultry Farming,Fish Farming
2. Best solution For hard water Problems in Farming
Due to large amount of minerals present in water , water becomes
hard , when it comes in water pipe line, drip irrigation line and
sprinkler nozzle get choked over a period of time and there is no
uniform water supply to all crops.
Also hard TDS water burns tips of leaves, reduces growth of the plant,
affects crops yield as compared to normal water farming and also
damages the soil structure.
4. Tathastu Agriculture Water Conditioner Benefits
Saves water by 20 to 30%
The vegetation period decreases.
Crop production & crop quality increases.
Improves soil structure. Controlling PH level.
Remove and prevent scaling on dripper and sprinkler
Reduce tip burning problem in leaves upto 45 to 60%
Increase growth rate of all types of crops & plants by 35 to 40%
Increase solubility of water for fertilizers, gives 100% benefits of
5. Increase oxygen concentration which increase seed germination
Reduces effect of Chlorides & Fluorides, increases roots efficiency
Water is absorbed into the ground more easily because of low
Fertilizer and Pesticides are mix very well and it gives better result.
It clean the root hair and root cap area in the soil.
Pure form of minerals will be kept in water which help the crops.
Water absorption becomes more easy for roots and they become
Basic nutrients are made available to root zone, it enhances plant
6. Reduces effect of Chlorides & Fluorides, increases roots efficiency
Cleans root hair and root cap area to increase water absorption by
Pipe, Drip irrigation and sprinkler nozzles will be protected from
After a month - the number of blocked drippers was declining and
The usual
7. Applications- Agriculture Farming
Reduce tip burning problem in leaves upto 45 to 60%
Remove and prevent scaling on dripper and sprinkler
Make soft soil and improves soil structure and PH
Increase solubility of water for fertilizers, gives 100% benefits of
Increase oxygen concentration which increase seed germination
Increase growth rate of all types of crops & plants by 35 to 40%
8. Reduces effect of Chlorides & Fluorides, increases roots efficiency
Reduces bacteria in water, reduces disease in roots
Cleans root hair and root cap area to increase water absorption by
The vegetation period decreases
Saves water by 20 to 30%
9. Poultry
It cleans the Nipple, drinker, sprinkler and spray by removing scaling
on it.
It do not allow to deposit the scale by cleaning the drinking cone and
cooling panel.
It increases the effectiveness of medicines given through water which
nourishes birds better.
It increases the life of instruments related to water (water heater,
boiler and cooling pad) in poultry.
10. Pure form of calcium in water helps to increase the weight of birds.
Increases the thickness of egg cover and help to reduce the loss.
Avoids bad effects of chlorine in water on birds.
You can easily recover the cost of machine through increased
Reduces the infection and diseases through water.
Birds will get benefits by improvements in water test.
11. Hydroponics
To change mineral crystals into mineral particles of 4 microns or less.
To flush out root capillaries and xylem tissue.
Make calcium into a form easily taken up by the plants.
To improve transpiration throughout the plant.
Significantly reduces the incidence of tipburn (both internal and
Reduces the incidence of premature bolting.
Enhances the colour component of red lettuce varieties.
12. Enhances nutrient uptake.
Significantly reduces bitter taste component.
Increased fresh weight.
Prolonged shelf life.
Removal of algae from root systems and growing channels.
The ability to produce commercial crops from bore water supplies
previously considered to be unsuitable for hydroponic production
13. Fish Farming
Effectively reduce harmful substances in the water
Control and stabilize water condition
Establish good water quality environment.
Encourage growth of beneficial bacteria.
Stabilise water conditions.
14. Plant Nursery
Reduce tip burning problem in leaves upto 45 to 60%
Remove and prevent scaling on dripper and sprinkler
Make soft soil and improves soil structure and PH
Increase solubility of water for fertilizers, gives 100% benefits of
Increase oxygen concentration which increase seed germination
Increase growth rate of all types of plants by 35 to 40%
15. Increase growth rate of all types of plants by 35 to 40%
Reduces effect of Chlorides & Fluorides, increases roots efficiency
Reduces bacteria in water, reduces disease in roots
Cleans root hair and root cap area to increase water absoption by
Saves water by 20 to 30%
16. Gardening
Saves water by 20 to 30%
Increase growth rate of all types of plants
Reduces bacteria in water
Increase oxygen concentration
17. Dairy Farming
Improves the taste of water especially if hydrogen sulfide or chlorine
is in the water delivery system.
Improves minerals contain of water and benefits to animals health
Saves equipment replacement and repair cost and improve profit-loss
performance to entire operation.
Reduce overall dairy maintenance
18. Our video link:- https://youtu.be/aqUPV3Ir1jo
For more details:- tathastuservices.com