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Submission Form 2010 | 1
MC UAE Sales and Stratefy Meeting
Damascus  Dec. 17  19, 2010
Submission Form
- The nominated committee will review all submissions to choose the best 6
- Each team of the chosen project will be asked to present their project within
20 min. during the general session of MC UAE Sales and Strategy meeting.
- By end of the presentations, committee will declare the winner of Best of
the Countries.
Of the
Of the
Submission Form 2009 | 2
Title of the Project / Initiative
Fundraising: The Art Of Giving.
Country/Product/Disease area
Bahrain / Oncology unit / Cancer
Team members
Name Function E-mail Address
Raed Ghawi Country manager Raed.ghawi@roche.com
Sherif Gad Therapeutic area manager sherif_abdel.gad@roche.com
Khaled Ghozlan Patient access coordinator Khaled.ghozlan@roche.com
Kristy Mansour Medical representative Christie.mansour@roche.com
Of the
Submission Form 2009 | 3
Here are a few tips to help you complete
the submission form:
 Try to make sure that anyone can understand your submission and what you say about your
 Describe the project/initiative clearly  be concise and avoid long narratives
 Explain how the project and also your teams activities meet the assessment criteria
 Provide proof points such as facts and figures or examples if you can to support your answers
Executive Summary of the Project
 Please give an executive summary of the project/ initiative and what it has achieved.
-Cancer is considered to be the second cause of death in Bahrain after circulatory heart diseases. Incidence of cancer in Bahrain has been
increasing dramatically throughout the last 10 years. Bahraini cancer patients treatment is fully sponsored by the government, while
expats have to pay for their own treatment. Around 50% of expat patients cannot afford to pay their treatment expenses.
As Roche,, we found that there is a need to support these patients to have a full and free access to their therapy .We started to set up
an objective , scanning our challenges and opportunities , as follows:
 Short term:
-Secure funds for treating expat cancer patients who are not able to pay.
-Build up partnership and facilitate communication between the Oncology department and the funding organizations to
support expat patients.
 Long term:
- Establish a national future program, supervised by the government to support expat patients treatment.
 Oncology specialists deal with non Bahraini cancer patients as temporary patients who will not receive treatment in Bahrain.
 Expat patients are obliged to return back to their home country due to absence of treatment access in Bahrain.
 Supporting non Bahrainis cancer treatment is not included in fund providers agenda.
 Specific criteria for donation per organization. i.e. Islamic banks support Muslim patients only.
 Banks offer high financial support to well-trusted organizations, while minor support is directed to individual cases.
 Individual cases seeking funds pass through a series of long and bureaucratic procedures to be analyzed and verified which at
the end might be approved or declined.
i.e. (Corporate Communication specialist Corporate Communication managerCEO approval Financial control).
 Money transfer through (donation requests) from Bahraini societies to funding organizations is considered hectic, due to some
political issues (e.g. money laundry and etc)
 Due to Limited resources on the island, most of the financial support addresses Bahraini needs. (When compared to other
Key Tactics:
 Approach business organizations and funding societies that could support expat cancer patients. (e.g. Banks, industrial
companies , telecom companies , NGOs,etc)
 Work under MOH umbrella to enhance trust and induce credibility.
 Formulate a new idea that could facilitate money transfer from funding organizations to the patient in a legal,
documented, and 100% efficient.
 Extending our funding project objectives to reach also higher levels of the government that can adopt the project to be a
national future program. (Ministry of justice and Islamic affairs).
 Create bank account for the oncology department, exclusive to receive raised funds to treat expat cancer patients.
 Establish a solid partnership with the MOH, represented by the oncology department.
 Create a systematic process for donation.
 Outline criteria to fund expat cancer patients.
 Secure funds to treat a non-Bahraini cancer patient who is eligible for funding ( a life lasting treatment for a prostate cancer
patient with bone metastases )
Assessment Criteria
 There are 3 assessment criteria. The information you provide in each of these areas will be used in the
selection process to select the wining projects
 Please provide information for all three criteria as far as possible
Of the
Submission Form 2009 | 4
1. Innovation and Excellence:
To what extent has this project/ initiative demonstrated innovation or
excellence? Remember to provide examples
*Roche is considered to be the first pharmaceutical company in Bahrain that raised the need to establish a protocol to treat expat
cancer patients.
*Creating a bank account for the oncology department, independent of the MOH account, and specialized only to receive financial
support to expat patients. The creation of this account reflected positively on the project , as follows:
1) Facilitates money transfer from the funding organization to the oncology department, so that the latter can buy the treatment
on behalf of the patient. Therefore the patient therapy will not be delayed or stopped temporarily due to long term and
complicated procedures.
2) Increases the funding mission credibility, so that the raised funds will be allocated directly to a trustful source (MOH) where
cancer patients are being diagnosed and treated.
3) Allow banks to raise their donations at the time of budget allocation.
4) Contributes to act as a reserve and security stock for any expat cancer patient diagnosed in the department at anytime of the
*Working through the umbrella of the oncology department:
1- Approaching banks and funding societies on behalf of the ministry of health, which gave the proposal more Credibility.
2-Printing the funding proposals on MOH legal papers with MOH logo.
3- All proposals were signed and stamped by the head of oncology / hematology department, where his contact details
{E-mail, Fax, Mobile number} are included. Proposals are sent then by e-mail to the selected organizations and CC to the
Department Head.
*Creating a systematic procedure for funding expat cancer patients.
1- Only patients who are do not have an access to treatment will be able to pay the treatment expenses will be eligible.
2-The patients must receive their cancer care at Salmanya medical complex to be eligible.
3-The oncology/hematology department will provide all the necessary documents, such as (Patient legal papers , medical
Reports, etc).
2. What outstanding results did this project deliver?
Please be specific  provide metrics, figures and results
Of the
Submission Form 2009 | 5
*Through creating the bank account for the oncology department:
1-We succeeded to secure funds for a non-Bahraini cancer patient who was eligible for one of Roche products (Bondronat 6 mgs i.v.
injection).The funding organization will sponsor a life-long treatment.
2-One expat patient, breast cancer, HER-2+, eligible for Herceptin (18 vials) is awaiting for case approval.
3-One expat patient, NHL, diffused type, eligible for Mabthera (6-12 vials) is waiting for approval.
-Banks will start to donate a financial support for expat patients to the oncology department through its bank account, starting January
2011. (Time of budget allocation over banks department).
*Future expectations:
1- Securing funds for 50%of expat cancer patient, allowing them to have access to treatment in Bahrain instead of returning
back to their countries.
2- Increasing the pool of newly diagnosed expat cancer patients by cooperation with other departments. (E.g. Surgery,
gynecology and pathology department).
3- Planned fund raising activities for the coming year will give a return of 200-250 k CHF to be allocated to treat expat cancer
patients under the umbrella of specific NGOs. (e.g. Think Pink, American Women Association, Royal charity organization,etc)
4- The project idea is expected to be sponsored by one of the royal family members (Sheikh Nasser Bin Hamad Al-Khalifa, the
head of Royal Charity Organization)
3. How has this project/initiative demonstrated living our Roche Values?
Please answer all the questions as far as possible
Of the
Submission Form 2009 | 6
 Integrity: How have the project/initiative and your team demonstrated, integrity, openness, and
o How did you make sure that conflict was effectively managed and openly addressed?
 Courage: How has the project demonstrated an entrepreneurial approach  taking risks, reaching
beyond boundaries, experimenting and sharing?
o How did you encourage colleagues and team members to overcome challenges?
 Passion: In what ways has the project used drive and commitment to energise, engage and inspire
 Working through Roche code of conduct and SOPs supported the project to be proceeded in an official, ethical and legal
pathway according to the island law and without breaking any rule.
 Exchanging ideas and brainstorming sessions with colleagues to highlight opportunities and resolving obstacles.
 Treatment is eligible for expat patients on the basis of the inability to pay and not based on any discriminative criteria.
 Treatment of expat patients is not restricted to Roche products.
 All corresponding official communications were mediated by the head of oncology department. (e.g. approaching funding
organizations , sending patient papers , sending donation requests ,.etc)
 Allocating a dedicated person to run this initiative project in Bahrain although the results and the outcomes were not very
clear on the short term.
 Thinking outside the box to extend cooperation with other governmental departments (e.g. Ministry of Justice and Islamic
affairs) and exceed the limit assertively by raising the project idea to the highest level. (Shekh Nasser Bin Hamad Al-
KhalifaHead of Royal charity organization).
 The innovative idea of creating a bank account inside the MOH through approaching the head of department, chief of
medical stuff , finance department and under secretary of MOH required a lot of courage to be achieved.
-The project inspired the oncology consultants in Salamanya, giving them the hope that one day we will be able to establish a national
program to treat those patients after being neglected for a long time.
-The head of department offered to recruit one of the department secretary to help Roche team in approaching the funding
organizations and to deal with patients to preserve patient confidentiality, active January 2011.
-Internal passion-Roche oncology team passion.

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  • 1. Submission Form 2010 | 1 MC UAE Sales and Stratefy Meeting Damascus Dec. 17 19, 2010 Submission Form - The nominated committee will review all submissions to choose the best 6 projects. - Each team of the chosen project will be asked to present their project within 20 min. during the general session of MC UAE Sales and Strategy meeting. - By end of the presentations, committee will declare the winner of Best of the Countries. Best Of the Countries
  • 2. Best Of the Countries Submission Form 2009 | 2 Title of the Project / Initiative Fundraising: The Art Of Giving. Country/Product/Disease area Bahrain / Oncology unit / Cancer Team members Name Function E-mail Address Raed Ghawi Country manager Raed.ghawi@roche.com Sherif Gad Therapeutic area manager sherif_abdel.gad@roche.com Khaled Ghozlan Patient access coordinator Khaled.ghozlan@roche.com Kristy Mansour Medical representative Christie.mansour@roche.com
  • 3. Best Of the Countries Submission Form 2009 | 3 Here are a few tips to help you complete the submission form: Try to make sure that anyone can understand your submission and what you say about your project/initiative. Describe the project/initiative clearly be concise and avoid long narratives Explain how the project and also your teams activities meet the assessment criteria Provide proof points such as facts and figures or examples if you can to support your answers Executive Summary of the Project Please give an executive summary of the project/ initiative and what it has achieved. -Cancer is considered to be the second cause of death in Bahrain after circulatory heart diseases. Incidence of cancer in Bahrain has been increasing dramatically throughout the last 10 years. Bahraini cancer patients treatment is fully sponsored by the government, while expats have to pay for their own treatment. Around 50% of expat patients cannot afford to pay their treatment expenses. As Roche,, we found that there is a need to support these patients to have a full and free access to their therapy .We started to set up an objective , scanning our challenges and opportunities , as follows: Objectives: Short term: -Secure funds for treating expat cancer patients who are not able to pay. -Build up partnership and facilitate communication between the Oncology department and the funding organizations to support expat patients. Long term: - Establish a national future program, supervised by the government to support expat patients treatment. Challenges: Oncology specialists deal with non Bahraini cancer patients as temporary patients who will not receive treatment in Bahrain. Expat patients are obliged to return back to their home country due to absence of treatment access in Bahrain. Supporting non Bahrainis cancer treatment is not included in fund providers agenda. Specific criteria for donation per organization. i.e. Islamic banks support Muslim patients only. Banks offer high financial support to well-trusted organizations, while minor support is directed to individual cases. Individual cases seeking funds pass through a series of long and bureaucratic procedures to be analyzed and verified which at the end might be approved or declined. i.e. (Corporate Communication specialist Corporate Communication managerCEO approval Financial control). Money transfer through (donation requests) from Bahraini societies to funding organizations is considered hectic, due to some political issues (e.g. money laundry and etc) Due to Limited resources on the island, most of the financial support addresses Bahraini needs. (When compared to other GCCs). Key Tactics: Approach business organizations and funding societies that could support expat cancer patients. (e.g. Banks, industrial companies , telecom companies , NGOs,etc) Work under MOH umbrella to enhance trust and induce credibility. Formulate a new idea that could facilitate money transfer from funding organizations to the patient in a legal, documented, and 100% efficient. Extending our funding project objectives to reach also higher levels of the government that can adopt the project to be a national future program. (Ministry of justice and Islamic affairs). Achievements: Create bank account for the oncology department, exclusive to receive raised funds to treat expat cancer patients. Establish a solid partnership with the MOH, represented by the oncology department. Create a systematic process for donation. Outline criteria to fund expat cancer patients. Secure funds to treat a non-Bahraini cancer patient who is eligible for funding ( a life lasting treatment for a prostate cancer patient with bone metastases ) Assessment Criteria There are 3 assessment criteria. The information you provide in each of these areas will be used in the selection process to select the wining projects Please provide information for all three criteria as far as possible
  • 4. Best Of the Countries Submission Form 2009 | 4 1. Innovation and Excellence: To what extent has this project/ initiative demonstrated innovation or excellence? Remember to provide examples *Roche is considered to be the first pharmaceutical company in Bahrain that raised the need to establish a protocol to treat expat cancer patients. *Creating a bank account for the oncology department, independent of the MOH account, and specialized only to receive financial support to expat patients. The creation of this account reflected positively on the project , as follows: 1) Facilitates money transfer from the funding organization to the oncology department, so that the latter can buy the treatment on behalf of the patient. Therefore the patient therapy will not be delayed or stopped temporarily due to long term and complicated procedures. 2) Increases the funding mission credibility, so that the raised funds will be allocated directly to a trustful source (MOH) where cancer patients are being diagnosed and treated. 3) Allow banks to raise their donations at the time of budget allocation. 4) Contributes to act as a reserve and security stock for any expat cancer patient diagnosed in the department at anytime of the year. *Working through the umbrella of the oncology department: 1- Approaching banks and funding societies on behalf of the ministry of health, which gave the proposal more Credibility. 2-Printing the funding proposals on MOH legal papers with MOH logo. 3- All proposals were signed and stamped by the head of oncology / hematology department, where his contact details {E-mail, Fax, Mobile number} are included. Proposals are sent then by e-mail to the selected organizations and CC to the Department Head. *Creating a systematic procedure for funding expat cancer patients. 1- Only patients who are do not have an access to treatment will be able to pay the treatment expenses will be eligible. 2-The patients must receive their cancer care at Salmanya medical complex to be eligible. 3-The oncology/hematology department will provide all the necessary documents, such as (Patient legal papers , medical Reports, etc). 2. What outstanding results did this project deliver? Please be specific provide metrics, figures and results
  • 5. Best Of the Countries Submission Form 2009 | 5 *Through creating the bank account for the oncology department: 1-We succeeded to secure funds for a non-Bahraini cancer patient who was eligible for one of Roche products (Bondronat 6 mgs i.v. injection).The funding organization will sponsor a life-long treatment. 2-One expat patient, breast cancer, HER-2+, eligible for Herceptin (18 vials) is awaiting for case approval. 3-One expat patient, NHL, diffused type, eligible for Mabthera (6-12 vials) is waiting for approval. -Banks will start to donate a financial support for expat patients to the oncology department through its bank account, starting January 2011. (Time of budget allocation over banks department). *Future expectations: 1- Securing funds for 50%of expat cancer patient, allowing them to have access to treatment in Bahrain instead of returning back to their countries. 2- Increasing the pool of newly diagnosed expat cancer patients by cooperation with other departments. (E.g. Surgery, gynecology and pathology department). 3- Planned fund raising activities for the coming year will give a return of 200-250 k CHF to be allocated to treat expat cancer patients under the umbrella of specific NGOs. (e.g. Think Pink, American Women Association, Royal charity organization,etc) 4- The project idea is expected to be sponsored by one of the royal family members (Sheikh Nasser Bin Hamad Al-Khalifa, the head of Royal Charity Organization) 3. How has this project/initiative demonstrated living our Roche Values? Please answer all the questions as far as possible
  • 6. Best Of the Countries Submission Form 2009 | 6 Integrity: How have the project/initiative and your team demonstrated, integrity, openness, and honesty? o How did you make sure that conflict was effectively managed and openly addressed? Courage: How has the project demonstrated an entrepreneurial approach taking risks, reaching beyond boundaries, experimenting and sharing? o How did you encourage colleagues and team members to overcome challenges? Passion: In what ways has the project used drive and commitment to energise, engage and inspire others? Integrity: Working through Roche code of conduct and SOPs supported the project to be proceeded in an official, ethical and legal pathway according to the island law and without breaking any rule. Exchanging ideas and brainstorming sessions with colleagues to highlight opportunities and resolving obstacles. Treatment is eligible for expat patients on the basis of the inability to pay and not based on any discriminative criteria. Treatment of expat patients is not restricted to Roche products. All corresponding official communications were mediated by the head of oncology department. (e.g. approaching funding organizations , sending patient papers , sending donation requests ,.etc) Courage: Allocating a dedicated person to run this initiative project in Bahrain although the results and the outcomes were not very clear on the short term. Thinking outside the box to extend cooperation with other governmental departments (e.g. Ministry of Justice and Islamic affairs) and exceed the limit assertively by raising the project idea to the highest level. (Shekh Nasser Bin Hamad Al- KhalifaHead of Royal charity organization). The innovative idea of creating a bank account inside the MOH through approaching the head of department, chief of medical stuff , finance department and under secretary of MOH required a lot of courage to be achieved. Passion: -The project inspired the oncology consultants in Salamanya, giving them the hope that one day we will be able to establish a national program to treat those patients after being neglected for a long time. -The head of department offered to recruit one of the department secretary to help Roche team in approaching the funding organizations and to deal with patients to preserve patient confidentiality, active January 2011. -Internal passion-Roche oncology team passion. -