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Be U Tour
Chloe Graham, senior at Columbia College-Chicago, began her career with the Common
Ground Foundation, a non-profit organization founded by Hip Hop Artist/Actor Common.
From the age of 12 to age 14, Chloe was the foundation’s celebrity journalist and hosted
“Chloe’s Corner” as part of the foundation’s literacy program, “The Corner” Book Club. Chloe
interviewed celebrities each month to emphasize the importance of literacy and education.
She then became the inspiration and first journalist for the Image of Change foundation’s
national “Covering the Mic” program that featured youth making a difference around the
world. During this time, Chloe was mentored by renowned reporter, Maudlyne Ihejirika, of the
Chicago Sun Times Newspaper.
While working with at the Chicago Sun Times, Chloe worked side-by-side with staff
photographers and entertainment editors. It was this exposure that made her realize that she
wanted to showcase her interest in photojournalism, but use her love for fashion and
entertainment as a vehicle to express relevant issues that teens face today.
The first issue of USTYLEU Magazine launched in July, 2011 when Chloe was 16 years old, and
she has since expanded the magazine to 28 pages, two fashion directors and a talent scout as
well as partnered with photographers, fashion designers and stylists throughout the United
States, Australia, India, Germany and France.
Chloe has been the guest speaker for the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services
(DCFS), Girl Scouts of America and ARISE Youth Entrepreneur Symposium, on the same
platform as Joseph Kennedy, president of Merchandise Mart Properties in Chicago and most
recently was award the Beauty Inside and Out (BIBO Awards) in October, 2015.
the team
Style Consultant
Entertainment Editor
Chicago Sun Times Editor
Be U Tour
There’s nothing more damaging to
empowerment than negativity and
dispassion. At our Be U Tours, we
check these two at the door by
providing creative and positive
platforms that inspire and encourage.
After the show, we select three girls
from each age group to assist in the
planning of the next show.
When those around us believe that we
believe in them, we produce some
pretty impressive stuff together.
Through our outreach, they know their
unique gifts are appreciated, and their
openness allows us to create
memorable experiences in a language
and perspective that they understand.
Everyone is a “Stunner” at the Be U
Tours, and you can’t convince us
otherwise. It’s very typical to see
popular public figures; bloggers and
various media outlets on the red carpet
piloting ‘On the Spot’ interviews with
the girls to promote listening skills,
articulation and positive expression.
Millennials enjoy the amenities of
multi-dimensional communications
such as social media, blogging and
texting. The communication is instant
and interactive. We have customized
our tours around their needs using
skits, interactive discussions and
impactful young keynote speakers.
the founder be like…
I created this tour when I was 19 because I noticed when I was guest speaker
at youth events, I was overcome with something I have never been…
transparent. It was sort of a sacrifice for me, because I was always a very
private person. My reward? They trusted me, they listened to me and some
were so touched, they cried with me. I was just like them. Now, at 21 years
old, I’m still living and experiencing a lot they are going through. So I
It’s pretty simple. My generation does not want to be preached to, where the
communication is only one-way in and no way out. We want honest dialog,
but it cannot be lackluster. We like straight talk, but add a little glamour and
excitement to the equation. I realized that I could not pull this off on a
traditional platform, so I had to create this HIP, LIVE, STYLISH and
SENSATIONAL tailored show by partnering with celebrity guests, public
figures, governmental agencies, schools and non-profit organizations to help
give leverage in order to present one of the most exciting and impactful
shows in the nation for young girls. The USTYLEU Be U Tour was created.
I was incredibly excited to create a tour that radiates strength and value in
the skin that we were born in. The Be U Tours play a vital role in balancing
the effects of mainstream media and conveys to kids that it’s not necessary to
emulate negative images seen in the media, at school or on social media. In
effect, there is a growing trend of beautiful girls who feel they have to be
physically and verbally aggressive as well as provocative to be accepted. We
are a positive resource that constructively influences young girls early in their
social development to inspire.
The Be U Tour was created in to
transform encouraging messages from
USTYLEU Magazine into LIVE,
tailored to girls ages 10-18.
Be U Tour 2015 Featured
 Red Carpet Welcome Media
Reception with Chicago Power 92
and Empire star Ta’Rhona Jones.
 Be U Laser Pep Rally
 Be Your Own Amazing Fashion Walk
 Boxed Lunch
 Each participant received $10 for
Vendor Shopping
 Skits and Kickbacks on Bullying; No
Compromise; Healthy is the New
Pretty and Walk and Talk with
 Celebrity Swag Bags
 Bling VIP Passes
 Celebrity Keynote Speaker:
Ta’Rhonda Jones
It seems that no matter where you go, teens face the
same issues. Today there are more outside influences
than ever before, and no matter how much parents
encourage their children, it’s difficult to complete
with the fact that public and peer opinion is more
important than the truth.
Pictured: 10-12 girls and Be U Kickback presenter Neidra J.
Walk and Talk with Purpose
Partners & Sponsors
1 Jassac Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
2 KazRik Group
3 Vita Coco Water
4 She’s All That
5 The Brave Chick
6 Avlon KeraCare
7 Big Red Head Ideas
8 Project Compassion
9 Eastern Stars
Divinity Chapter#1
What’s Next?
2ND APRIL 2016
Be U Girl Empowerment Tour 2016
Mailing Address Contact Info
Phone: 800.635.6201
Email: contact@ustyleu.com
Web: www.ustyleu.com
332 South Michigan Ave 1032
Chicago, IL 60604
Social Media
Facebook: fb.com/ustyleumag
Instagram: @ustyleu
Twitter: @ustyleu

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  • 1. Be U Tour the U S T Y L E U M A G A Z I N E
  • 3. History Chloe Graham, senior at Columbia College-Chicago, began her career with the Common Ground Foundation, a non-profit organization founded by Hip Hop Artist/Actor Common. From the age of 12 to age 14, Chloe was the foundation’s celebrity journalist and hosted “Chloe’s Corner” as part of the foundation’s literacy program, “The Corner” Book Club. Chloe interviewed celebrities each month to emphasize the importance of literacy and education. She then became the inspiration and first journalist for the Image of Change foundation’s national “Covering the Mic” program that featured youth making a difference around the world. During this time, Chloe was mentored by renowned reporter, Maudlyne Ihejirika, of the Chicago Sun Times Newspaper. While working with at the Chicago Sun Times, Chloe worked side-by-side with staff photographers and entertainment editors. It was this exposure that made her realize that she wanted to showcase her interest in photojournalism, but use her love for fashion and entertainment as a vehicle to express relevant issues that teens face today. The first issue of USTYLEU Magazine launched in July, 2011 when Chloe was 16 years old, and she has since expanded the magazine to 28 pages, two fashion directors and a talent scout as well as partnered with photographers, fashion designers and stylists throughout the United States, Australia, India, Germany and France. Chloe has been the guest speaker for the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), Girl Scouts of America and ARISE Youth Entrepreneur Symposium, on the same platform as Joseph Kennedy, president of Merchandise Mart Properties in Chicago and most recently was award the Beauty Inside and Out (BIBO Awards) in October, 2015. .
  • 4. the team JODIE Consultant PATRICK Style Consultant ERIKA Entertainment Editor CHLOE Editor-In-Chief MAUDLYNE Chicago Sun Times Editor Consultant DOMINIQUE Creative BRI Marketing
  • 5. Be U Tour There’s nothing more damaging to empowerment than negativity and dispassion. At our Be U Tours, we check these two at the door by providing creative and positive platforms that inspire and encourage. After the show, we select three girls from each age group to assist in the planning of the next show. Empower When those around us believe that we believe in them, we produce some pretty impressive stuff together. Through our outreach, they know their unique gifts are appreciated, and their openness allows us to create memorable experiences in a language and perspective that they understand. Engage Everyone is a “Stunner” at the Be U Tours, and you can’t convince us otherwise. It’s very typical to see popular public figures; bloggers and various media outlets on the red carpet piloting ‘On the Spot’ interviews with the girls to promote listening skills, articulation and positive expression. Expression Millennials enjoy the amenities of multi-dimensional communications such as social media, blogging and texting. The communication is instant and interactive. We have customized our tours around their needs using skits, interactive discussions and impactful young keynote speakers. Educate
  • 6. the founder be like… I created this tour when I was 19 because I noticed when I was guest speaker at youth events, I was overcome with something I have never been… transparent. It was sort of a sacrifice for me, because I was always a very private person. My reward? They trusted me, they listened to me and some were so touched, they cried with me. I was just like them. Now, at 21 years old, I’m still living and experiencing a lot they are going through. So I understand. It’s pretty simple. My generation does not want to be preached to, where the communication is only one-way in and no way out. We want honest dialog, but it cannot be lackluster. We like straight talk, but add a little glamour and excitement to the equation. I realized that I could not pull this off on a traditional platform, so I had to create this HIP, LIVE, STYLISH and SENSATIONAL tailored show by partnering with celebrity guests, public figures, governmental agencies, schools and non-profit organizations to help give leverage in order to present one of the most exciting and impactful shows in the nation for young girls. The USTYLEU Be U Tour was created. I was incredibly excited to create a tour that radiates strength and value in the skin that we were born in. The Be U Tours play a vital role in balancing the effects of mainstream media and conveys to kids that it’s not necessary to emulate negative images seen in the media, at school or on social media. In effect, there is a growing trend of beautiful girls who feel they have to be physically and verbally aggressive as well as provocative to be accepted. We are a positive resource that constructively influences young girls early in their social development to inspire.
  • 7. The Be U Tour was created in to transform encouraging messages from USTYLEU Magazine into LIVE, COLORFUL and EXCITING shows tailored to girls ages 10-18. Be U Tour 2015 Featured  Red Carpet Welcome Media Reception with Chicago Power 92 and Empire star Ta’Rhona Jones.  Be U Laser Pep Rally  Be Your Own Amazing Fashion Walk  Boxed Lunch  Each participant received $10 for Vendor Shopping  Skits and Kickbacks on Bullying; No Compromise; Healthy is the New Pretty and Walk and Talk with Purpose.  Celebrity Swag Bags  Bling VIP Passes  Celebrity Keynote Speaker: Ta’Rhonda Jones
  • 8. It seems that no matter where you go, teens face the same issues. Today there are more outside influences than ever before, and no matter how much parents encourage their children, it’s difficult to complete with the fact that public and peer opinion is more important than the truth.
  • 9. Pictured: 10-12 girls and Be U Kickback presenter Neidra J. Walk and Talk with Purpose
  • 10. Partners & Sponsors 1 Jassac Charitable Foundation, Inc. 2 KazRik Group 3 Vita Coco Water 4 She’s All That 5 The Brave Chick 6 Avlon KeraCare 7 Big Red Head Ideas 8 Project Compassion 9 Eastern Stars Divinity Chapter#1
  • 11. What’s Next? 2ND APRIL 2016 Be U Girl Empowerment Tour 2016
  • 12. Contact Mailing Address Contact Info Phone: 800.635.6201 Email: contact@ustyleu.com Web: www.ustyleu.com 332 South Michigan Ave 1032 Chicago, IL 60604 Social Media Facebook: fb.com/ustyleumag Instagram: @ustyleu Twitter: @ustyleu