Viability's Guy Wilkinson writes a monthly column for Hotelier Middle East Magazine. This article originally appeared in October 2009.
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Beyond the call of duty
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Beyond the call of duty
Viability director and Hotelier Middle East Awards 2009 judge Guy Wilkinson gives this years
nominations shortlist his mark of approval ahead of the glamorous ceremony on October 14
feel greatly privileged to be one
I of this years judges of the Hote-
lier Middle East Awards.
Reading through the 100
short-listed nominations before dis-
cussing them with my fellow judges,
The Hotelier Middle East Awards 2009 judges considered and debated 100 shortlisted candidates to decide upon the winners for each of the 19 award categories .
Others had a natural gift for 鍖xing
things and were so into their jobs
I developed a short-hand refer- There were many anecdotes of men and that they naturally found new and
ence that I scrawled beside many of better ways of doing things than any-
the nomination write-ups: GBCD, women who had saved the day one had done before. Some managed
which stands for goes beyond the to achieve twice as much with half
call of duty. the resources.
It was truly inspiring to read about A couple of female managers were of recession, while some were recog- Some were global stars, recognised
the number of hotel staff who were referred to as superwomen. There nised as green crusaders. as the best in their chains or the best
prepared to do just about anything were many anecdotes of men and in the world. Many had undertaken
to improve the performance of their women who had saved the day, or QUICK LEARNERS extensive studies in their spare time
departments, or the lives of their cus- worked through the night, because Then there were the humble employ- and some had stepped in to do other
tomers and co-workers. Indeed, it they felt responsible for getting a ees who came into the industry with peoples jobs when the need arose.
proved to be such a common trait key task done to deadline. A number little or no prior knowledge or train- Others did whatever they could to
among applicants for the awards that of hoteliers were popular for always ing and lapped up every training help fellow staff, or fellow men, rais-
in itself, it was often not suf鍖cient to smiling and keeping calm, however experience. There were some great, ing money for charity, and gener-
win the category. onerous their workload. enthusiastic learners, who passed ally spreading light and love. Others
What does GBCD mean in the hos- Managers were admired for being every course at lightning speed, such had risen to become industry leaders
pitality industry, in which by its very kind, 鍖rm, fair and having a great was their passion for the job. and gurus. Some, struck by misfor-
nature, service plays such an impor- attitude that inspired those around A number of people were able tune or disaster, had come to view the
tant role? In some cases, it simply them, acting as a benchmark for to take their hotel, spa or restau- hotel as their only home, and their co-
meant never saying no to instruc- a hotels work ethic. Rolling their rant and beat all the competition, or workers as their family.
tions and requests, and then follow- sleeves up, getting their hands dirty increase pro鍖ts. Others had innova- In short, going beyond the call of
ing them to a T. In others, it was and leading by example was fre- tive ideas for promotions or services. duty is endemic in hospitality, which
being a supreme team leader, or as quently praised, including the suc- Many were popular and admired by de鍖nition, attracts ladies and gen-
importantly, team member. cessful implementation of huge among customers; spa therapists tlemen who are called to serve others.
global programmes passed down with a magic touch; sommeliers with And thats something special. HME
SUPERHEROES from the head of鍖ce that would over- a great story to tell about each new
A frequently-praised trait was being whelm lesser mortals. wine; chefs with the gift of delectabil-
prepared to work long hours, far lon- Other managers made time to ity; concierges who prove that any-
ger even than a hoteliers typical long develop the careers of prot辿g辿s, sev- thing is possible!
day, while at the same time being able eral had devoted special efforts to Technicians also played their Guy Wilkinson is a director of Viability, a hospitality
and property consulting 鍖rm in Dubai.
to balance work with the demands of improving the morale and well- part. Some were encyclopaedias of
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family or motherhood, for example. being of their staff during these times knowledge to whom all would refer.
October 2009 Hotelier Middle East