The document discusses an ACA compliance module that helps simplify ACA processes, provides visibility into employee hours and eligibility, and automates benefits enrollment. It allows management of regular and variable employees for compliance and reporting. The module provides tools to execute an organization's ACA strategy through integrated workforce data from time and attendance, payroll, and HR systems. Alerts notify of status changes and approaching eligibility. The single system streamlines benefits administration as employees reach eligibility.
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BeyondPay-ACA Manager
1. Solution Highlights
Simplify processes around ACA compliance to help
avoid steep penalties
Receive accurate visibility into average hours
worked by full-time and part-time employees,
including for the look-back and stability periods
Automate benefits eligibility notification and
employee enrollment
The ACA module, available in our Marketplace, allows you to proactively
manage your ACA compliance strategy across your entire workforce.
It gives you the tools to effectively manage regular- and variable-hour
employees benefit compliance, along with applicable reporting. Once
you determine the impact ACA will have on your bottom line and develop
a strategy that fits your financial and business objectives, implementing,
enforcing, and managing that strategy can be an even bigger challenge.
Our ACA module can help you manage ACA administration with
tools that execute your ACA strategy. It makes Affordable Care Act
Affordable Care Act Compliance Monitoring
Worried About How Youll Manage ACA Compliance?
To develop and execute a best-fit strategy for ACA compliance and
cost control, youll need to track, integrate, and analyze data across
time and attendance, payroll, and HR.
When it comes to ACA administration, spreadsheets, homegrown
reports, and manual calculations will do little to simplify a highly
complex process that may have significant financial consequences.
Organizations like yours need integrated workforce management tools
that provide complete automation and high-quality information for
driving cost-effective labor decisions and minimizing ACA compliance
risk. The good news is that we have these tools ready for you within our
ACA module.
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Solution Features
Access both real-time and historical detail on ACA status
measurements for your company, as well as for individual
employees. Management dashboards provide consolidated
views of regular- and variable-hour labor pools and the
ability to drill down into views for each employee. View
any employees current status or historical status by
month with the ACA timeline view.
Compliance alerts notify managers when an employees
status changes to full-time or part-time, when an employee
is approaching eligibility, and when an employee has
scheduled hours that would put the worker over the
eligibility limit. Alerts can also be sent to employees to
notify them that they are eligible for benefits. Additional
rules can help you enforce schedules and maintain your
preferred full-time/part-time employee mix.
The ACA module is the only solution that is delivered on the
power of a single platform for HR/benefits administration,
time and attendance, and payroll. With a single record
for each employee, you can streamline and automate the
benefits enrollment process as employees reach eligibility.
ACA Timeline