A Futuristic Approach to diagnose and recommnded Health Improvements & Pesrcribed Solutions with a Bodys Owners Manual in 3D.
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1. Bodys Health Improvement Machine
The Future of Helping US Help
Shawn Paul Boike Proprietary
2. Great Quotes - Gates Foundation
I am an impatient optimist.
The world is getting better, but
its not getting better fast
enough, and its not getting
better for everyone
Bill Gates
Co-Chair and Trustee
Bill & Melinda Gate Foundation
We at Gates are going to be
relentless about acquiring quality
data and the need to focus on
evidence-based decision making.
And we will go where the evidence
takes us..
Vicki Phillips
Director Education
United States Program-Gates Foundation
3. Opening
We need to Reduce our Health Care Costs
We need to Improve our Bodies Health
We need to Improve Intake & Body Care
We need to Acquire Quality Health Data
We need to use evidence-based decision making
And we will go where the evidence takes us...
8/19/2010 Shawn Paul Boike 3
5. BHIM Overview
Goal: Provide fast easy Human Health Analysis &
Improvement Path Forward>
Imagine: an easy Health Check-up, which provides a mapped
Owners Manual of Condition and Improvement Recommendations.
a) Health ID Card login & Sit or Stand (Wt., Size)
b) Vitals as Usual (Optional Automation)
c) Eye Scan-Biometrics (input BHIM)
d) Quick & Close to painless draw Blood (into vacuum & system)
e) The BHIM: Expert System Automated Intelligent System
1) Comparator Evaluation, Analysis, Determination w/redundant Validation
2) Electronic Library-Database (Auto Evolutionary)
f) Dr. Gets: 3D Model Identifying Comparative model from last visit
a) Check Listed Areas of Concern
g) Print-out & Updates Your Bodys Owners Manual
a) Organs, Blood & System Health Charted
b) Health Improvement Suggested Dietary and Medical Regiment-Prescription
All Data Legally Confidential
7. BHIM Timeline- Full
July1st 2012
Prototype Product
2010 Test & Eval. to Market
2 Years
6 Months $25M
Phase1 Phase2 Phase3
8. Project Timetable
Present a timetable for each phase of the
Description Start Date to
Completion Date
Phase 1 Systems Eng & Planning 6 Months-July 2011
Phase 2 Proof Of Concept Design & Prototype 2 Years
Phase 3 Production & Market Implementation 2 Years
9. Key Technologies
Provide an Technology chart of the project team.
Human Vision Elements Database
Interfaces System Science Mgt.
Eye Scan Eye Science ID Card
Blood Draw Live Blood Local
& Dispense Science Database
10. Evaluation
BHIM Project will be evaluated in 3 Stages:
1st Stage: Requirements, Tests, Evaluation &
Acceptance will be Detailed Planned in Phase1.
2nd Stage: Technical & Scientific Processes &
Methods will be Tested individually Stage 2 start
3rd Stage: Systems Integration will be Planned in
Stage1 and proven in Stage 2 finally.
To ensure quality assurance tasks requirement, verification &
validation steps will be implemented.
The evaluation methods that will be used after the project is
complete will be DOD type Standards via Sysrtems
Based on the results of assessments and project evaluation
All finite improvements will be added into the Tasks
11. The Machine
The Machine:
Must be as Simple, as sitting in a Chair or Standing
Comfortable Seat or Standing Platform
Retinal Scanner
Appendage Blood Sampler
Additional Image Data inputs (MRI, Tomography, CRI. Etc.)
Separated modular Test, Evaluation & Diagnostic Machine
Standard Electrical Hookup
Cable - Live Wire Connection
Direct Feed (I/O)
Engineered for Easy Service & Maintenance
Cleanout Sanitary Cartridge
Easy Load 際際滷 packs
Easy Load Owners Manual Booklets
Easy Load Recording Card and Patient pkg.
Self Cleaning System
12. The Card
Your Card: Card Description:
Linked to SSC Multi-ID Techniques
Linked to Your: (Ultra Security)
Well Being Health Care
Account RFID, Magnetic Strip
Linked Online-for You Embedded Chip w/memory:
1) Medical Information
Linked to Tax Savings 2) Retinal Analysis
Benefit Account 3) Blood Analysis
13. B-HIM Retinal Concept
1. Eye Retinal Scan &Eris
a) Scan state of the Art Vision System
b) Comparative Analysis & Evaluation
c) Comparator Evaluation, Analysis,
w/redundant Validation
d) Electronic Library-Database
e) Provide Diagnostic Results Output:
To your Owner Manual-Print &
On-Line via your card/Account
Shawn Paul Boike Proprietary
15. BHIM Machine System
Vision System Intelligent
Blood Multi-Sampler Database
Dark Field Microscopy live Blood Cell Extraction Microscopy,
Analytical Sensing System
Analysis & Evaluation
1. Extract Blood (like: Accucheck) Dark Field
1. Painless, Vacuum Aided 際際滷s
2. (similar to 6th Day movie) Multi Spectral Database
Blood Sampler Microscopy Comparator
2. Auto Sample Separator System
3. Automated Process into Scanning Trace Element Composition Local
Electron Microscope Analysis Results Database
4. Trace Element Composition Analyser
1. Similar to Thermos NITON
5. Adv. Vision Systems - Multiple Visual
Element ID, Scan, Analyze & Evaluate 2 3 5 6B
6. Expert System Automated
Intelligent Determination System
A. Electronic Library-Database
B. Input from All Approved sources
Auto Evolutionary
7. Comparator Evaluation, Analysis, 9 8 7 6A
w/redundant Validation
8. Display Analysis Results & Body System
9. Merge into Your Bodys Owners Manual
All Data Legally Confidential
20. Microscopy Ref.
4. Dark Field Microscopy live Dark Field Microscopy
Blood Cell Analysis & Evaluation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mg21897IW_4
a) Pickup Blood (like: Accucheck) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9k2HHCcNwI
b) Automatically Process into Live Blood Analysis:
Scanning Electron Microscope http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qo9cWq78gq8&fe
c) Multiple Visual Element ID, ature=related , www.phmiracleliving.com
Scan, Analyze & Evaluate via Acidity in blood:
Adv. Vision Systems http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCMnmBbMK7E&
d) Expert System Automated feature=related
Intelligent Determination Live blood cell analysis dr. Robert Young:
System http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3oleKrSCwc&fea
a) Comparator Evaluation, ture=related
Analysis, w/redundant
Validation White blood cell Chases Bacteria:
b) Electronic Library-Database http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnlULOjUhSQ&fea
a) Auto Evolutionary ture=related
b) Input from All Approved Dark Field Microscopy explained:
Live blood analysis dark field micrscopy:
e) Separate Merge into Eris Rouleaux in Dark Field Live Blood Analysis:
System http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svh2aiwEkts&feat
All Data Legally Confidential ure=related
23. Phase 3 Concept-DrHM
1.(Optional) Automated Quick Vitals, Size, Weight (fat estimate) Blood Pressure, Breath & Lungs
Urine, etc.
2. (Optional) Hand Reflexology Diagnostic:
Uses Celluloid Membrane Touch or
Air Pin Touch Sensory reactionary
3. (Optional) Foot Reflexology Diagnostic:
Like an advanced Dr. Scholls machine
Ref- Only
Body Health Machine
Shawn Paul Boike Proprietary
24. Bodys Owner Manual
We Create & Update Your Bodys
Owners Manual
Printed Book 3D, All Organs
Health Updated & Explained
Digital Format, On-Line Privately &
on your card (optional)
This Includes:
Body Mapped out in 3D Color-
All Systems Color Coded & current
level of Health Explained
Suggested Organ Improvement Plan
with Dietary methods
Included Timeline with Health
Improvement expectations
25. Phase 1
TIME to Build, Test THE BHIM Prototype
Goal: In 6 Months have a Proof Of Concept Design ,
System Eng. For Prototype, Testing & Evaluation.
Program Phase1:
Prototype Definition for Phase 2
Development, Test & Evaluation
Design, Test, Manufacturing & Requirements
Software Development
Machine Designs (Stage1 & PDR Stage2)
Time & Technology Trade Studies & Assessments
User Usage & Time Studies
Product Technology Matrix
Live Blood Cell Analysis & Vision Systems
Networked Human System
Integrated Logistic Support Systems (RMO)
Technology & Risk Analysis
Phase 3 ROM-Requirements Definition
8/19/2010 Shawn Paul Boike Proprietary 28
26. Project Definition
Market Research, Tactical & Technical 1.4 Phase1: Proof Of Concept
1.0 Development Plan
1.4.1 Define Research Objectives
1.1 Scope Definition Phase 1.4.2 Define Research Requirements
1.1.1 Define research objectives 1.4.3 Determine Resourses, Partners & Suppliers
1.1.2 Define research requirements
1.1.3 Determine in-house resource or hire vendor 1.5 Software Development
1.5.1 Define Use Cases
1.2 Vendor Selection Phase
1.5.2 Screens Development
1.2.1 Define vendor selection criteria
1.2.2 Develop vendor selection questionnaire 1.5.3 Test & Evaluate Programs
1.2.3 Develop Statement of Work 1.5.5 Software Definition for Phase2
1.2.4 Evaluate proposal
1.2.5 Select vendor 1.6 Machine Design
1.6.1 Concept Design
1.3 Research Phase 1.6.2 Prelim Design-Stop Phase1 BHIM
Develop market research information needs
1.6.3 Critical Design
1.3.1 questionnaire
Interview marketing group for market 1.6.4 Final Design
1.3.2 research needs
1.3.3 Document information needs 1.7 Trade Studies & Assessment
Identify information to be gathered in 1.7.1 User Time Studies
1.3.4 research 1.7.2 Product Matrix & Mixology
1.3.5 Identify source of information
1.7.3 Networked Polling (vote) System
Identify research method (primary or
1.3.6 secondary) 1.7.4 Live Blood Cell Analysis System
1.3.7 Identify research participant 1.7.5 Vision Systems
Identify research technique (focus group or 1.7.6 Integrated Logistic Support
1.3.8 survey) 1.7.7 Technical & Risk Mgt.
1.3.9 Identify timing requirements and budget
1.3.10 Develop research plan 1.8 Phase2 & 3 Definition
1.3.11 Develop research information gathering tool
1.8.1 Define Objectives
1.3.12 Conduct research
1.3.13 Document research findings 1.8.2 Define Requirements
1.3.14 Develop research report 1.8.3 Determine Resourses
1.3.15 Review report with group 1.8.4 Define Market implementation
1.8.5 Design for Mass Production
28. Development Cycle Diagram
Required Each Phase
Getting There BHIM
Stage1 Des/Eng
Total Health
BHIM Machine
Stage5 Evolution
Shawn Paul Boike Proprietary
29. Team US Government
Quality, Mfg. & Business Planning &
Eng & Design Test & Evaluation Operations Management Systems
American Industrial California State GE Shawn Paul Boike
Consultants University TBD Col. James Wimberley
Interknowlogy (CSULB) Praet Ind. James Stadler-Boeing
GTI CE (Formerly Accutech) Sean Halpin
ZYGOTE CUL All Tech Machining Gene Vaughn
Halpin Design ETS Preston Hagman
Microsoft FDA Dave Jorde
Universities (US President)
GE (Michelle Obama)
CDG Boeing (Hillary Clinton)
Praet Ind. (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
Wells Fargo
Online Pharmacy from Canada
8/19/2010 Shawn Paul Boike Proprietary 34
30. PHASE 1 (Pre-development)
R & D, to properly accurately budget follow
on phases=NO OVERIDES.
Establish Premier Group participants, with
development experience and additional
Identification System
Vision System
Software Development
Medical System
Human System-Owners Manual
#1 Product Manufacturing
Machine Design
8/19/2010 Shawn Paul Boike Proprietary 37
31. Risk Summary
1 4 3 Pressures
90% 4 1. Offloading
6 EXTREME 2. Vertical Stacking
Probability of Occurrence
80% 3 2 3. Eye Vision System
5 4. Blood Vision System
70% 2
7 5. Known Parts Supply
60% 6. External Parts Supply
5 7 7. Engineering Unknowns
40% - Current
30% - Prior / No Change
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Severity of Consequence
32. Benefits
Creating this Product WILL SAVE LIVES!
Benefit #1
Improves the Health Of People & America
Benefit #2
Gives People Real-Time Diagnostic Results
with Human Organ Correlation
Provides Correlation of IRIS & Blood
Diagnostic Results with Organ Correlation
Benefit #3
BHIM to be used at:
On-Site Epidemic Analysis & Military Health Conditions
VA Hospitals & Hospitals
Doctors offices
Shopping Mall Clinics
Mobile Units
8/19/2010 Shawn Paul Boike Proprietary 41
33. In-Closing
Team Build, Task Definitions,
Responsibilities, Full Cost Est, Models
Action #1, Product & Project Definition.
Define & Understand What needs to be done (tasks)
by who, why + How much will it cost.
Schedule Definition (detailed) based on task definition.
Action #2, Prioritize projects lifelines, Risk
Analysis w/Line Item Prioritized (Itemized)
Action #3, Affiliate outside source, products
property & people required to fulfill all tasks. I.D.
all second sources to create a plan B at various
tasks & sites.
8/19/2010 Shawn Paul Boike 42