The Bhopal disaster, referred to as the Bhopal gas tragedy, was a gas leak incident in India, considered the world's worst industrial disaster. It occurred on the night of 23 December 1984 at the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL). Over 500,000 people were exposed to methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas and other chemicals.
6. WHEN?
India attained independence
Development of modern industry
the Bhopal plant was built in 1969 and a production facility was added
in 1979
By 1984, the population in Bhopal estimated to be 900,000
1984 its operation falls 1/5 of capacity
October 31st 1984
Evening of 2nd December 1984, 9.30 pm
11 pm, the control room pressure indicates the pressure for
tank 611 rose up o 25psi from 2psi
12.30 am the pressure rose steadily to 55psi
MIC gas reached the residential area by 1 am
8. K. V. Shetty, engineer
S. I. Qureshi, engineer
2 years jail
fined 100,000 rupees ($2175)
Union carbide
settlement of the civil claims for $470 million
Warren Anderson former ceo
10 years jail
Keshub Mahindra, former non-executive chairman of Union
Carbide India Limited
V. P. Gokhale, managing director
Kishore Kamdar, vice-president
J. Mukund, works manager; S. P. Chowdhury, production
2 years jail
9. WHY?
Designed incorrectly
Poor maintainence
Slip line was missing
Flare tower not connected
Cooling unit was switched off
Vent scrubber not operating