Izglītojošs seminārs “Bibliotēkas un sabiedrības ilgtspējīga attīstība: mēs b...Bibliotēku portāls2019. gada 4. aprīlī Latvijas Nacionālajā bibliotēkā (Mūkusalas ielā 3, Rīgā) notiks izglītojošs seminārs “Bibliotēkas un sabiedrības ilgtspējīga attīstība: mēs būvējam šo pasauli paši”, kurā runāsim par bibliotēku lomu un iesaisti ilgtspējīgas attīstības mērķu sasniegšanā, diskutēsim par bibliotēku iespējām un potenciālu uzlabot savas kopienas dzīvi, dalīsimies pieredzes stāstos par aktivitātēm, kas jau tiek realizētas.
Lādezers konkurss 2021Limbažu Galvenā bibliotēkaLimbažu Galvenās bibliotēkas rīkotais bibliotēku profesionālais konkurss "No radoša impulsa līdz idejai...". Konkurss ir par bibliotēku radošumu un idejām.
ʰԳ峦Ჹ Saldus novada PII pedagogiemKursīšu bibliotēka-informācijas centrsKursīšu bibliotēkas prezentācija Saldus novada PII pedagogiem. Bibliotēkas darbs un sadarbības formas ar Kursīšu bērnudārzu. 18.03.2013 Kursīšos
Aloja konkurss 2021Limbažu Galvenā bibliotēkaLimbažu Galvenās bibliotēkas rīkotais bibliotēku profesionālais konkurss "No radoša impulsa līdz idejai...". Konkurss ir par bibliotēku radošumu un idejām.
Viļķene konkurss 2021Limbažu Galvenā bibliotēkaLimbažu Galvenās bibliotēkas rīkotais bibliotēku profesionālais konkurss "No radoša impulsa līdz idejai...". Konkurss ir par bibliotēku radošumu un idejām.
Bibliotēku darbs ar bērniemLimbažu Galvenā bibliotēkaPārskats par darbu ar bērniem un jauniešiem Limbažu un Alojas novadu publiskajās bibliotēkās 2017. gadā
Device Level Energy Management Solutions for Industrial ManufacturersPanoramic PowerThis document discusses an energy management solution for industrial manufacturers that uses small, wireless sensors to monitor individual equipment and processes. It aims to reduce energy costs by identifying inefficiencies such as air leaks, excess consumption during off hours, undersized or oversized devices, declining chiller efficiency, machine idling times, and maintenance issues. The solution collects real-time energy data from sensors installed at the circuit breaker level and provides cloud-based analytics and alerts to help manufacturers optimize operations and energy use.
$3 Billion for Retailers - How to get your share quickly and easilyPanoramic PowerThe document discusses how retailers can save $3 billion by transitioning to more granular energy management approaches. It notes that the US retail industry spends $20 billion annually on energy, and that monitoring devices instead of full buildings/zones can increase returns and shorten payback periods. Implementing solutions that provide visibility, analytics, and processes can eliminate waste, increase profits by reducing excess energy consumption by 30% of profits for some retailers, and yield overall savings potential of $3 billion for the industry.
I phone vs ipadshubhamshresthaThe document provides guidelines for optimizing tablet and smartphone applications. For tablets, it recommends focusing on providing a comfortable "couch experience" with visual and personalized content. For smartphones, it suggests designing for quick, on-the-go shopping with features like mobile wallets and easy access to important functions like store locators.
Lit circle tutorialClaudia WickhamThe document discusses implementing online literature discussions for students. It recommends selecting an online forum for communication, organizing students into discussion groups, and setting up a discussion board. It also stresses explaining expectations to students, such as selecting books and whether responses will be anonymous. Overall, the document advocates for online literature discussions to allow more time for thoughtful exchanges and prepare students for communicating with technology.
Lādezers konkurss 2021Limbažu Galvenā bibliotēkaLimbažu Galvenās bibliotēkas rīkotais bibliotēku profesionālais konkurss "No radoša impulsa līdz idejai...". Konkurss ir par bibliotēku radošumu un idejām.
ʰԳ峦Ჹ Saldus novada PII pedagogiemKursīšu bibliotēka-informācijas centrsKursīšu bibliotēkas prezentācija Saldus novada PII pedagogiem. Bibliotēkas darbs un sadarbības formas ar Kursīšu bērnudārzu. 18.03.2013 Kursīšos
Aloja konkurss 2021Limbažu Galvenā bibliotēkaLimbažu Galvenās bibliotēkas rīkotais bibliotēku profesionālais konkurss "No radoša impulsa līdz idejai...". Konkurss ir par bibliotēku radošumu un idejām.
Viļķene konkurss 2021Limbažu Galvenā bibliotēkaLimbažu Galvenās bibliotēkas rīkotais bibliotēku profesionālais konkurss "No radoša impulsa līdz idejai...". Konkurss ir par bibliotēku radošumu un idejām.
Bibliotēku darbs ar bērniemLimbažu Galvenā bibliotēkaPārskats par darbu ar bērniem un jauniešiem Limbažu un Alojas novadu publiskajās bibliotēkās 2017. gadā
Device Level Energy Management Solutions for Industrial ManufacturersPanoramic PowerThis document discusses an energy management solution for industrial manufacturers that uses small, wireless sensors to monitor individual equipment and processes. It aims to reduce energy costs by identifying inefficiencies such as air leaks, excess consumption during off hours, undersized or oversized devices, declining chiller efficiency, machine idling times, and maintenance issues. The solution collects real-time energy data from sensors installed at the circuit breaker level and provides cloud-based analytics and alerts to help manufacturers optimize operations and energy use.
$3 Billion for Retailers - How to get your share quickly and easilyPanoramic PowerThe document discusses how retailers can save $3 billion by transitioning to more granular energy management approaches. It notes that the US retail industry spends $20 billion annually on energy, and that monitoring devices instead of full buildings/zones can increase returns and shorten payback periods. Implementing solutions that provide visibility, analytics, and processes can eliminate waste, increase profits by reducing excess energy consumption by 30% of profits for some retailers, and yield overall savings potential of $3 billion for the industry.
I phone vs ipadshubhamshresthaThe document provides guidelines for optimizing tablet and smartphone applications. For tablets, it recommends focusing on providing a comfortable "couch experience" with visual and personalized content. For smartphones, it suggests designing for quick, on-the-go shopping with features like mobile wallets and easy access to important functions like store locators.
Lit circle tutorialClaudia WickhamThe document discusses implementing online literature discussions for students. It recommends selecting an online forum for communication, organizing students into discussion groups, and setting up a discussion board. It also stresses explaining expectations to students, such as selecting books and whether responses will be anonymous. Overall, the document advocates for online literature discussions to allow more time for thoughtful exchanges and prepare students for communicating with technology.
A New Approach to Energy ManagementPanoramic PowerInnovative technology for reducing energy consumption, improving facility operations and supporting sustainability initiatives.
New word 2007 documentafhsarPembuangan bayi masih menjadi masalah di Malaysia. Artikel ini membahas penyebabnya dan solusi potensial seperti pendidikan seks di sekolah, tempat aman untuk meninggalkan bayi baru lahir, dan program perlindungan bayi. Solusi terbaik adalah menangani penyebab akar rumput seperti pendidikan dan dukungan keluarga.
5C William ShakespeareYongsan International School of SeoulWilliam Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. He married Anne Hathaway and had three children. Some of Shakespeare's most famous plays include Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet. He was influenced by other writers of his time and found he had a gift for writing plays and conveying messages to his readers. Shakespeare lived from 1564 to 1616, dying in Stratford at the age of 52, but left behind a lasting legacy as one of the greatest poets and playwrights of all time.
Facility planningAprofkunalmittalThis document provides an introduction to a course on facility planning and design for hotel management. [1] It discusses how proper planning is necessary to avoid common design mistakes like poor lighting, ventilation or storage space issues that negatively impact building usage. [2] The course aims to teach students how to plan and design hotels, select equipment, layout foodservice areas, and implement efficient energy planning to cut costs. [3] Students will be evaluated through assignments, class tests, and a final exam.
Unit 1. The organisation of the human body.Majal Blanco S. Coop.The human body is organized at multiple levels:
1) Cells are the basic unit and come together to form tissues like muscle and bone.
2) Tissues combine to create organs like the heart and lungs.
3) Organs work together in organ systems that carry out vital functions like nutrition, interaction, and reproduction.
4) Organ systems are coordinated by the nervous and endocrine systems to keep the body functioning as a whole.
Rangkuman bab akhlakalfilzaBab 3 membahas menghargai karya orang lain. Islam melarang merendahkan atau menghina karya orang lain karena itu dapat menyakiti perasaan. Bab 4 membahas dosa besar seperti pencurian, perampokan, dan zina yang diancam hukuman berat karena melanggar hak asasi manusia.
MuroEscuela Catorce DieciochoDon José de San Martín fue un héroe con valores como el desprendimiento, la lealtad, la modestia, el honor, el patriotismo, la voluntad, la cortesía, la rectitud, la sensibilidad, el amor a la patria y a su familia, el respeto y el heroísmo. Estos valores incluyen la valentía, el esfuerzo, el renunciamiento, la decisión, la caridad, la tolerancia, la discreción y el compromiso. El documento pide que no se olviden los valores enseñados por Don José de San Martín
Procesos estadisticos..encuestasnatalia ariasEste documento contiene dos plantillas. La primera plantilla codifica opciones de comida rápida y sexo. La segunda plantilla registra las respuestas de 70 personas sobre sus preferencias de comida rápida y con qué frecuencia comen en cada lugar, así como su sexo. El documento proporciona porcentajes sobre las preferencias de comida rápida y el sexo de los encuestados.
Amnesty Bouznika Campus 2012 - Mobilisation by blogsMohammed BensoltanaBlogs and social media played an important role in mobilizing people and spreading information during events like the Arab Spring. Web 1.0 allowed people to learn through searching, while Web 2.0 enabled learning from and sharing with others through blogs, social networking, and publishing to the world. Blogs are websites with discrete blog posts displayed in reverse chronological order that have transformed journalism into more of a conversation. They have also helped spread awareness of events globally and allowed activists to organize demonstrations.