Bicliques for Preimages: Attacks on Skein-512 and the SHA-2 family
by Dmitry Khovratovich, Christian Rechberger,
Alexandra Savelieva.
Presented at 19th International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption - FSE 2012 (March 2012, Washington DC)
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Bicliques for Preimages: Attacks on Skein-512 and the SHA-2 family
1. Bicliques for Preimages:
Attacks on Skein-512 and
the SHA-2 family
Dmitry Khovratovich1 Christian Rechberger2
Alexandra Savelieva3
1 Microsoft Research Redmond, USA
2 DTU MAT, Denmark
3 National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
19th International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption - FSE 2012
March 19-21, 2012
2. Recent Progress in Preimage
Attacks ¨C MD4, MD5, and Tiger
2009 Guo, Ling, Rechberger,
and Wang. Advanced
2008 Sasaki, Aoki: Finding preimage attacks: First
Preimages in Full MD5 results on full Tiger, and
Faster Than Exhaustive improved results on
Sasaki and Aoki. Search. EUROCRYPT MD4 and SHA-2.
Preimage attacks on 2009 ASIACRYPT'10
step-reduced MD5.
Introduction of Initial Structure
Introduction of Splice-and-Cut Framework
3. Recent Progress in Preimage
Attacks ¨C SHA-x Family
2009 Guo, Ling, Rechberger,
and Wang. Advanced
2008 Aoki and Sasaki. Meet- preimage attacks: First
in-the-middle preimage results on full Tiger, and
attacks against reduced improved results on
SHA-0 and SHA-1. MD4 and SHA-2.
Introduction of Initial Structure
Introduction of Splice-and-Cut Framework
4. Problem
? Concrete examples of the initial structure are
extremely sophisticated and hard to generalize.
? Many ad-hoc / not formalized techniques are
used to build initial structures
? While the other elements of splice-and-cut
framework seem exhausted already, the concept
behind initial structure has large potential and
few boundaries.
5. Purpose of our Research
? To replace the idea of the initial structure with a
more formal and generic concept
? To design generic algorithms for constructing the
initial structure
? To reduce manual efforts and time to build the
initial structure
6. Preimage Attacks
? Preimage attack on hash function.
? Given h, find M: H(M) = f (M; IV ) = h
? For an n-bit ideal hash function: complexity 2n
? Pseudo-preimage attack on compression function.
? Given h, find M and CV: f (M; CV) = h.
? For an n-bit ideal compression function: complexity 2n.
? Pseudo-preimage attacks yielding preimages
? If a pseudo-preimage for the n-bit compression
function is constructed in time 2x , x < n - 2, then the
full preimage can be found in time 21+(n+x)/2 .
8. Hash Functions with Merkle-
Damg?rd Structure
? M is arbitrarily long
? Iterative design
? H(M) = f (M [s]; CV [s] )
? CV[i+1] = f (M [i]; CV [i] )
9. Compression Functions in Davies-
Meier Mode
? Blockcipher-based compression function:
f (M; CV) = EM(CV) ? CV;
? where E is a block cipher keyed with scheduled input M
16. Advantage
? The complexity of testing 22d messages for
C = 2d(Cbackward + Cforward) + Cbicl [+ Crecheck ]
? One needs 2n-2d bicliques of dimension d to test
2n preimage candidates.
17. Differential Perspective on
? Vast pool of already existing tools when it comes to
finding differential trails in hash functions
? Very precise and economic use of degrees of
freedom in the resulting attacks
18. Biclique Construction Algorithms
# Main idea Application Attacks
1 Fully specified or Bicliques of Reduced Skein
truncated arbitrary hash function
differential trails dimension
2 Modification of For the case when Reduced
Algorithm 1 for we control internal SHA-2 hash
hash functions in state and message and
DM mode injections within compression
the biclique functions
3 Use rebound For bicliques of Reduced Skein
approach to get dimension 1 compression 18
more rounds function
19. Number of Attacked SHA-2 Hash
Function Rounds - Our Improvements
Hash Chunks Partial Partial Initial Total
function matching fixing structure
SHA-256 29 7 3 4+2 43+2
SHA-512 29 7 8 2+4 46+4
? Compared to:
? Aoki, Guo, Matusiewicz, Sasaki, and Wang. Preimages for
step-reduced SHA-2. In ASIACRYPT¡¯09.
20. Summary of Our Contributions
? Formalization of Initial Structure technique as a ¡®Biclique¡¯
? 3 generic and flexible algorithms for constructing bicliques
? differential perspective that allows for application of differential
trails, message modification techniques etc. in splice-and-cut
? SHA-2 family
? attack on 45-round SHA-256 and 50-round SHA-512 in the hash
? attack on 52-round SHA-256 and 57-round SHA-512
compression function
? SHA-3 finalist Skein
? attack on 22 rounds of Skein-512 hash function
? attack on 37 rounds of Skein-512 compression function
? MITM speed-up of brute force attack on 72 rounds of Skein-512
21. Results in Perspective
? We targeted a main security property, not some
artificial distinguishing property.
? We have results on the real hash, not some
pseudo-attacks, or results that only work with
full access to compression function, cipher or
22. Follow-up Work
? Biclique Cryptanalysis of the Full AES by Bogdanov,
Khovratovich, and Rechberger (2011) - First application to
block ciphers
? A Meet-in-the-Middle Attack on the Full KASUMI by Jia, Yu,
and Wang (2011) - Exploits a new property of the cipher
? Narrow Bicliques: Cryptanalysis of Full IDEA by
Khovratovich, Leurent, and Rechberger (2012) - Variants of
attacks that are many million times faster than brute-force
? Even more results on: SQUARE (by Mala, 2011), IDEA (by
Biham, Dunkelman, Keller, and Shamir, 2011), and ARIA (by
Chen and Xu, 2012) 22
23. Future Work
? Application of the Biclique framework to other
hash functions and block ciphers
? Generalization of the Biclique technique, e.g.
identifying situations where a graph can be used
that deviates from the Biclique definition.
? New design criteria for hash-functions based on
their ability to resist meet-in-the-middle attacks