The aim of our project is to make a controller which can sense if any person enters the room and it lights up the room automatically and also counts how many person are entering the room or going out of it.
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Bidirectional Visitor Counter using IR sensors and Arduino Uno R3
2. Contents
ï‚´ Aim of the project
ï‚´ Introduction
ï‚´ Components Required
ï‚´ Block Diagram
ï‚´ Circuit Diagram
ï‚´ Working
ï‚´ Advantages and Limitations
ï‚´ Applications
ï‚´ References
3. Aim of the project
ï‚´ The aim of our project is to make a controller which
can sense if any person enters the room and it lights
up the room automatically and also counts how
many person are entering the room or going out of
ï‚´ It is made to prevent unwanted electric power waste
in schools, colleges, offices and houses. This whole
process is operated automatically by its sensors.
4. Introduction
 In today’s world, there is a continuous need for automatic
ï‚´ The objective of this project is to make a controller based
model to count number of persons visiting particular room
and accordingly light up the room automatically.
ï‚´ Here we are using sensor and controller to count the no of
persons in the room and display it on LCD.
ï‚´ If there is at least 1 person in the room, the LED will glow
else it will remain off
8. Working
ï‚´ The IR sensor continuously senses the presence of any obstacles (a
person in our case ).
ï‚´ If sensor 1 senses a person, it informs the controller that a person
has entered so that controller can increment the count.
ï‚´ At the same time it gives a delay of 1sec so that the person can
cross the sensor 2 and the count is maintained correctly.
ï‚´ When a person exits, the sensor 2 informs the controller to
decrement the count. Similarly it also provides a delay of 1 sec to
maintain count properly.
ï‚´ The count is displayed on LCD by the controller.
ï‚´ If there is at least 1 person is inside the hall, an LED will glow
otherwise it is off.
9. Advantages and Limitations
ï‚´ Advantages
ï‚´ Can be used for automatic room
light control.
ï‚´ It will help to save electricity. When
no one is there in room the
appliances will be off.
ï‚´ In School/companies it will help to
check if somebody is there in the
zone or not. If the data on display
unit is zero the security guards can
shut the gate easily.
ï‚´ Limitations
ï‚´ It is used only when
one person cuts the rays
of the sensor hence cannot
be used when two or more
persons cross the door
ï‚´ When anybody is inside the
room and we need to switch
off the power then we’ve to do
it manually. So, in this case we
fail to automatically control
the light.
10. Applications
ï‚´ This circuit can be used domestically to get an indication of
number of persons entering a party.
ï‚´ It can be used at homes and other places to keep a check
on the number of persons entering a secured place.
ï‚´ It can also be used as home automation system to ensure
energy saving by switching on the loads and fans only
when needed.
11. References
ï‚´ S. M. Mohaiminul Islam; Dept. of Computer Science,
South Asian Univ., New Delhi, India ; Md. Mahbub-E-
Noor, S. M. Tanvir Siddiquee Simulation of energy
efficient Bi-directional Visitor Counting Machine.