This document discusses parking violations in NYC. It provides statistics on the total number of parking tickets issued and fines collected in 2013. It then discusses specific parking violations like street cleaning and expired meters that are commonly issued. It offers advice on when and where to be most careful about parking, like on holidays or concert dates. Finally, it discusses violations that carry higher fines and the areas of NYC with the most available parking.
2. Agenda
Learning how to use this
parking meter to avoid a
parking violation.
Just Kidding
3. So How Big Is It ?
Total Parking Tickets issued 2013 - 4,379,073
-11997 tickets per day
-1000 tickets per hour
-16 tickets very minute
Total Fine Collected in 2013 - 357,327,875
- 1 Boeing 747
- 4 Lamborghini's every day
*all analysis from data obtained on NYC open data
4. Meet the New Yorker who is
worried about parking
tickets after the last slide.
He has many questions!!
Dont worry, we will
answer your questions
on how to avoid a
parking violation
5. When should I be most careful about
parking ?
29 Nov 2013 - Black Friday
Total violations - 46023
Total Fine - $ 3,434,030
Most Violations recorded for code 21 - Street
7. When should I be most careful about
parking ?
- Check whether the area you are visiting has
a concert or a game. Most violations were
recorded on similar days
Oct - 10 - 2013 - Paul McCartney concert Times
Nov - 14 - 2013 - NBA game at Madison Square
- Public holidays
- In the months from Sep - Nov
9. Which parking violations should I be
most careful about ?
Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is
not allowed by sign, street marking or traffic
control device. Total violations - 625k
Muni meter - Failing to show a receipt or tag
in the windshield. Total violations - 575k
General No Standing: Standing or parking
where standing is not allowed by sign, street
marking or; traffic control device. Total
violations - 400k
10. What violation will hit my pocket the
worst ?
VC 06 - Parking a tractor-trailer on a residential street
between 9PM and 5AM.
1st Offense - $265
2nd Offense - $515
VC 27 : No parking in a handicapped zone (off-street
only) where parking is not allowed by sign, street
marking or traffic control device . Fine - $210
VC 67 : Parking in front of a pedestrian ramp. Fine $165
11. What state had the most violations?
Violations categorized by state
13. Which violations should I be careful
about when I drive a Van/Truck/Bus ?
69 - Failing to show a muni-meter receipt,
commercial meter zone. Fine $65
38 - Failing to show a receipt or tag in the
windshield. Fine $65
14 -General No Standing: Standing or
parking where standing is not allowed by
sign, street marking. Fine $115
Trivia : UPS is biggest offender, followed by
FedEx, for parking in NYC. Yearly average of 8
million dollars in violations.
15. Which is the best area to find
parking in NYC ?
Zipcode analysis
Central Park - 10019
Empire State Building/Madison Square garden - 10001
Yankees Stadium - 10451
All Zip Codes with high parking capacity mark areas
with popular attractions of New york
Marketing Derivation: These zip codes identify
locations for billboard and brand promotion.
18. Which group of vehicle are speeding
a lot.
4521950 Pessenger Vehicles(PAS)
1868302 Commercial Vehicles(COM)
235158 Taxi(OMT)
74988 Rental Vehicle(OMS)
23176 Motorcycle(MOT)
Vehicles associated with reputed
persons & organisations are breaking
less rules like Congress Medal of
Honor(CMH),Voluntary Ambulance Svc(VAS),
Political Subd. (Official)(PSD) etc.