An open collaborative game development project: The Big NYC Game - the first city wide Augmented Reality game for New York - by New Yorkers.
Kicked off at the AR Dev Camp @ Topp 5-Dec-09
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Big NYC Game
1. The Big NYC Game
An augmented reality game for NYC by New Yorkers
Discussion Moderated by Ori Inbar
AR Dev Camp NYC @Topp
Dec 5th 2009
2. What is it?
Location-based - right here in NYC!
Social - viral, for everyone
Augmented Reality - cool!
3. How?
A collaborative, open-source,
game development project
modeled after...
Swarm of Angels
open source feature 鍖lm, and participatory 鍖lmmaking community.
A new kind of 鍖lm process and movement pioneering extreme collaboration & digitally-native cinema.
With members now in the four 鍖gures we are recon鍖guring our web presence to
simplify involvement and clarify all the project developments.
4. Launch Target
...and on going after that
...then expand to other cities
5. Whats the Purpose
Make NYC better
get people to shop locally
learning about the history of the city
Make NYC greener (e.g. get points for green transportation)
Leave Manhattan (get to know the other boroughs)
6. Work Streams
AR Software & devices - Tish, Noah, Sophia, Omar, Steves students
Game mechanics, link to social networks - Chris
Design, Story - Jon, Ralph
Promotion, sponsors, Government relationships, non pro鍖t - Don, Ralph
Legal (IP) - Zeke
7. AR Software
Sensors: GPS+compass, markers, NFT, PTAM,
face detection, Sketch AR, ...
Focus on mature AR tools
Crowd source marker tagging around the city
T-shirt markers
8. AR Devices
goal:device agnostic
iPhone, Android phones, Symbian, Win Mo
any camera phone (MMS)
cell phones + sms
mini laptops + AR goggles
9. Game Mechanics
Loc: Quest, treasure hunt - across the city
AR: visual interaction
Social: pick a role and gang up to advance
10. game ideas
Mini games. prizes
Introduce AR concepts - step by step
鍖nd hidden markers by using social networks
put together several markers in a certain location + more folks - 鍖ts any
capture the 鍖ag, turn of the century (history), mystery
user generated game based on the game infrastructure and story line
teach users to create AR games
cover the city with QR codes and markers
Start playing individually and converge into teams
(everyone can 鍖nd a role to play, no matter what tech they have)
easter eggs - to incentivize people to explore new locations in the city
References: The following, e.g. Green Edge
12. Contributors
Sophia Para鍖na, OpenGeo, @spara, organizer, Marco Neumann, KONA, @neumarcx,
Tish Shute, Web,@tishshute, Dimitri Darras, @dimitridarras, Heidi Hysell,
Joe Lamantia, Muku / ARWave, @mojoe Kate Chapman, Web Developer, FortiusOne,
Matthieu Pierce, itinerant poet, @matthieupierce, Ori Inbar, ogmento games alfresco
Noah Zerkin, [1] , Ohan Oda, webpage Columbia University; NYC
Sean White, webpage , Steve Henderson, Columbia University, webpage, @stevehenderson
Omer Gunes, [[2] webpage] , Steve Feiner, Jon Russek, NYC, website, @鍖lmaddict
Daniel Leslie, Re鍖exions Data, LLC @dan_leslie, Donald Schwartz, NYC, @Ishkahbibel
David Oliver, Oliver+Coady, Inc. NYC, @davidmoliver , Chris Grayson, NYC, Twitter:
@chrisgrayson | Blog: GigantiCo | Contributor: H+ Magazine
Saul Devitt, NYC. Bert Picot, NYC , MZ ,
Jon Russek 鍖lm production + law + internet,
Davide Byron developed the game Spads and Fokkers
Philip Ashlock @philipashlock, Michael Keating, The Open Planning Project
Yohan Baillot, @yohanBaillot