The document introduces the Big6 model, a six-step process for information problem-solving. The six steps are: 1) Task Definition, 2) Information Seeking Strategies, 3) Location and Access, 4) Use of Information, 5) Synthesis, and 6) Evaluation. The document also includes lyrics to a song that teaches the six steps set to the tune of "Bingo."
3. Big6 for Primary What do we need to do? What can we use to find what we need? Where can we find what we need? What information can we use? How can we show what we learned? How will we know if we did well?
5. Big6 Song Sung to the tune of B-I-N-G-O There is a process I can use, and Big6 is its name-O Refrain: B-I-G S-I-X, B-I-G S-I-X, B-I-G S-I-X, and Big6 is its name-O. Big6 One will help me find out just what I should do-O. (refrain) Big6 Two will help me choose those things that I should use-O. (refrain) Big6 Three will help me get those things that I will need-O. (refrain) Big6 Four helps me to take out words that I can use-O. (refrain) Big6 Five helps me finish the work that I must do-O. (refrain) Big6 Six helps me to know if I did my best work-O. (refrain) Words by Barbara Jansen, 1994.