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BigCamp for Education
Bigcamp in sxs_wedu
Big Camp
For Education ??
Bigcamp in sxs_wedu
Big Camp
For Education
First hackathon event,
idea igniting platform in EDU
Since July 2012
Bi-weekly for nine months
Big Camp
For Education
With teacher, student, engineer and designer
Without boundaries
= Strong collaboration
Big Camp
For Education
New convergences
= Tech & Edu
= Design & Edu
= Culture & Edu
Big Camp
For Education
Bigcamp in sxs_wedu
Big Camp became
1st Korean speaker
About 700  30applicators
1st Korean speaker
We get feedback
レ拘れ 蟲′ る 蟆 蟲ロ .
蟲, , 螳覦螳 覈 collaboration 蟆 螻覓伎企.
れ 谿曙レ 蠍磯ゼ   蟆 螳.
螳覦襯 覈手, app 襷 蟆 企れ 覲伎碁. 讌襷 覩 
 り骸    蟆 襷語 譬. 麹 觜貂 危
 覲螳 襷れ 語企.
How hackathon changed Edu in Korea
We hope to share information
And someone get insight to make
better education
Bigcamp in sxs_wedu
All about education
15 themes, 16 categories and levels
Social and networking events
Various events
Conference rooms
Schedules for 4 days
覩碁 蟲′ 覦 螳 伎
Distinguished speakers
Maker Space
Launch Edu
Social / Mobile Learning
Gaming, Learning Development
Global citizenship,
Big data education
Design and DIY
Accessibility and
Special Education
Main themes
Entrepreneurialism and Business
語 蟆 覦朱 蟲′
蠍一 企 壱誤碁ゼ 讌朱
蠍一 蟲′  覦蠑瑚 !
蟲′   讀螳螻 朱, 
 谿曙蟆 譬 企も
MOOC Keynote Conversation
- Massive Online Open Course(MOOC)
- ろ蟲 豢 貊碁 co-founder
Andrew Ng , MIT蟲 豢 Edux
- 貊碁朱  伎る覲企 觜襯願
煙ロ螻 朱, 豸, 螳覦蟲螳
蟆 燕 螻蠍 蟲′ 覦  
蠍壱 レ朱 螳蟯
- Edux  觜襯願 煙ロ螻 朱,
MOOC ロ 蟇一るゼ   蟲′
 覲, 讀 狩 ろ一  蟆
MOOC Keynote Conversation
- 17 螻燕 Nikhil Goyal
- 蟲 蟲′企  螳 企 螻
- Reinvent& Transform school 企
- 覩瑚記 蟲 覦 螳 譴
-  譯殊語 蟲 蟇企 企
- TEDxYouth 一
Re-imagining Schools: Changing the Education Paradigm
Distinguished speaker
Re-imagining Schools: Changing the Education Paradigm
Distinguished speaker
What if students designed their own school?
Google In Education
Maker Space
10螳 伎
Youtube  企轟 Angela
Lin  3覈 觜 蟲 覓Youtube
star り骸 危朱 讌
觜覓瑚螳 蟲 resourse 襯
spreading   蠍一
襷れ 螳譟壱
 蟲′ 覲襯 企螻 
譴覲 蟲′ 企企  
狩 覦覯企手 螳譟
Meet the Educational Stars of YouTube
Social Mobile and Learing
- "Grash Course"
- John Green 螳 伎
- れ  伎 覦蟆 蟲
- 譟一拘襯  襷るり 覈伎
- 100螳  螻
Meet the Educational Stars of YouTube
Social Mobile and Learing
- "Smart Girls"
- Meredith Walker 螳 伎
- れ れ 螳讌  
讌覓語 Amy螳 牛伎朱 
Meet the Educational Stars of YouTube
Social Mobile and Learing
Logan Smalley螳 螻 TED螳
ろ佒襷  蟲♀  螻 觜
- TED platform螻 Lesson 郁
- れ 譯殊 蟲♀ 豕 video
resource 螻
Meet the Educational Stars of YouTube
Social Mobile and Learing
Preparing High-Tech Innovators Through Game Design
Gaming, Learning and Development
れ蟆 讌 蟆
design workshop
讌朱 螳豕
れ 讌 襷 蟆
螻旧螻 螻殊  feedback
覦   site襯 蟲豢
- Youth襯  觜譽 襦蠏碁覦 蟲
scratch, google CAPE(with MIT) 襯 ,
- '2螳  螳 App襷り鍵' 覯 
- 觜譽 襦蠏碁覦   給ル 覦
. logical thinking, , 煙隈螳 蠏麹
- 覦螻狩 , 轟  煙 CS襯 螳襯伎
覃, 襷 蟲 CAPE , 襦蠏碁覦 
- 貉るる  覦
Create Mobile Apps for - and In - Your Classroom
Social and Mobile Learning
* Scratch: MIT 螳覦 蟲
 螻糾 S/W, 襷7~15語 谿曙
螳覦 覈朱 襷れ伎
* Alice:豺企り鍵覃襦 螳覦
蟲′ 螻糾 S/W, Alice朱 譯
瑚概 ろ襴襷 牛 襦
蠏碁覦 螳襯伎宏
Create Mobile Apps for - and In - Your Classroom
Social and Mobile Learning
 MIT 螳覦 
coding SW襦 螳 貊
Lego 觚襦 襷豢
朱 讌覲  蟆
design 鐚
 豺企り鍵覃襦 螳覦 蟲′
螻糾 S/W, Alice朱 譯殊瑚概
ろ襴襷 牛 襦蠏碁覦
Create Mobile Apps for - and In - Your Classroom
Social and Mobile Learning
- 語企ル, 給ルレ 襦蠏碁覦
 蠍磯蓋 step 企 螳譟壱
- App螳覦 貉るΜ 誤 螻旧
. 豕 蠍磯 螳覦,
. る覿 觜襯願 feedback覦螻 
 螳螻 貉るる磯ゼ 譟一燕 襦 覦
- 襦蠏碁覦 覦一磯 蟆 'Connected
- partnerships螻 collaboration 燕螻 
 讀讌 蠍一
Making Apps with Youth: How-To & Lessons Learned
Social and Mobile Learning
-豌危 牛 企 螻狩 企
覦一磯  tool螳
 觜襴 企 豈朱 覦一一
螻  讌 螳 企慨 螳
豌危' 牛伎, れる
simulation螻, 危危襦 
- 伎語 motion 蟆 牛 覿, 蠏
覈, 觜 煙 螳 牛  
 襦襯 螳
Unboxing Education Through Playing and Making
Gaming, Learning and Development
Mobile Education for the Marginalized
Achievement gaps and educational equality
- IT襯  蟲CSR 襦 襦 覦
- 螻糾′ 讌讌 覈詩 碁 讌 れ蟆 IT襯  旧 蠍壱襯 
- Proj 1) Ishinomaki
. 讌讌朱 誤 覈 infra螳 覓企讌 tsunami讌 蟲′ 讌蠍  覈覦手鍵蠍磯ゼ 
. contents, tablet 螳  企ゼ 牛 旧, 蟲螳 覓企 旧 企れ 
れ蟆mobile learning program 螻牛
- Proj 2) goocus
. 誤磯  觜  覈覦殊雑豸襯  旧 企れ 襴豺 れ 
ろ朱襯 preload 企ゼ  旧 螳ロ蟆 
Mobile Education for the Marginalized
Achievement gaps and educational equality
- 濠鍵 覦朱 open, reusable,
remixable 蟲螻殊  螳ロ伎
. 蟲螳  貉るΜ殊 襷蟆 蟲螻
襯 襷り 
. 蠍一ヾ 螳讌螻  覓語襯(蟲蠍レ
蠍一) 所 ク讌,  蟲螻殊襯
豢  襦  tool 螳
. Connexions, Siyavula, American
Institute of Mathematics, Booktype,
P2PU, Quadbase, FullMarks  螳
tool 豢螳 企 襦 れ企
 襭襦  企語, 襭 
Advances in Open Textbook Publishing Technology.
LX Design : learner experience
襯 LX手 襦蟆 
襦 企 螳. 襯 れ
覈, tablet, smart tv煙 
 interactive learning 
eye-tracking tech煙 
 蟆 , 誤 , 旧
 覿 煙 multi-point data襯 螳
讌螻 糾化  design 
LX Design: Evidence-Based Learning Solutions
Big Data and Emerging Technologies
-蟲 蟆曙 design thinking螻 蟆壱,
螳朱 螻 谿曙煙 豐讌
 襦 覦
- 蟲, 讀 螻糾 ' 3 蟲'
. 螻糾 覲 給逢覯 覲
れ 覲
. 伎 覦 讌  貉るる, 
 覲語 ,
Remake your Class襯 讌
- '蟲 豌 襴覈碁 X  蟲 1螳
朱 O',  覲語朱  レ
- 螻糾 覲 危 蟲豌伎 給逢
覯/ 谿企 豢螳  
Hack Class: Shape Your Ecology, Empower Learning
DIY and Maker
" 覓語襯 願屋 螻殊     れ ろ
 譴煙 螳譟壱"
Designing Collaboration in the Classroom
Gaming, Learning and Development
Applications to Improve the Special Ed Experience
Accessibility and Special Education
- 轟 蟲 ( 轟 )れ れ
 覓語襯social mapping朱 願屋
application 螳
- 螻谿  覦 覓語 願屋 磯 蠍磯レ
讌 蟆 轟
- "RyeCatcher, "Goalbook" 螳
. 轟蟲 (豌 レ 讌 レ) 
れ 覓語襯 願屋   讌覲 覓瑚
 蟆 所 れ  蟆 蟲焔 
. RyeCatcher   覓語襯 zip code襷
ロ朱 蠏殊 讌 れ 覓瑚 (
, 螻 ) れ 20覈 伎碁 覓瑚 讌
朱 蟲焔 覓語襯 願屋
Strategically Designed Personal Learning Environments: A
Natural Recipe for Engaged Learning
Theme : Engage Series hosted by Cengage Learning
Category : Panel
Speaker : Nada Dabbagh
" PLEs, enable the creation of personal and social learning spaces"
- George Mason University 蟲″
- PLE   蟲 豌  螳
- れ 炎骸 觜り 覓危
- 蟲 炎骸 觜れ  guide螳
- PLE襯 3螻襦 蟲覿 螻
蟲/覿覈蟆 螻覲 蠏殊 
- 1螻 : 螳誤 蟲 蟆 螻
- 2螻 : 蟲る sharing蠍磯 螻
- 3螻 : 覈 蟯螻蟆 saring
Launch Edu
Start up螻 蟲″リ骸 synergy
Launch Edu
Category : Higher Education
"る   螳瑚"
- 讌ъ 螳
- 煙語蠍磯
- 讀螳 朱覦
Category K-12
"觜襯願 螳 SIS"
- 所 觜襯 れ
- 螳覦襯  API
application programming
interface 螻
- 襴 一危一
- 螳ロ 誤
Category K-12
"れ  蠍磯 貉るる"
- 蠍磯 覲願概
- れ 讌
Category : K-12
- ろ+覩碁企 蟲
- 讀螳 朱覦
- 覓語 れ 企
 Common Core襯 覦
朱 覲 旧
Category : Higher Education
"蟲 覈蠍 "
- 蟲 crowdfunding
- 蟲覲襦 危 蟲
- Buzz-meter
Category : Higher Education
"讌 襷貅 伎"
- れ 讌 蟇磯谿所規
- 讌蠍磯 讌蟇磯
- 讌蠍磯, 蟇磯, 蟲
Category : K-12
"SIS 覿 觜"
- 覓企
- 螳ク 覦覯
- 伎 蟯蟯螻
- 讌蟯 誤壱伎
Category : K-12
" 蟲 危襴貅伎"
- 觜る SlateMath
- れ 語
- 郁鍵一
Category : K-12
"れ 蟆朱 襷れ伎 襷碁襷"
- 襷碁襷 蟲
- 壱 誤壱伎
- れ 一危 螻
BigCamp for Education http://bigcampers.com
If you
want to know bigcamp more
or join us,

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[企殊磯] Google edu edu20_fronter
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蠍一蟲′ V1 0
Maker Eduation Korea 2016 Forum book
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Henry Sung
覿3.0_蟲覩朱碁_豌 谿曙 螻覦 牛 覦覈揃 蟲♀骸 螳覦
覿3.0_蟲覩朱碁_豌 谿曙 螻覦  牛 覦覈揃 蟲♀骸 螳覦覿3.0_蟲覩朱碁_豌 谿曙 螻覦  牛 覦覈揃 蟲♀骸 螳覦
覿3.0_蟲覩朱碁_豌 谿曙 螻覦 牛 覦覈揃 蟲♀骸 螳覦
Tangino Group
螻 伎
 螻 伎 螻 伎
螻 伎
yong lee

Bigcamp in sxs_wedu

  • 5. About Big Camp For Education First hackathon event, Sustainable idea igniting platform in EDU
  • 6. Since July 2012 Bi-weekly for nine months When Big Camp For Education
  • 7. With teacher, student, engineer and designer Without boundaries = Strong collaboration Who Big Camp For Education
  • 8. New convergences = Tech & Edu = Design & Edu = Culture & Edu What Big Camp For Education
  • 12. About 700 30applicators 1st Korean speaker
  • 14. レ拘れ 蟲′ る 蟆 蟲ロ . 蟲, , 螳覦螳 覈 collaboration 蟆 螻覓伎企. れ 谿曙レ 蠍磯ゼ 蟆 螳. 螳覦襯 覈手, app 襷 蟆 企れ 覲伎碁. 讌襷 覩 企. り骸 蟆 襷語 譬. 麹 觜貂 危 覲螳 襷れ 語企. How hackathon changed Edu in Korea
  • 15. We hope to share information And someone get insight to make better education
  • 19. 15 themes, 16 categories and levels
  • 25. Keynotes Distinguished speakers Maker Space Launch Edu Social / Mobile Learning Gaming, Learning Development Global citizenship, Entrepreneur OER, MOOC Big data education Design and DIY Accessibility and Special Education Workshop Main themes
  • 26. BillGatesKeynote Entrepreneurialism and Business 語 蟆 覦朱 蟲′ 蠏碁襦も 蠍一 企 壱誤碁ゼ 讌朱 蠍一 蟲′ 覦蠑瑚 ! 蟲′ 讀螳螻 朱, 谿曙蟆 譬 企も
  • 27. MOOC Keynote Conversation OER and MOOCs - Massive Online Open Course(MOOC) 覩碁 - ろ蟲 豢 貊碁 co-founder Andrew Ng , MIT蟲 豢 Edux AnantAgarwal - 貊碁朱 伎る覲企 觜襯願 煙ロ螻 朱, 豸, 螳覦蟲螳 蟆 燕 螻蠍 蟲′ 覦 蠍壱 レ朱 螳蟯 - Edux 觜襯願 煙ロ螻 朱, MOOC ロ 蟇一るゼ 蟲′ 覲, 讀 狩 ろ一 蟆
  • 29. - 17 螻燕 Nikhil Goyal - 蟲 蟲′企 螳 企 螻 觜 - Reinvent& Transform school 企 - 覩瑚記 蟲 覦 螳 譴 - 譯殊語 蟲 蟇企 企 - TEDxYouth 一 Re-imagining Schools: Changing the Education Paradigm Distinguished speaker
  • 30. Re-imagining Schools: Changing the Education Paradigm Distinguished speaker What if students designed their own school?
  • 33. Youtube 企轟 Angela Lin 3覈 觜 蟲 覓Youtube star り骸 危朱 讌 觜覓瑚螳 蟲 resourse 襯 spreading 蠍一 襷れ 螳譟壱 蟲′ 覲襯 企螻 譴覲 蟲′ 企企 狩 覦覯企手 螳譟 Meet the Educational Stars of YouTube Social Mobile and Learing
  • 34. - "Grash Course" - John Green 螳 伎 - れ 伎 覦蟆 蟲 - 譟一拘襯 襷るり 覈伎 - 100螳 螻 Meet the Educational Stars of YouTube Social Mobile and Learing
  • 35. - "Smart Girls" - Meredith Walker 螳 伎 - れ れ 螳讌 讌覓語 Amy螳 牛伎朱 螻 Meet the Educational Stars of YouTube Social Mobile and Learing
  • 36. Logan Smalley螳 螻 TED螳 ろ佒襷 蟲♀ 螻 觜 - TED platform螻 Lesson 郁 - れ 譯殊 蟲♀ 豕 video resource 螻 - FLIP THE VIDEO 蠍磯 螻 Meet the Educational Stars of YouTube Social Mobile and Learing
  • 37. Preparing High-Tech Innovators Through Game Design Gaming, Learning and Development GAME CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING 企 moto れ蟆 讌 蟆 design workshop 讌朱 螳豕 れ 讌 襷 蟆 螻旧螻 螻殊 feedback 覦 site襯 蟲豢
  • 38. - Youth襯 觜譽 襦蠏碁覦 蟲 scratch, google CAPE(with MIT) 襯 , - '2螳 螳 App襷り鍵' 覯 讌 - 觜譽 襦蠏碁覦 給ル 覦 . logical thinking, , 煙隈螳 蠏麹 - 覦螻狩 , 轟 煙 CS襯 螳襯伎 覃, 襷 蟲 CAPE , 襦蠏碁覦 讌 - 貉るる 覦 Create Mobile Apps for - and In - Your Classroom Social and Mobile Learning
  • 39. * Scratch: MIT 螳覦 蟲 螻糾 S/W, 襷7~15語 谿曙 螳覦 覈朱 襷れ伎 * Alice:豺企り鍵覃襦 螳覦 蟲′ 螻糾 S/W, Alice朱 譯 瑚概 ろ襴襷 牛 襦 蠏碁覦 螳襯伎宏 Create Mobile Apps for - and In - Your Classroom Social and Mobile Learning MIT 螳覦 coding SW襦 螳 貊 Lego 觚襦 襷豢 朱 讌覲 蟆 design 鐚
  • 40. 豺企り鍵覃襦 螳覦 蟲′ 螻糾 S/W, Alice朱 譯殊瑚概 ろ襴襷 牛 襦蠏碁覦 螳襯伎宏 Create Mobile Apps for - and In - Your Classroom Social and Mobile Learning
  • 41. - 語企ル, 給ルレ 襦蠏碁覦 蠍磯蓋 step 企 螳譟壱 - App螳覦 貉るΜ 誤 螻旧 . 豕 蠍磯 螳覦, . る覿 觜襯願 feedback覦螻 螳螻 貉るる磯ゼ 譟一燕 襦 覦 蟆 - 襦蠏碁覦 覦一磯 蟆 'Connected learning - partnerships螻 collaboration 燕螻 讀讌 蠍一 Making Apps with Youth: How-To & Lessons Learned Social and Mobile Learning
  • 42. -豌危 牛 企 螻狩 企 覦一磯 tool螳 觜襴 企 豈朱 覦一一 螻 讌 螳 企慨 螳 豌危' 牛伎, れる simulation螻, 危危襦 - 伎語 motion 蟆 牛 覿, 蠏 覈, 觜 煙 螳 牛 襦襯 螳 Unboxing Education Through Playing and Making Gaming, Learning and Development
  • 43. Mobile Education for the Marginalized Achievement gaps and educational equality
  • 44. - IT襯 蟲CSR 襦 襦 覦 - 螻糾′ 讌讌 覈詩 碁 讌 れ蟆 IT襯 旧 蠍壱襯 譯手 - Proj 1) Ishinomaki . 讌讌朱 誤 覈 infra螳 覓企讌 tsunami讌 蟲′ 讌蠍 覈覦手鍵蠍磯ゼ 襦 . contents, tablet 螳 企ゼ 牛 旧, 蟲螳 覓企 旧 企れ れ蟆mobile learning program 螻牛 - Proj 2) goocus . 誤磯 觜 覈覦殊雑豸襯 旧 企れ 襴豺 れ ろ朱襯 preload 企ゼ 旧 螳ロ蟆 Mobile Education for the Marginalized Achievement gaps and educational equality
  • 45. - 濠鍵 覦朱 open, reusable, remixable 蟲螻殊 螳ロ伎 . 蟲螳 貉るΜ殊 襷蟆 蟲螻 襯 襷り . 蠍一ヾ 螳讌螻 覓語襯(蟲蠍レ 蠍一) 所 ク讌, 蟲螻殊襯 豢 襦 tool 螳 . Connexions, Siyavula, American Institute of Mathematics, Booktype, P2PU, Quadbase, FullMarks 螳 tool 豢螳 企 襦 れ企 襭襦 企語, 襭 豢螳 Advances in Open Textbook Publishing Technology. OER and MOOCs
  • 46. LX Design : learner experience 襯 LX手 襦蟆 襦 企 螳. 襯 れ 覈, tablet, smart tv煙 interactive learning eye-tracking tech煙 螳譟壱 蟆 , 誤 , 旧 覿 煙 multi-point data襯 螳 讌螻 糾化 design る LX Design: Evidence-Based Learning Solutions Big Data and Emerging Technologies
  • 47. -蟲 蟆曙 design thinking螻 蟆壱, 螳朱 螻 谿曙煙 豐讌 襦 覦 - 蟲, 讀 螻糾 ' 3 蟲' . 螻糾 覲 給逢覯 覲 れ 覲 . 伎 覦 讌 貉るる, 覲語 , Remake your Class襯 讌 - '蟲 豌 襴覈碁 X 蟲 1螳 朱 O', 覲語朱 レ 襷れ - 螻糾 覲 危 蟲豌伎 給逢 覯/ 谿企 豢螳 Hack Class: Shape Your Ecology, Empower Learning DIY and Maker
  • 48. " 覓語襯 願屋 螻殊 れ ろ 譴煙 螳譟壱" Designing Collaboration in the Classroom Gaming, Learning and Development
  • 49. Applications to Improve the Special Ed Experience Accessibility and Special Education - 轟 蟲 ( 轟 )れ れ 覓語襯social mapping朱 願屋 application 螳 - 螻谿 覦 覓語 願屋 磯 蠍磯レ 讌 蟆 轟 - "RyeCatcher, "Goalbook" 螳 . 轟蟲 (豌 レ 讌 レ) れ 覓語襯 願屋 讌覲 覓瑚 蟆 所 れ 蟆 蟲焔 . RyeCatcher 覓語襯 zip code襷 ロ朱 蠏殊 讌 れ 覓瑚 ( , 螻 ) れ 20覈 伎碁 覓瑚 讌 朱 蟲焔 覓語襯 願屋
  • 50. Strategically Designed Personal Learning Environments: A Natural Recipe for Engaged Learning Theme : Engage Series hosted by Cengage Learning Category : Panel Speaker : Nada Dabbagh " PLEs, enable the creation of personal and social learning spaces" - George Mason University 蟲″ 蟲 - PLE 蟲 豌 螳 - れ 炎骸 觜り 覓危 - 蟲 炎骸 觜れ guide螳 ろ - PLE襯 3螻襦 蟲覿 螻 蟲/覿覈蟆 螻覲 蠏殊 語覦 - 1螻 : 螳誤 蟲 蟆 螻 - 2螻 : 蟲る sharing蠍磯 螻 - 3螻 : 覈 蟯螻蟆 saring
  • 51. Launch Edu Start up螻 蟲″リ骸 synergy
  • 53. SpeakingPal http://www.speakingpal.com/ Category : Higher Education "る 螳瑚" - 讌ъ 螳 - 煙語蠍磯 - 讀螳 朱覦
  • 54. Clever http://www.getclever.com/ Category K-12 "觜襯願 螳 SIS" - 所 觜襯 れ - 螳覦襯 API application programming interface 螻 - 襴 一危一 - 螳ロ 誤
  • 55. TeachingChannel http://www.teachingchannel.com/ Category K-12 "れ 蠍磯 貉るる" - 蠍磯 覲願概 - れ 讌
  • 56. ActivelyLearn http://www.activelylearn.com/ Category : K-12 - ろ+覩碁企 蟲 覓語 - 讀螳 朱覦 - 覓語 れ 企 Common Core襯 覦 朱 覲 旧
  • 57. Useed http://www.useed.org/ Category : Higher Education "蟲 覈蠍 " - 蟲 crowdfunding - 蟲覲襦 危 蟲 - Buzz-meter
  • 58. lrngo http://www.lrngo.com/ Category : Higher Education "讌 襷貅 伎" - れ 讌 蟇磯谿所規 - 讌蠍磯 讌蟇磯 - 讌蠍磯, 蟇磯, 蟲
  • 59. LearnSprout http://www.learnsprout.com Category : K-12 "SIS 覿 觜" - 覓企 - 螳ク 覦覯 - 伎 蟯蟯螻 - 讌蟯 誤壱伎
  • 60. SlateScience http://www.slatescience.com/ Category : K-12 " 蟲 危襴貅伎" - 觜る SlateMath - れ 語 - 郁鍵一
  • 61. Instagrok http://www.instagrok.com/ Category : K-12 "れ 蟆朱 襷れ伎 襷碁襷" - 襷碁襷 蟲 - 壱 誤壱伎 - れ 一危 螻
  • 62. BigCamp for Education http://bigcampers.com bigcamp4edu@gmail.com If you want to know bigcamp more or join us,