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The 63rd annual Bilderberg policy summit starts on June 11 at the
Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol in Austria  3 days after the G7, and 26km
from Schloss Elmau. The Austrian police have confirmed that the
same security operation is covering both events.
The Bilderberg conference is an annual meeting of around 140
politicians, EU policymakers, industry leaders & European royalty.
Participants at the 2014 conference in Copenhagen included:- the
If you are a member of the press,
or plan to report on the event, and
would like any further
information or assistance, please
contact: press [at]
If you have any questions about
coming along to report on the
2015 Bilderberg conference in
Austria, please contact: info [at]
2015: JUNE 11-14
JUNE 3, 2015
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head of the IMF, the head of Nato, the head of MI6, the Supreme
Allied Commander Europe, the Swedish and Spanish foreign
ministers, the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Chairmen of the
Greek and Canadian national banks, the Chairman & CEO of Shell,
the Executive Chairman of Google, the Chairman of Deutsche Bank,
the Chairman of HSBC, the Chairman & Chief Executive of BP and the
CEO of Airbus.
UK Chancellorof the ExchequerGeorge Osborne meets withSirJohnKerr, Deputy Chairmanof
ScottishPower, at Bilderberg 2014
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The Bilderberg Group is governed by a Steering Committee, chaired
by Henri de Castries, Chairman & CEO of AXA. Also on the Steering
Committee are: James A. Johnson, a director of Goldman Sachs;
Klaus Kleinfeld, a director of Morgan Stanley; Peter Thiel, a director
of Facebook; Kenneth M. Jacobs, Chairman & CEO of Lazard; and
Robert Zoellick, Chairman of Goldman Sachs Board of International
The conference agenda is set to include the situation in Ukraine and
Syria, and the TTIP trade agreement: senior lobbyists for TTIP from
the business and financial sector will be attending.
Austrian police have confirmed the date of the 2015 Bilderberg
JANUARY 30, 2015
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meeting. The security for the annual conference will take place from
June 9th-14th. The meeting itself will take place from the Thursday to
the Sunday of that week, June 11th-14th, at the exclusive Interalpen
Hotel, in the mountains near Telfs.
The police have stated that they will be undertaking just the one
single security exercise for the Bilderberg conference and for the G7
summit taking place nearby at Schloss Elmau in Bavaria, Germany,
from the 7th-8th June.
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AUGUST 24, 2014
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The location for the 2015 annual conference of the Bilderberg Group
has been confirmed. The yearly transatlantic summit, which is
attended by senior politicians, bank bosses and the heads of some of
the worlds largest companies, will be held at the Interalpen-Hotel
Tyrol, a luxury hotel and conference centre in Austria.
The Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol is a five-star hotel conference centre
tucked away in the mountain forests a few kilometres west of the
Seefeld ski resort, and conveniently close to Innsbruck airport. The
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hotel is part of the privately-owned Liebherr Group, a giant
Switzerland-based manufacturing conglomeration, owned by the
billionaire German Liebherr family.
According to the hotels Meetings & Events brochure, the hotel lies
at an altitude of 1,300 metres in an exclusive setting in the Tirolean
Alps and offers panoramic views of magnificent mountain peaks. The
isolated, Eagles Nest style venue has a 400-capacity conference
centre with a magnificent Alpine backdrop and state-of-the-art
conference facilities.
The location of the 2015 conference has now been confirmed by
Austrian police. It will be the third time the Bilderberg summit has
been held in Austria, and 27 years since the previous occasion. The
1988 conference was also held at the Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol; the
1979 conference was held in Baden, just south of Vienna.
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Its thought that the 2015 conference will be held in early June,
although the exact date has yet to be confirmed. The hotel is fully
booked on the first two weekends of June (4th-7th and 11th-14th).
Participants at the 2014 conference in Copenhagen included:
Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne MP; Paul Achleitner,
the Chairman of Deutsche Bank; Stephen Poloz, the Governor of the
Bank of Governor; Robert Dudley, the Group Chief Executive of BP;
Eric Schmidt, the Executive Chairman of Google; Douglas Flint, the
Group Chairman of HSBC; Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF;
and Peter Sutherland, the Chairman Goldman Sachs International.
MAY 28, 2014
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There are thirteen British names on the officially released list of
attendees for the 2014 Bilderberg Conference in Denmark.
The three day trade and policy summit begins on Thursday May 29th,
and is taking place at the Marriott Hotel, Copenhagen.
The British participants include two serving cabinet ministers, the
Group Chairman of HSBC, the head of MI6 and Lord Mandelson.
They are:
George Osborne MP
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Justine Greening MP
Secretary of State for International Development
Ed Balls MP
Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer
John Sawers
Chief, Secret Intelligence Service (MI6)
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Douglas Flint
Group Chairman, HSBC
Chairman, International Institute of Finance
International Advisory Board, BritishAmerican Business
Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles
Senior Advisor to Group Chairman, HSBC
Bob Dudley
Group Chief Executive, BP
Director, Rosneft
Note: Bob Dudley is listed under GBR on the participant list, although he is
Sir John Kerr
Deputy Chairman, Scottish Power
Helen Alexander
Director, Rolls-Royce
Chairman UBM plc
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Deputy Chair, esure group.
Senior Adviser to Bain Capital
International Advisory Board, BritishAmerican Business
Marcus Agius
Chairman, PA Consulting
Peter Mandelson
Chairman, Lazard International
Chairman, Global Counsel
Director, Sistema
John Micklethwait
Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
Martin Wolf
Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times
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The agenda for the 2014 Bilderberg conference in Copenhagen has
been released. The key topics for discussion this year include:
Is the economic recovery sustainable?
Who will pay for the demographics?
Does privacy exist?
How special is the relationship in intelligence sharing?
Big shifts in technology and jobs
The future of democracy and the middle class trap
Chinas political and economic outlook
The new architecture of the Middle East
What next for Europe?
Current events
The top discussion point  Is the economic recovery sustainable? 
is certain to be focusing on the huge transatlantic free-trade
MAY 27, 2014
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agreement currently being negotiated between the EU and the US:
TTIP. More details on TTIP and Bilderberg here.
Every year, the influential Bilderberg Group holds an exclusive three
day conference: an international trade and policy summit attended
by senior politicians and policymakers, billionaire investors,
European royalty, bank bosses, corporate CEOs, and media moguls
from all over the world.
The participant list is a roll call of the biggest executives on the
MAY 21, 2014
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planet, the heads of companies such as Shell, HSBC, Google and
Deutsche Bank. These executives will spend three days, in private,
discussing economics, trade policy and geopolitics, with finance
ministers, European Commissioners, foreign ministers, and even
prime ministers.
The Bilderberg Group is an influential trade and finance lobbying
organisation, which every year holds a three day conference.
The 2013 conference was held in a luxury hotel outside London. Two
years ago it was held near Washington DC.
The first official Bilderberg conference was held in Holland in 1954,
making 2014 is Bilderbergs 60th year. This year is the first time since
1969 that the conference will take place in Denmark.
The Bilderberg Group is governed by a Steering Committee, chaired
by Henri de Castries, the Chairman and CEO of AXA (the huge
French insurance and investment group). Also on the Steering
Committee are the billionaire venture capitalist, Peter Thiel, the
founder of PayPal and director of Facebook; Thomas Enders, the
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CEO of Airbus (the European defence & aeronautics multinational);
and Peter Sutherland, the Chairman of Goldman Sachs International.
Heads of corporations, such as: Shell, BP, Rio Tinto, Novartis, Dow
Chemicals, Unilever, and Nestl辿.
Heads of banks and financial institutions such as: HSBC, Citigroup,
Lazard, Goldman Sachs, Santander, Barclays, American Express, JP
Morgan, TD Bank and Deustche Bank.
Heads of new media and tech companies, including  typically: Eric
Schmidt (Executive Chairman of Google); Peter Thiel; Reid Hoffman
(co-founder of LinkedIn); and Craig Mundie, (senior advisor to the
CEO of Microsoft).
From media: proprietors, editors and senior representatives from The
Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, Die Zeit, Le Monde, and The
Washington Post. The Economist provides the rapporteurs who
transcribe the meeting. The Editor-in-Chief of the Economist also
generally attends.
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Leaders from the world of government and public policy, such as: the
World Bank; the European Council; the ECB; the Bank for
International Settlements; the IMF; the Federal Reserve; and the US
European, American and Canadian politicians, Prime Ministers and
Finance Ministers such as: the Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte,
and UK Prime Minister, David Cameron, who both attended in 2013.
Also expected to attend from the UK are: Bilderberg Association
trustee and Cabinet Minister, Kenneth Clarke MP; regular
participant Lord Mandelson; and Chancellor of the Exchequer
George Osborne, who has attended the conference six times (the last
time in 2013).
Royalty are also on the guest list including: Princess Beatrix of the
Netherlands; King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands; King Juan
Carlos I of Spain; Queen Sofia of Spain; the Infanta Christina of Spain;
and Crown Prince Haakon of Norway.
== 2014, THE YEAR OF TTIP ==
The transatlantic trade agreement TTIP features will feature highly
on the conference agenda this year. Finance ministers from many EU
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countries will be in attendance (last year there were five), as will key
lobbyists for TTIP and several members of lobby group British
American Business, who are spear-heading this top-level trade
There is a police-sanctioned press space in the car park directly facing
the Marriott hotel gates, and are providing nearby power facilities
and up-to-date information and delegate photos. The press space will
be open every day from 9am to 6pm from Thursday 29th May to
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Sunday 1st June.
Local police expect several hundred transparency campaigners to be
present outside the Marriott hotel for the duration of the conference.
The Marriott Copenhagen, Kalvebod Brygge 5, 1560 K淡benhavn,
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The 2014 Bilderberg Conference will take place at the Marriott Hotel
in Copenhagen, from May 29th  June 1st. It is the first time since
1969 that the Conference will be held in Denmark.
MAY 18, 2014
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Ulrik Federspiel  Bilderberg GroupSteering
Committee; Executive Vice President, Haldor
Tops淡e A/S
It is common for the host country to have participants than usual. In
anticipation of the release of this years participant list, here is a list of
Danish participants from the last four Bilderberg Group conferences
(years 2010-13), showing the years they attended, and their main
business or political positions:
Jeppe Christiansen (2012)
Novo Group, Director
Haldor Tops淡e, Director
Novo Nordisk, Vice Chairman
Symphogen, Director
Kirkbi, Director
Maj Invest, CEO
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Bjarne Corydon (2013)
Minister of Finance
Anders Eldrup (2010, 11)
Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster, Chairman
Rookwool Foundation, Deputy Chairman
former Bilderberg Group steering committee
former DONG Energy CEO (resigned, disgraced)
Ulrik Federspiel (2010, 11, 12, 13)
Bilderberg Group steering committee
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Haldor Tops淡e A/S, Executive Vice President
International DME Association, Director
former Danish Ambassador to the US
Poul Nyrup Rasmussen (2010)
former Prime Minister of Denmark
former member of the European Parliament
Social Europe Journal, Editorial Board
OMFIF, Advisory Board
Peter Sch端tze (2011)
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DSB, Chairman
Copenhagen Business School, Chairman
SimCorp, Vice Chairman
former CEO of Nordea Denmark
Jakob Haldor Tops淡e (2013)
Haldor Tops淡e, Director
AMBROX Capital A/S, Partner
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This years conference of the Bilderberg Group will take place in
Copenhagen, at the Marriott Hotel, from May 29  June 1.
MAY 14, 2014
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This luxury hotel in Copenhagen boasts 887 square meters of
sunlight-drenched conference space.
MAY 13, 2014
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The Marriott Hotel in central Copenhagen is a 15 minute drive from
the airport. It sits right on the river, to the south west of the city
centre. Guests are invited to revel in 402 spacious air-conditioned
accommodations and luxury suites with the finest water views in the
surrounding area.
Address: Kalvebod Brygge 5, 1560 K淡benhavn, Denmark
Phone:+45 88 33 99 00
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Bilderberg conference 2015 june 11 14

  • 1. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API The 63rd annual Bilderberg policy summit starts on June 11 at the Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol in Austria 3 days after the G7, and 26km from Schloss Elmau. The Austrian police have confirmed that the same security operation is covering both events. The Bilderberg conference is an annual meeting of around 140 politicians, EU policymakers, industry leaders & European royalty. Participants at the 2014 conference in Copenhagen included:- the PRESS If you are a member of the press, or plan to report on the event, and would like any further information or assistance, please contact: press [at] bilderbergmeetings.co.uk If you have any questions about coming along to report on the 2015 Bilderberg conference in Austria, please contact: info [at] bilderbergmeetings.co.uk 2015 BILDERBERG CONFERENCE 2015: JUNE 11-14 JUNE 3, 2015 BilderbergMeetings ANNUAL CONFERENCE POLITICIANS CORPORATEHEADS BILDERBERG GROUP BANKING LOBBY INDUSTRY & ENERGY LOBBY MEDIALOBBY LOBBYING JZEF RETINGER PRESS RELATIONS CHAIRMAN
  • 2. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API head of the IMF, the head of Nato, the head of MI6, the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, the Swedish and Spanish foreign ministers, the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Chairmen of the Greek and Canadian national banks, the Chairman & CEO of Shell, the Executive Chairman of Google, the Chairman of Deutsche Bank, the Chairman of HSBC, the Chairman & Chief Executive of BP and the CEO of Airbus. UK Chancellorof the ExchequerGeorge Osborne meets withSirJohnKerr, Deputy Chairmanof ScottishPower, at Bilderberg 2014
  • 3. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API The Bilderberg Group is governed by a Steering Committee, chaired by Henri de Castries, Chairman & CEO of AXA. Also on the Steering Committee are: James A. Johnson, a director of Goldman Sachs; Klaus Kleinfeld, a director of Morgan Stanley; Peter Thiel, a director of Facebook; Kenneth M. Jacobs, Chairman & CEO of Lazard; and Robert Zoellick, Chairman of Goldman Sachs Board of International Advisors. The conference agenda is set to include the situation in Ukraine and Syria, and the TTIP trade agreement: senior lobbyists for TTIP from the business and financial sector will be attending. Austrian police have confirmed the date of the 2015 Bilderberg 2015 2015 BILDERBERG MEETING CONFIRMED: JUNE 11-14 JANUARY 30, 2015
  • 4. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API meeting. The security for the annual conference will take place from June 9th-14th. The meeting itself will take place from the Thursday to the Sunday of that week, June 11th-14th, at the exclusive Interalpen Hotel, in the mountains near Telfs. The police have stated that they will be undertaking just the one single security exercise for the Bilderberg conference and for the G7 summit taking place nearby at Schloss Elmau in Bavaria, Germany, from the 7th-8th June.
  • 5. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 2015 BILDERBERG 2015 LOCATION CONFIRMED: AUSTRIA AUGUST 24, 2014
  • 6. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API The location for the 2015 annual conference of the Bilderberg Group has been confirmed. The yearly transatlantic summit, which is attended by senior politicians, bank bosses and the heads of some of the worlds largest companies, will be held at the Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol, a luxury hotel and conference centre in Austria. The Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol is a five-star hotel conference centre tucked away in the mountain forests a few kilometres west of the Seefeld ski resort, and conveniently close to Innsbruck airport. The
  • 7. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API hotel is part of the privately-owned Liebherr Group, a giant Switzerland-based manufacturing conglomeration, owned by the billionaire German Liebherr family. According to the hotels Meetings & Events brochure, the hotel lies at an altitude of 1,300 metres in an exclusive setting in the Tirolean Alps and offers panoramic views of magnificent mountain peaks. The isolated, Eagles Nest style venue has a 400-capacity conference centre with a magnificent Alpine backdrop and state-of-the-art conference facilities. The location of the 2015 conference has now been confirmed by Austrian police. It will be the third time the Bilderberg summit has been held in Austria, and 27 years since the previous occasion. The 1988 conference was also held at the Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol; the 1979 conference was held in Baden, just south of Vienna.
  • 8. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Its thought that the 2015 conference will be held in early June, although the exact date has yet to be confirmed. The hotel is fully booked on the first two weekends of June (4th-7th and 11th-14th). Participants at the 2014 conference in Copenhagen included: Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne MP; Paul Achleitner, the Chairman of Deutsche Bank; Stephen Poloz, the Governor of the Bank of Governor; Robert Dudley, the Group Chief Executive of BP; Eric Schmidt, the Executive Chairman of Google; Douglas Flint, the Group Chairman of HSBC; Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF; and Peter Sutherland, the Chairman Goldman Sachs International. 2014 BILDERBERG 2014: BRITISH PARTICIPANTS MAY 28, 2014
  • 9. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API There are thirteen British names on the officially released list of attendees for the 2014 Bilderberg Conference in Denmark. The three day trade and policy summit begins on Thursday May 29th, and is taking place at the Marriott Hotel, Copenhagen. The British participants include two serving cabinet ministers, the Group Chairman of HSBC, the head of MI6 and Lord Mandelson. They are: POLITICS / CIVIL SERVICE George Osborne MP Chancellor of the Exchequer Justine Greening MP Secretary of State for International Development Ed Balls MP Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer John Sawers Chief, Secret Intelligence Service (MI6)
  • 10. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API BUSINESS Douglas Flint Group Chairman, HSBC Chairman, International Institute of Finance International Advisory Board, BritishAmerican Business Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles Senior Advisor to Group Chairman, HSBC Bob Dudley Group Chief Executive, BP Director, Rosneft Note: Bob Dudley is listed under GBR on the participant list, although he is American. Sir John Kerr Deputy Chairman, Scottish Power Helen Alexander Director, Rolls-Royce Chairman UBM plc
  • 11. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Deputy Chair, esure group. Senior Adviser to Bain Capital International Advisory Board, BritishAmerican Business Marcus Agius Chairman, PA Consulting Peter Mandelson Chairman, Lazard International Chairman, Global Counsel Director, Sistema MEDIA John Micklethwait Editor-in-Chief, The Economist Martin Wolf Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times
  • 12. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API The agenda for the 2014 Bilderberg conference in Copenhagen has been released. The key topics for discussion this year include: Is the economic recovery sustainable? Who will pay for the demographics? Does privacy exist? How special is the relationship in intelligence sharing? Big shifts in technology and jobs The future of democracy and the middle class trap Chinas political and economic outlook The new architecture of the Middle East Ukraine What next for Europe? Current events The top discussion point Is the economic recovery sustainable? is certain to be focusing on the huge transatlantic free-trade UNCATEGORIZED BILDERBERG 2014: AGENDA RELEASED MAY 27, 2014
  • 13. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API agreement currently being negotiated between the EU and the US: TTIP. More details on TTIP and Bilderberg here. == 2014 BILDERBERG CONFERENCE TO BE HELD AT THE MARRIOT HOTEL IN COPENHAGEN, MAY 29th JUNE 1st == Every year, the influential Bilderberg Group holds an exclusive three day conference: an international trade and policy summit attended by senior politicians and policymakers, billionaire investors, European royalty, bank bosses, corporate CEOs, and media moguls from all over the world. The participant list is a roll call of the biggest executives on the 2014 BILDERBERG 2014: MARRIOT HOTEL, COPENHAGEN MAY 21, 2014
  • 14. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API planet, the heads of companies such as Shell, HSBC, Google and Deutsche Bank. These executives will spend three days, in private, discussing economics, trade policy and geopolitics, with finance ministers, European Commissioners, foreign ministers, and even prime ministers. == WHAT IS THE BILDERBERG GROUP? == The Bilderberg Group is an influential trade and finance lobbying organisation, which every year holds a three day conference. The 2013 conference was held in a luxury hotel outside London. Two years ago it was held near Washington DC. The first official Bilderberg conference was held in Holland in 1954, making 2014 is Bilderbergs 60th year. This year is the first time since 1969 that the conference will take place in Denmark. The Bilderberg Group is governed by a Steering Committee, chaired by Henri de Castries, the Chairman and CEO of AXA (the huge French insurance and investment group). Also on the Steering Committee are the billionaire venture capitalist, Peter Thiel, the founder of PayPal and director of Facebook; Thomas Enders, the
  • 15. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API CEO of Airbus (the European defence & aeronautics multinational); and Peter Sutherland, the Chairman of Goldman Sachs International. == WHO ATTENDS? == Heads of corporations, such as: Shell, BP, Rio Tinto, Novartis, Dow Chemicals, Unilever, and Nestl辿. Heads of banks and financial institutions such as: HSBC, Citigroup, Lazard, Goldman Sachs, Santander, Barclays, American Express, JP Morgan, TD Bank and Deustche Bank. Heads of new media and tech companies, including typically: Eric Schmidt (Executive Chairman of Google); Peter Thiel; Reid Hoffman (co-founder of LinkedIn); and Craig Mundie, (senior advisor to the CEO of Microsoft). From media: proprietors, editors and senior representatives from The Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, Die Zeit, Le Monde, and The Washington Post. The Economist provides the rapporteurs who transcribe the meeting. The Editor-in-Chief of the Economist also generally attends.
  • 16. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Leaders from the world of government and public policy, such as: the World Bank; the European Council; the ECB; the Bank for International Settlements; the IMF; the Federal Reserve; and the US Treasury. European, American and Canadian politicians, Prime Ministers and Finance Ministers such as: the Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, and UK Prime Minister, David Cameron, who both attended in 2013. Also expected to attend from the UK are: Bilderberg Association trustee and Cabinet Minister, Kenneth Clarke MP; regular participant Lord Mandelson; and Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne, who has attended the conference six times (the last time in 2013). Royalty are also on the guest list including: Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands; King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands; King Juan Carlos I of Spain; Queen Sofia of Spain; the Infanta Christina of Spain; and Crown Prince Haakon of Norway. == 2014, THE YEAR OF TTIP == The transatlantic trade agreement TTIP features will feature highly on the conference agenda this year. Finance ministers from many EU
  • 17. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API countries will be in attendance (last year there were five), as will key lobbyists for TTIP and several members of lobby group British American Business, who are spear-heading this top-level trade agreement. == FACILITIES FOR THE PRESS == There is a police-sanctioned press space in the car park directly facing the Marriott hotel gates, and are providing nearby power facilities and up-to-date information and delegate photos. The press space will be open every day from 9am to 6pm from Thursday 29th May to
  • 18. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Sunday 1st June. == POLICE AND PROTESTS == Local police expect several hundred transparency campaigners to be present outside the Marriott hotel for the duration of the conference. == LOCATION == The Marriott Copenhagen, Kalvebod Brygge 5, 1560 K淡benhavn, Denmark
  • 19. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API == OFFICIAL WEBSITE == www.bilderbergmeetings.org
  • 20. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API The 2014 Bilderberg Conference will take place at the Marriott Hotel in Copenhagen, from May 29th June 1st. It is the first time since 1969 that the Conference will be held in Denmark. 2014 COPENHAGEN 2014: DANES AT BILDERBERG MAY 18, 2014
  • 21. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Ulrik Federspiel Bilderberg GroupSteering Committee; Executive Vice President, Haldor Tops淡e A/S It is common for the host country to have participants than usual. In anticipation of the release of this years participant list, here is a list of Danish participants from the last four Bilderberg Group conferences (years 2010-13), showing the years they attended, and their main business or political positions: Jeppe Christiansen (2012) Novo Group, Director Haldor Tops淡e, Director Novo Nordisk, Vice Chairman Symphogen, Director Kirkbi, Director Maj Invest, CEO
  • 22. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Bjarne Corydon (2013) Minister of Finance Anders Eldrup (2010, 11) Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster, Chairman Rookwool Foundation, Deputy Chairman former Bilderberg Group steering committee former DONG Energy CEO (resigned, disgraced) Ulrik Federspiel (2010, 11, 12, 13) Bilderberg Group steering committee
  • 23. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Haldor Tops淡e A/S, Executive Vice President International DME Association, Director former Danish Ambassador to the US Poul Nyrup Rasmussen (2010) former Prime Minister of Denmark former member of the European Parliament Social Europe Journal, Editorial Board OMFIF, Advisory Board Peter Sch端tze (2011)
  • 24. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API DSB, Chairman Copenhagen Business School, Chairman SimCorp, Vice Chairman former CEO of Nordea Denmark Jakob Haldor Tops淡e (2013) Haldor Tops淡e, Director AMBROX Capital A/S, Partner 2014 BILDERBERG 2014:
  • 25. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API This years conference of the Bilderberg Group will take place in Copenhagen, at the Marriott Hotel, from May 29 June 1. BILDERBERG 2014: COPENHAGEN MAY 14, 2014
  • 26. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API This luxury hotel in Copenhagen boasts 887 square meters of sunlight-drenched conference space. 2014 COPENHAGEN MARRIOTT MAY 13, 2014
  • 27. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API The Marriott Hotel in central Copenhagen is a 15 minute drive from the airport. It sits right on the river, to the south west of the city centre. Guests are invited to revel in 402 spacious air-conditioned accommodations and luxury suites with the finest water views in the surrounding area. Address: Kalvebod Brygge 5, 1560 K淡benhavn, Denmark Phone:+45 88 33 99 00
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