1. Terpenoids
Terpenoids are the volatile and aromatic substances present in plants and giving them
their characteristic fragrance or odour.
爐爛爐萎お爛爐爛爐爐÷爐 爐爛爐о爐 爐爛爐 爐爛爐爛爐 爐朽ぞ爐劇爐爐謹爐 爐爐 爐伍爐爐爐оた爐 爐爐爐鉦ぐ爛爐 爐項爐 爐爛 爐爐爛爐項爐 爐爐爐爛 爐朽た爐謹た爐劇爐 爐伍爐爐爐 爐爐 爐伍爐爐爐 爐爛爐む
Generally, most of the terpenoids are a group of compounds present naturally in plants
with some exceptions of i.e., obtained from other sources) including civet, musk, etc
爐爐 爐む爐 爐爐, 爐爐оた爐爐鉦爐 爐爛爐萎お爛爐爛爐爐÷爐 爐爛爐о爐 爐爛爐 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐爛 爐むた爐 爐萎爐 爐伍 爐爛爐爛爐 爐爛爐爐逗爛爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐項爐む 爐項爐, 爐
爛 爐
爐爐爐朽ぞ爐爛爐 爐
爛 爐伍ぞ爐 (爐爛爐伍, 爐爐爛爐 爐伍爐萎爐む爐 爐伍 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐爛爐) 爐爐逗え爐爛爐 爐伍た爐朽爐, 爐爐伍爐む爐萎 爐爐爐 爐謹ぞ爐爐逗げ 爐項爐爛
In plants, terpenoids are present in leaves and fruits of higher plants, conifers, citrus
plants, and other plants.
爐爛爐о爐 爐爛爐, 爐爛爐萎お爛爐爛爐爐÷爐 爐爐爛爐 爐爛爐о爐, 爐謹爐
爛 爐оぞ爐萎, 爐爐爛爐爛 爐爛爐о爐 爐爐 爐爐爛爐 爐爛爐о爐 爐爛 爐爐む爐むた爐爛爐 爐爐 爐爐迦爐 爐爛爐 爐爛爐爛爐
爐項爐む 爐項爐爛
Occurrence and Distribution
Terpenoids are volatile substances which give plants and flowers their fragrance. They
occur widely in the leaves and fruits of higher plants, conifers, citrus and eucalyptus.
爐爛爐萎お爛爐爛爐爐÷爐 爐爐伍爐ムた爐 爐爐爐鉦ぐ爛爐 爐項爐 爐爛 爐爛爐о爐 爐爐 爐
爛 爐迦爐 爐爛 爐爐爐爛 爐伍爐爐爐 爐爛爐む 爐項爐爛 爐朽 爐
爐 爐爛 爐爛爐о爐, 爐爛爐爐逗か爐萎爐, 爐伍ぞ爐爐爛爐萎じ
爐爐 爐爛爐迦爐逗ぐ爛 爐爛 爐爐む爐むた爐爛爐 爐爐 爐爐迦爐 爐爛爐 爐朽爐爐鉦お爐 爐萎爐 爐伍 爐爐鉦 爐爐鉦い爛 爐項爐
Terpenoids comprise tens of thousands of small molecule natural products that are
widely distributed across all domains of life. Plants produce by far the largest array of
terpenoids with various roles in development and chemical ecology.
爐爛爐萎お爛爐爛爐爐÷爐 爐爛爐 爐項爐鉦ぐ爛爐 爐爛爐爛 爐爐爛 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐爛 爐むた爐 爐爐む爐爐鉦う 爐謹ぞ爐爐逗げ 爐項爐む 爐項爐 爐爛 爐爛爐朽え 爐
爛 爐伍き爛 爐爛爐劇爐む爐萎爐 爐爛爐 爐朽爐爐鉦お爐 爐萎爐 爐伍
爐朽た爐むぐ爐逗い 爐項爐む 爐項爐爛 爐爛爐о 爐朽た爐爐逗え爛爐 爐爛爐爐逗爐鉦爐 爐朽ぞ爐迦 爐爛爐萎お爛爐爛爐爐÷爐 爐爛 爐爐 爐む 爐爛 爐伍が爐伍 爐爐÷ぜ爛 爐謹爐萎爐爐爐迦ぞ 爐爐
爐爐む爐爐鉦う爐 爐爐萎い爛 爐項爐
Isolation (爐踱爐鉦爐)
Fractional Distillation
Chromatographic Method
Chemical Method
Identification Tests (爐爐項爐鉦え 爐爐萎爐爛爐劇ぃ)
Noller's Test: The sample to be analysed is mixed with tin and thionyl chloride and subjected to
warmth. Pink colouration appears, if tri-terpenoids are present.
2. 爐爛爐迦ぐ 爐爐 爐爐萎爐爛爐劇ぃ: 爐朽た爐謹爐迦爐劇ぃ 爐爐逗 爐爐鉦え爛 爐朽ぞ爐迦 爐爐爛爐爛 爐爛 爐爐逗え 爐爐 爐ムた爐爛爐爐逗げ 爐爛爐迦爐萎ぞ爐爐 爐
爛 爐伍ぞ爐 爐爐逗げ爐鉦く爐
爐爐鉦い爐 爐項 爐爐 爐爐萎爐爛爐劇ぃ 爐
爛 爐爐о爐 爐爐逗く爐 爐爐鉦い爐 爐項 爐爐萎爐爛 爐
爛 爐迦た爐. 爐爐爐 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐-爐爐萎お爛爐爛爐爐÷爐 爐爛爐爛爐 爐項爐 爐む 爐爛爐迦ぞ爐爛
爐萎爐 爐爐逗爐鉦 爐爛爐むぞ 爐項爛
Test for Terpenoids: In a test tube, the plant extract (0.5gm) is taken along with chloroform
(2ml). Conc. H2SO4 (5ml) is added carefully in the tube in such a manner that it forms a
separate layer.
Appearance of reddish brown colouration at the junction of two layers confirms the presence of
爐爛爐萎お爛爐爛爐爐÷爐 爐
爛 爐迦た爐 爐爐萎爐爛爐劇ぃ: 爐踱 爐爛爐伍爐 爐爛爐爛爐 爐爛爐, 爐爛爐о 爐爐 爐爐萎爐 (0.5 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐) 爐爛爐迦爐萎爐爛爐萎爐 (2 爐爐逗げ爛爐迦爐爐) 爐
爐伍ぞ爐 爐迦た爐爐 爐爐鉦い爐 爐項爛 爐伍爐爛爐劇た爐爛爐. H2SO4 (5ml) 爐爛 爐爛爐爛爐 爐爛爐 爐伍ぞ爐朽ぇ爐鉦え爛 爐伍 爐爐 爐むぐ爐 爐÷ぞ爐迦ぞ 爐爐鉦い爐 爐項 爐爐 爐爐
爐踱 爐爐迦 爐爐萎い 爐爐爐 爐迦爛むう爛 爐爐萎い爛爐 爐
爛 爐爐爐爛爐謹え 爐爐 爐迦ぞ爐 爐爛爐萎 爐萎爐 爐爐 爐爐逗爐爐 爐爛爐萎お爛爐爛爐爐÷爐 爐爛 爐爐爐伍爐ムた爐むた 爐爛
爐爛爐劇爐爐 爐爐萎い爐 爐項.
Pharmaceutical Application (爐爐鉦ぐ爛爐爐鉦じ爛爐爛爐爐逗爐 爐爐爛爐爛爐萎く爛爐)
Some plants produce volatile terpenes for attracting insects for pollination or to repel
certain animals feeding on that plant.
爛 爐 爐爛爐о 爐爐萎ぞ爐爐 爐
爛 爐迦た爐 爐爛爐÷ぜ爛爐 爐爛 爐爐爐萎爐劇た爐 爐爐萎え爛 爐爐 爐爐 爐爛爐о 爐爛 爐爐鉦え爛 爐朽ぞ爐迦 爐
爛 爐 爐爐鉦え爐朽ぐ爛爐 爐爛 爐爛爐爛
爐項爐鉦え爛 爐
爛 爐迦た爐 爐爐伍爐ムた爐 爐爛爐萎お爛爐 爐爐 爐爐む爐爐鉦う爐 爐爐萎い爛 爐項爐)
This bitter taste protects the plants from getting devoured by animals and are also used
as antifeedants.
爐爐 爐爐÷ぜ爐朽ぞ 爐伍爐朽ぞ爐 爐爛爐о爐 爐爛 爐爐鉦え爐朽ぐ爛爐 爐爛爐朽ぞ爐萎ぞ 爐爐鉦 爐爐鉦え爛 爐伍 爐爐爐鉦い爐 爐項 爐爐 爐爐伍爐 爐爐爐爛爐 爐爛爐爐爐萎爐о 爐
爛 爐萎爐 爐爛爐
爐爛 爐爐逗く爐 爐爐鉦い爐 爐項爛
They also possess medicinal properties like perilla alcohol acts as antineoplastic agent,
artemisinin has antimalarial property, glycyrrhizin has antiulcer, hepaticidal, antimicrobial
and diuretic properties, and taxol (diterpenoid) has anticancer property.
爐爐爐爛爐 爐爐劇ぇ爛爐 爐爛爐 爐爛 爐項爐む 爐項爐 爐爛爐伍 爐爛爐萎た爐迦ぞ 爐爐迦爐爛爐項げ 爐踱爐爛爐爛爐爛爐迦ぞ爐伍爐爐逗 爐踱爛爐爐 爐
爛 爐萎爐 爐爛爐 爐爐鉦ぐ爛爐 爐爐萎い爐 爐項,
爐爐萎爐爛爐爐逗じ爐逗え爐逗え 爐爛爐 爐爐迦爐萎た爐爐鉦ぐ爛爐о 爐爛爐 爐項爐む 爐項爐, 爐爛爐迦ぞ爐爐伍爐萎ぞ爐爐爐酌た爐 爐爛爐 爐爐迦爐伍ぐ爐萎爐о, 爐項爐爛爐爐逗じ爐鉦爐÷げ, 爐萎爐爐鉦ぃ爛爐萎爐о
爐爐 爐爛爐む爐萎さ爐萎爐о 爐爛爐 爐項爐む 爐項爐爛