Bill is the hero of the apocalyptic radio drama comedy, trying to rescue a damsel in distress from the rabbit man who can manipulate pencils as his helper. The beginning features frozen voice effects to set a formal tone and depict Bill on an enigmatic phone call. Following Todorov's model, the passage establishes equilibrium with introductory speech before disrupting it by introducing the female character, implying future resolution. Characters converse indirectly but the overall mode of address remains informal due to the lighthearted genre.
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1. The apocalypse of Bill LizardIts the end of the world as he knows it, etc. etc.
2. Propps theoryBill is the hero, the woman the damsel in distress and the rabbit man who can manipulate pencils is the helper.
3. Generic verisimilitudeThis drama is a comedy genre. This is a generic verisimilitude because it has got its desired opinion of the radio drama.
4. The beginningThe beginning of the radio drama consists of effects such as frozen voice giving a formal mode of address. There is an affect which seems like Bill is on the phone to someone giving an enigmatic effect.
5. TodorovThe five minute passage I heard featured both an equilibrium and a disruption; and because of this we know therell be a resolution. The equilibrium is the spoken word intro, and the disruption is the introduction of the female character.
6. Mode of addressThe mode of address is informal, as its a light hearted radio comedy, and indirect, as it contains conversations between the characters, but not to the audience.