This document is a lecture outline on Charles Darwin and the theory of evolution. It covers Darwin's voyage on the HMS Beagle where he made observations of animals in different parts of the world. It discusses how Darwin was influenced by earlier scientists like Cuvier and Lamarck and how he developed the theory of natural selection based on his observations of variations between individuals and how certain traits could provide advantages for survival and reproduction. The document outlines Darwin's key ideas of natural selection and variation within populations. It also notes that Alfred Wallace independently developed a similar theory of natural selection.
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Bio 100 Chapter 13
1. Chapter 13
Darwin and
Lecture Outline
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3. Darwin made a trip around the world
Georges Cuvier knew that fossils showed a
succession of different life-forms through time
Paleontology the study of fossils
Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck concluded on the
basis of fossil evidence that more complex
organisms are descended from less complex
4. Figure 13.1A One of the animals that Cuvier reconstructed from
fossils was the mastodon
5. Figure 13.1B Lamarck thought the long neck of a giraffe was due
to continued stretching in each generation
6. December 1831 a 22-year-old naturalist named
Charles Darwin (18091882) set sail on the
British naval vessel HMS Beagle
Primary mission to expand navys knowledge of
natural resources in foreign lands
Darwin made many observations about
similarities and differences among animals in
different parts of the world
7. Darwin also collected fossils
Sediments deposited in strata
Darwin was convinced that the Earths massive
geologic changes are the result of slow
processes and that, therefore, in contrast to
thought at that time, the Earth was old enough to
have allowed evolution to occur
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Rhea Patagonian desert Earths strata contain fossils
Gal叩pagos South INDIAN
Islands America OCEAN
Charles Darwin, age 31
HMS Beagle
Tropical rain forest Woodpecker finch Marine iguana
(rhea): 息 Nicole Duplaix/National Geographic/Getty Images; (desert): 息 C. Luiz Claudio Marigo/Peter Arnold/Photolibrary; (rain forest): 息 Chad Ehlers/Getty Images; (Darwin): 息 Carolina
Biological/Visuals Unlimited; (iguana): 息 Sami Sarkis/Getty RF; (finch): 息 D. Parer & E. Parer-Cook/Ardea; (strata): 息 Anthony L. Solis/Getty RF
9. Artificial selection mimics natural selection
Darwin made a study of artificial selection
Process by which humans choose, on the basis of
certain traits, the animals and plants that will
Example: Foxes are very shy and normally shun
people, but Russian scientists have produced silver
foxes that are pets
Example: Several varieties of vegetables can be
traced to a single ancestor that exhibits various
11. Figure 13.2B These three plants came from the wild mustard plant
through artificial selection
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Chinese cabbage Brussels sprouts Kohlrabi
Wild mustard 13-11
(cabbage, brussel sprouts, kohlrabi): Courtesy W. Atlee Burpee Company; (wild mustard): 息 Medioimages/Punchstock
12. Darwin formulated natural selection as a
mechanism for evolution
Thomas Malthus who had proposed that death
and famine are inevitable because the human
population tends to increase faster than the
supply of food
Darwin hypothesized there is a constant struggle for
existence, and only certain members of a population
survive and reproduce in each generation
Those members that have some advantage are best
able to compete successfully for limited resources
13. Darwin called the process by which organisms
with an advantage reproduce more than others
of their kind natural selection
Some aspect of the environment acts as a
selective agent and chooses the members of
the population with the advantageous phenotype
to reproduce more than the other members
14. Essential components of Natural Selection
The members of a population have inheritable
A population is able to produce more offspring than
the environment can support
Only certain members of the population survive and
Natural selection results in a population adapted to
the local environment
Changes in a population over time due to the
accumulation of inherited differences
15. FIGURE 13.3 The brightly colored tree frog can hide among tropical
plants where the large red eyes confuse predators. The frog climbs
trees and other plants assisted by toes with suction cups
16. 13.4 Wallace independently formulated a
natural selection hypothesis
Alfred Russel Wallace (18231913) was also a
British naturalist
Wallaces travels took him to the Amazon and Malay
He too had read Malthuss essay, and in 1858 had the
idea of survival of the fittest as well
Darwin suggested that Wallaces paper be
published immediately
Lyell and others suggested that a joint paper be read
to the Linnean Society
13A Natural selection can be witnessed
Darwin formed his idea of natural selection by
observing tortoises and finches on the
Gal叩pagos Islands
Example: Finches
Heavy beak of large, ground-dwelling finch suited to seeds
Beak of warbler-finch suited to feeding on insects
Longer, de-curved beak and split tongue of cactus-finch
suited for probing cactus flowers for nectar
Peter and Rosemary Grant are actually watching
natural selection as it occurs in the finches
18. Figure 13A.1 Finches on the Gal叩pagos Islands
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A ground-dwelling finch A cactus-finch probes flowers
feeds on seeds. for nectar.
A warbber-finch feeds on insects.
(ground finch, cactus finch): 息 Laura L. Fellows; (warbler finch): 息 Greg W. Lasley
19. Figure 13A.2 The beak depth of a ground finch varies from
generation to generation, according to the weather
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wet year
dry year dry year dry year
Beak Depth
ground finch
1977 1980 1982 1984
21. 13.5 Fossils provide a
record of the past
Best evidence for evolution comes from fossils
Traces of past life, such as trails, footprints, burrows,
worm casts, or preserved droppings
Weathering and erosion of rocks produces an
accumulation of particles that vary in size and nature
Sediment becomes a stratum, a recognizable layer in
several layers
Fossil record
History of life recorded by fossils and the most direct
evidence we have that evolution has occurred
22. Figure 13.5A
a. Paleontologists carefully remove and study fossils
b. The deeper the stratum, the older are the fossils found there
23. Figure 13.5B Fossils are carefully cleaned, and organisms
are reconstructed
24. 13.6 Fossils are evidence for
common descent
Darwin used the phrase descent with
modification to explain evolution
You and your cousins have a common ancestor in
your grandparents, so one couple can give rise to
many descendants
Transitional fossil is either the common
ancestor for the two different groups or is closely
related to the common ancestor
Allow us to trace the descent of organisms
Ex: Archaeopteryx lithographica
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Figure 13.6AFossil of
Archaeopteryx and an artists
Archaeopteryx fossil
reptile characteristics
bird characteristics
tail with vertebrae
(fossil): 息 Jason Edwards/Getty RF; (art): 息 Joe Tucciarone
26. Figure 13.6B Ambulocetus natans, an ancestor of the
modern toothed whale, and its fossil remains
27. 13.7 Anatomic evidence
supports common descent
Anatomic similarities exist between fossils and
between living organisms
Homologous structures those that are
anatomically similar because they are inherited from a
recent common ancestor
Analogous structures those that serve the same
function, but they are not constructed similarly, nor do
they share a recent common ancestry
28. 13.7 Anatomic evidence
supports common descent
Comparative anatomy
Vertebrate forelimbs are used for flight, orientation
during swimming, running, climbing, or swinging from
tree branches
Yet all vertebrate forelimbs contain the same sets of
bones organized in similar ways despite their
dissimilar functions
Vestigial structures
Fully developed in one group of organisms but
reduced and possibly nonfunctional in similar groups
Pelvic girdle in whales and snakes
29. Figure 13.7A
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Despite differences in
bird humerus function, vertebrate
ulna forelimbs have the
same bones
whale cat horse human
30. 13.7 Anatomic evidence
supports common descent
Embryological evidence
Homology shared by vertebrates extends to their
embryologic development
At some time during development, all vertebrates
have a postanal tail and paired pharyngeal pouches
Terrestrial vertebrates can trace their ancestry to
amphibians and then to fishes
31. Copyright 息 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
Pig embryo Figure 13.7B
Vertebrate embryos
have features in
common, despite
different appearances
as adults
pharyngeal postanal
pouches tail
Chick embryo 13-31
(both): 息 Carolina Biological Supply/Phototake
32. 13.8 Biogeographic evidence
supports common descent
Biogeography is the study of the distribution of
plants and animals in different places throughout
the world
Such distributions are consistent with the hypothesis
that life-forms evolved in a particular locale
Example: Both cactuses and euphorbia are succulent,
spiny, flowering plants adapted to a hot, dry
environment, but cactuses grow in North American
deserts and euphorbia grow in African deserts
It seems they just happened to evolve on their respective
33. 13.9 Molecular evidence
supports common descent
Almost all organisms use the same basic
biochemical molecules, including DNA, ATP,
and many enzymes
All organisms use the same DNA triplet code and the
same 20 amino acids in their proteins
Humans share a large number of genes with much
simpler organisms
Lifes vast diversity has come about by only a slight
difference in the regulation of genes
34. Copyright 息 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
Figure 13.9 Biochemical
51 differences indicate
yeast degrees of relatedness
among organisms
18 Cytochrome c is a small protein
that plays an important role in
the electron transport chain
within mitochondria of all cells.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Number of amino acid differences 13-34
compared to human cytochrome c.
36. 13.10 The human population
is diverse
Members of a single species occupying a particular
area at the same time
All humans are the same species
Much of the genomic diversity of humans is due to
microvariations such as single nucleotide
polymorphisms (differences) or SNPs
Humans inherit patterns of base-pair differences now
called haplotypes
37. FIGURE 13.10 The HapMap project compares DNA sequences
among African, Asian, and European populations
to discover unique base-pair differences
38. A Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is not expected
Gene pool of a population is composed of all
the alleles in all the individuals making up the
When the allele frequencies for a population
change, microevolution has occurred
Peppered moth example
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genotypes DD Dd dd
frequency of genotypes 0.04 0.32 0.64
in the population
0.04 + 0.16 0.16 + 0.64
frequency of alleles and
gametes in the population 13-38
0.20 D 0.80 d
39. Copyright 息 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
F1 generation
Genotypes: DD Dd dd
Genotype frequencies: 0.04 0.32 0.64
Allele and gamete frequencies: D = 0.20 d = 0.80
F2 generation 0.20 D 0.80 d
0.04 DD 0.16 Dd
0.16 Dd 0.64 dd
Genotype frequencies: 0.04 DD + 0.32 Dd + 0.64 dd = 1
p2 + 2pq + q 2 = 1
p2 = frequency of DD genotype (dark-colored) = (0.20)2 = 0.04
2pq = frequency of Dd genotype (dark-colored) = 2(0.20)(0.80) = 0.32
q2 = frequency of dd genotype (light-colored) = (0.80)2 = 0.64
Figure 13.11 Calculating gene pool frequencies for F1 and F2 13-39
40. The Hardy-Weinberg Principle
Potential constancy, or equilibrium state, of gene
pool frequencies was independently recognized
by G. H. Hardy and W. Weinberg
Binomial equation (p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1) to
calculate the genotype and allele frequencies of
a population
Formulated Hardy-Weinberg principle
41. 5 conditions for Hardy-Weinberg
1. No mutations
2. No gene flow
3. Random mating
4. No genetic drift
5. No natural selection
42. Mutations & sexual recombination produce
Mutations permanent genetic changes
Without mutations, there could be no inheritable
phenotypic variations
43. Mutations are the primary source of
genetic differences among asexual
In sexually reproducing organisms, sexual
recombination is as important as mutation
in creating phenotypic differences
Sexual recombination creates new
combinations of alleles
44. Nonrandom mating occurs when only certain
genotypes or phenotypes mate with one another
Gene flow (gene migration) the movement of
alleles between populations
Continued gene flow tends to make the gene pools
similar and reduce the possibility of allele frequency
differences between populations
45. Figure 13.13A The anatomy of Figure 13.13B Occasional cross-
the garden pea (Pisum sativum) pollination between a population of
ensures self-pollination and Pisum sativum and a population of
nonrandom mating Pisum arvense is an example of
gene flow
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gene flow
Pisum arvense
Pisum sativam
Pisum sativum
46. 13.14 The effects of genetic drift
are unpredictable
Genetic drift changes in the allele
frequencies of a gene pool due to chance
rather than selection by the environment
2 mechanisms
1. Bottleneck effect
2. Founder effect
47. Small Versus Large Populations
Although genetic drift occurs in populations of all
sizes, a smaller population is more likely to show the
effects of drift
Bottleneck and Founder Effects
Bottleneck effect prevents the majority of genotypes
from participating in the next generation
Founder effect is an example of genetic drift in which
rare alleles, or combinations of alleles, occur at a
higher frequency in a population isolated from the
general population
48. Figure 13.14A Chance events can cause allele frequency
changes and genetic drift
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10% of
natural disaster kills
five green frogs
20% of
49. Figure 13.14B A rare form of dwarfism that is linked to polydactylism is
seen among the Amish in Pennsylvania (1/1,000 in general population,
1/14 in Amish community)
50. 13.15 Natural selection can be
stabilizing, directional, or disruptive
Stabilizing selection
Occurs when an intermediate phenotype is favored
Improves adaptation of the population to those
aspects of the environment that remain constant
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20 100
Percent of Births in Population
70 Percent Infant Mortality
15 50
Figure 13.15B Stabilizing
20 selection as exemplified by
10 10 human birth weight
5 5
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13-50
Birth Weight (in pounds)
51. Directional selection
Occurs when an extreme phenotype is favored, and
the distribution curve shifts in that direction
Such a shift can occur when a population is adapting
to a changing environment
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All guppies predation
are drab
and small
Amount of Color
above waterfall predation
below waterfall
0 4 8 12
a. Experimental site b. Result
(a): 息 Helen Rodd
Figure 13.15C Directional selection in guppies 13-51
52. Disruptive selection
Two or more extreme phenotypes are favored over
any intermediate phenotype
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Forested Low-lying
areas vegetation
息 Bob Evans/Peter Arnold/Photolibrary
Figure 13.15D Disruptive selection in snails
53. Figure 13.15A Phenotype ranges before and after three types of selection
Blue represents favored phenotype(s)
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Number of Individuals
Phenotype Range Phenotype Range Phenotype Range
a. stabilizing selection b. directional selection c. disruptive selection
Number of Individuals
Peak narrows. Peak shifts. Two peaks result.
Phenotype Range Phenotype Range Phenotype Range
54. 13.16 Stabilizing selection can
help maintain the heterozygote
Variations are maintained in a population for any
number of reasons
Mutations, gene flow, genetic drift and disruptive
selection can maintain or increase variations in a
Cystic Fibrosis
Recessive allele codes for defective membrane
Northwestern European descent
Typhoid fever agent can use normal version of this
protein, but not the defective one to enter cells
Heterozygote superiority
55. Sickle-Cell Disease
Condition due to abnormal form of hemoglobin (Hb)
People who are heterozygous (HbA HbS) have an
advantage because they dont die from sickle-cell
disease and they dont die from malaria
Frequency of the HbS allele is declining among African
Americans because the heterozygote has no
particular advantage in US with low to no malaria
56. Copyright 息 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
Genotype Phenotype Result
Dies due to
HbA HbA Normal
malarial infection
Lives due to
HbA Hbs Sickle-cell trait
protection from both
Hbs Hbs Sickle-cell Dies due to
disease sickle-cell disease
57. Figure 13.16 Sickle-cell disease is more prevalent in areas of Africa
where malaria is more common
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overlap of both
58. Connecting the Concepts:
Chapter 13
Darwin developed theory of natural selection
based on his own observations and the work of
Evolution explains the unity and diversity of life
Life is unified because of common descent, and it is
diverse because of adaptations to particular
Application of principles of genetics to evolution
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
Natural selection is the only agent of evolution that
results in adaptation to the environment