The document discusses the white-tailed deer, a medium-sized herbivore native to North America. Male deer grow antlers annually which they use for mating and dominance displays. Does give birth in spring, usually to twins. Deer eat a variety of plants including grains, fruits, and acorns. They reach sexual maturity at 1.5 years and have a lifespan of 7-9 years in the wild. The document contains information on deer biology, behavior, habitat, and management.
2. Native deer
Most of the United States
Southern Canada
Recently introduced to Europe
Smithsonian, 2013
3. Medium sized
Male deer bucks
Avg. weight 150 200 lbs.
Female deer does
Avg. weight 90 130 lbs.
Shipley, 2013
4. Bucks grow antlers
Antlers develop in early spring
Calcium deposits/ true bone
Covered in vascular tissue velvet while maturing
Primarily used for sexual selection
Shedding typically occurs mid-winter
7. Females enter estrus cycle in Oct/Nov.
Referred to as the rut
Bucks can lose up to 20% body weight
Reach sexually maturity in 1.5 years
Females give birth in May/June
Typically deliver 2-3 fawns