Dr. Gary Raymond Speck is an experienced orthopaedic surgeon who has held numerous leadership positions within medical organizations over the past 30 years. He currently serves as the Foundation Member of the Health Innovation and Reform Council in Victoria and chairs the Standing Committee on Health Quality, Safety and Outcomes. Dr. Speck has also held national and state leadership roles with the Australian Medical Association and Australian Society of Orthopaedic Surgeons. He has been a consultant orthopaedic surgeon at The Alfred Hospital since 1985 and remains actively involved in the medical field through appointments at hospitals and on various boards and committees.
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Dr Gary Raymond SPECK AM
Foundation Member, Health Innovation and Reform Council, Department of
Health (Government of Victoria), since 2012; Chair, Standing Committee on Health
Quality, Safety and Outcomes, since 2012.
Federal Vice-President, Australian Medical Association, 2007-2009; Director,
2006-2009; served on a range of committees including Finance, Economics and
Workforce, Ethics, Doctors in Training, Council of General Practice, Health Ageing,
and Executive, 2007-2009.
Director, Victorian Branch, Australian Medical Association, since 2010; Vice
President May 2014-present, Chairman, Worksafe-TAC Committee, since 2010;
Member, Finance and Audit Committee, since 2010.
National Chairman, Australian Society of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2005-2014;
Victorian Chairman, 2003-2005.
Chairman, Council of Procedural Specialists, since 2007.
Board Member, International Society for Minimal Intervention in Spinal Surgery,
since 2002.
Peer Reviewer, Soci└t└ Internationale de Chirurgie Orthop└dique et de
Traumatologie, World Orthopaedic Organisation, since 2007.
Chairman, Spine Reference Group, Victorian WorkCover Authority and TAC
(Transport Accident Commission), since 1998; Member, Medical Panels, Victorian
WorkCover Authority, since 1990.
Director, Australian Orthopaedic Association, 1997-2001.Chairman, Committee
for Maintenance of Professional Standards, 1997-2001.Member, Scientific
Committee, 1988-2001.Chairman, Workforce and Orthopaedic Services Committee,
1997-2001.Honorary Secretary, Victorian Branch, 1997-2000; Committee Member,
1988-2005; Chairman, Workforce Committee, 1993-1996.
Executive Committee Member, Medico-Legal Section, Royal Australasian College
of Surgeons, 2001-2007.Member, Committee for Continuing Professional
Development, 1997-2007.Member, Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, 1998-2001.
Former Representative, Prosthesis Clinical Advisory Group, Department of Health
and Ageing.
Executive member & Chairman, Rules Committee, Spine Society of Australia,
1998-2007; Member, Rules Committee, 1992-2007.
Director, Melbourne Spine Institute, since 1988.
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, The Alfred Hospital, 1985-1990 and since 2010.
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Chairman, Patient Care Review Committee, The Avenue Hospital, 2003-2012;
Member, Ethics Committee, 2000-2003.
Head of Surgery, Victoria House Private Hospital, 1992-2000; Member, Board of
Management, 1997-2000; Chairman of Medical Staff, 1994-1996; Member, Medical
Advisory Committee, 1988-2000.
Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, since 1983.
Fellow, Australian Orthopaedic Association, since 1986.
Fellow, Australian Medical Association, 2012.
Graduate, Australian Institute of Company Directors, 2012
Member in the Order of Australia, for significant service to medicine as an
orthopaedic surgeon, and to professional organisations, appointed 2014.