The Bio Disc is a small glass object marketed as having healing and rejuvenation powers. However, it has no basis in conventional science and its claims are not proven. The Bio Disc relies on principles from occult worldviews like chi or qi energy. While it is said to be manufactured in Germany, it has no guaranteed benefits and assigns all risk to purchasers. Christians should avoid the Bio Disc since it is expensive, makes false health claims, and compromises one's Christian worldview by accepting its supernatural assertions without evidence.
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Bio discsummary
Prepared by Paul Carden and John Divito /
The Bio Disc
is a small, circular glass object which is said to have miraculous powers of
healing and rejuvenation
is manufactured in Germany for Amezcua, a Singapore-based wellness
company, and marketed exclusively through QuestNet via its independent
The Bio Disc
bases its alleged effectiveness on principles (such as chi or qi energy) that
are rooted in thoroughly occultic worldviews
has no basis in conventional science, but instead corresponds to alternative
therapies and forms of New Age/eastern medicine that are speculative at
best and frequently fraudulent
has no objectively proven health benefits, yet its promoters create the
expectation that it possesses an extravagant range of healing properties (and
can even remove the effect of gravity on a human being)
is not guaranteed in any way by its manufacturer (which instead assigns all
potential risk and blame to the purchaser)
It can be argued that, at the very least, the Bio Disc is harmful to:
1. The purchaser, who
a. wastes a large sum of his money on it
b. vainly invests his hopes of health and well-being on it
c. compromises his Christian worldview and witness by accepting its
supernatural claims
2. The seller, who
a. bears ethical responsibility for inducing others to buy an expensive
and useless productand for profiting by this deception
Based on the foregoing, Christians should have nothing to do with the Bio Disc
or any similar product.
Helpful Internet Resources:
Examining Alternative Medicine
see especially chapters 5 (Going with the Flow: The World of Invisible
Life Energies) and 6 (Variations on a Chi Theme)
Water Pseudoscience and Quackery
Scalar Field Theory
January 2009