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Bryan Uecker                                  Sidney Laquey                           Debra Lambers
         QPA, President                                        CPA                         Director of Development
Bryan Uecker has over 25 years of               Sidney Laquey has over 20 years of            & Client Relations
experience in the Retirement Plan               experience in accounting, auditing      Debra Lambers is our Director of
field. He was founder and president             (both internal and external), and       Development & Client Relations.
of Benefit Systems, Inc., a Texas-              financial analysis at the CFO           Debra develops, coordinates and
Based Third Party Administration                management level. Sidney was the        implements the marketing plans and
Firm, specializing in the design,               lead Analyst in the implementation of   also oversees our firms’ organizational
implementation and maintenance of               GASB 34, a governmental accounting      growth initiatives, including our
qualified retirement plans for over 750         standard that he also presented         operations planning. Debra is the
clients nationwide. He is certified as a        to 1300 participants. Sidney has        founder of multiple companies and has
Qualified Pension Administrator (QPA)           prepared several fiscal notes for       been a Public Relations Consultant
by the American Society of Pension              the legislature and has extensive       for ten years. Most importantly,
Professionals and Actuaries. Having             experience as a Forensic Auditor.       Debra ensures that our clients (YOU)
experience working directly with                                                        experience a seamless, timely and
auditors during his tenure at Benefit                                                   uncomplicated experience with us!
Systems, he saw a real need for cost-                                                   debra@auditco.biz
effective, quality 401(k) audits. He
recently sold his interest in Benefit
Systems to devote all of his energies

to develop AuditCo. He splits his
time between Austin, Texas and West

                                           cost-effective 401(k) plan certifications

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Bio sheet

  • 1. Bryan Uecker Sidney Laquey Debra Lambers QPA, President CPA Director of Development Bryan Uecker has over 25 years of Sidney Laquey has over 20 years of & Client Relations experience in the Retirement Plan experience in accounting, auditing Debra Lambers is our Director of field. He was founder and president (both internal and external), and Development & Client Relations. of Benefit Systems, Inc., a Texas- financial analysis at the CFO Debra develops, coordinates and Based Third Party Administration management level. Sidney was the implements the marketing plans and Firm, specializing in the design, lead Analyst in the implementation of also oversees our firms’ organizational implementation and maintenance of GASB 34, a governmental accounting growth initiatives, including our qualified retirement plans for over 750 standard that he also presented operations planning. Debra is the clients nationwide. He is certified as a to 1300 participants. Sidney has founder of multiple companies and has Qualified Pension Administrator (QPA) prepared several fiscal notes for been a Public Relations Consultant by the American Society of Pension the legislature and has extensive for ten years. Most importantly, Professionals and Actuaries. Having experience as a Forensic Auditor. Debra ensures that our clients (YOU) experience working directly with experience a seamless, timely and auditors during his tenure at Benefit uncomplicated experience with us! Systems, he saw a real need for cost- debra@auditco.biz effective, quality 401(k) audits. He recently sold his interest in Benefit Systems to devote all of his energies AuditCo to develop AuditCo. He splits his time between Austin, Texas and West Michigan. cost-effective 401(k) plan certifications