This document summarizes a research project on generating biodiesel from Balanites aegyptiaca seed oil. The objectives were to produce biodiesel (methyl ester) from the oil and characterize its fuel properties according to international standards. Through a single-step base catalyzed trans-esterification process, the oil was successfully converted to biodiesel with a 94% yield. Testing showed the biodiesel met the standards for flash point, kinematic viscosity, cloud point and pour point. The conclusion is that B. aegyptiaca oil is a promising feedstock for local biodiesel production in West Africa and Nigeria as a renewable substitute for fossil fuels.
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Biodiesel Production
(Balanites aegyptiaca) SEED OIL:
JULY 2015
2. The aim of this research is to search for
cheap and available raw material for the
generation of biodiesel that could
substitute the present petroleum-based
The objectives of the research is to:
To produce biodiesel (methyl ester) from B.
aegyptiaca oil.
To characterize the fuel properties of the
methyl ester and compare it with
international standard.
Methanol, KOH (catalyst), weighing balance, 250 ml
Erlenmeyer flasks and stoppers, 50 and100 ml
graduated cylinders, thermometer, hot plate with
magnetic stirrer, beakers, separating funnel, retort
stand and clamp.
The method of trans-esterification as described in
science 30 project was adopted.
Characterization of the biodiesel produced;
Determination of percentage yield.
Determination of flash point.
Determination of pour point.
Determination of cloud point.
Determination of kinematic viscousity.
5. Finding a suitable source of renewable energy is a global task.
After examining possible methods for converting balanites
aegyptiaca oil into its methyl ester (biodiesel), several important
conclusions have been made. First and foremost the oil can be
converted to biodiesel using single step, base catalyze trans-
esterification method with high yield. The methyl esters obtained
in this way can be used as a fuel in diesel engines without any
modification of the engine, because of satisfying properties that
could be compared with ASTM D6751 standard for (B100)
biodiesel. The use of this oil feedstock shows promise for local
farmers, business proponents and automobile industries in West
Africa at large and Nigeria in particular. This work has provided
some insight and guidance that can lead into large scale research
and development for this energy source for the future.
6. Balanites aegyptiaca oil and its methyl ester
having good and desirable properties, I
therefore recommend that;
It is a good source and renewable energy for
biodiesel production.
I recommend also that Government, non-
governmental organizations and research
organizations should intensify research on its
full potential for biodiesel production in other
to substitute the non-renewable fossil fuels.
7. American Society for Testing and Materials,
Standard Specification for Biodiesel Fuel (B100)
Blend Stock for Distillate Fuels, Designation
National Biodiesel Board (2006)
Studies on the potentials of Balanites aegyptiaca
seed oil as raw material for the production of
liquid cleansing agents Manji A. J.*, Sarah E. E.
and Modibbo U. U.
Science 30 Project BiodieselA Fuel for the
Future? Student Booklet 20082009