Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) are useful for evaluating and monitoring patients with respiratory diseases. PFTs include assessments of patient history, physical examination, chest x-rays, arterial blood gases, spirometry, lung volumes, and peak flow. Specific PFTs indicate conditions like asthma, COPD, and restrictive lung diseases. Bedside lung function tests can help identify obstructive airway disease and include match blowing, breath holding, single breath counting, and chest expansion assessments. Spirometry precisely measures lung function values to diagnose conditions affecting the lungs.
Body plethysmography is a technique used to measure lung volumes like intrathoracic gas volume (TGV) and airway resistance. It involves having the patient breathe in an enclosed chamber while measuring changes in pressure and volume. Specific airway resistance (sRaw) is determined from the relationship between respiratory flow and volume shifts in the chamber. Intrathoracic gas volume (ITGV) can also be measured by having the patient breathe against a shutter to create a closed system where changes in pressure and volume can estimate ITGV based on Boyle's law. Clinical applications include evaluating effects of pulmonary disorders on lung volumes like functional residual capacity (FRC) and residual volume (RV).
This is presentation of basic for anaesthesia technician, about how to check anaesthesia machine before start the procedure. What is the mandatory steps to perform.
Heliox therapy involves breathing a gas mixture of helium (80%) and oxygen (20%). It was discovered in 1934. Physiologically, heliox has a lower density than air, which reduces airflow resistance in the lungs and decreases the work of breathing. Its mechanism of action involves increasing laminar flow and decreasing turbulent flow resistance. Clinically, heliox therapy can be used for various upper airway and lung conditions involving increased respiratory effort or resistance, such as COPD exacerbations. Potential hazards include anoxia if oxygen levels are too low and hypothermia in infants.
Our goal is to quantify muscle activity and fatigue using LED spectroscopy to track oxygen trends in muscle tissue over time. Near-infrared light penetrates tissue better than visible light and can detect deoxygenated hemoglobin and myoglobin in muscle. Using a single infrared LED, we can track relative oxygen saturation trends but cannot account for changing path length within muscle during movement. To normalize signals across subjects, we measure maximal deoxygenation during induced ischemia. Infrared signal declines seen in most samples may indicate decreased blood flow or oxygen consumption exceeding supply during static loads. Moving forward, combining ultrasound and infrared signals could help separate muscle influence from oxygen changes and classify activity.
This document provides information on pulmonary function tests (PFTs). It discusses the goals of PFTs which include predicting and assessing pulmonary dysfunction. It outlines various lung volumes and capacities that can be measured through PFTs such as tidal volume, vital capacity, and total lung capacity. The document also discusses indications for preoperative PFTs and provides guidelines from different organizations. It summarizes different PFT measurements and their clinical significance. Overall, the document serves as a guide for understanding PFTs and their role in evaluating pulmonary function and perioperative risk.
This document discusses optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) measurement using ultrasound as a non-invasive method for monitoring intracranial pressure. It outlines the anatomy of the optic nerve sheath, how to perform the ONSD ultrasound technique, and the advantages it has over invasive monitoring methods. A cutoff of 5mm is commonly used and differentials for an increased measurement include raised ICP as well as other conditions affecting the optic nerve or surrounding structures.
This document discusses hypotensive anesthesia techniques. It begins with the aims of deliberate hypotension during surgery, which are to provide an adequate surgical field, decrease blood loss in vascular areas, and avoid the need for blood transfusions. It then covers the physiology of blood flow regulation in vital organs like the brain, heart, kidneys, and liver that must be considered. Various pharmacological agents and mechanical techniques for reducing blood pressure are outlined. Strict patient selection, monitoring, fluid management and postoperative care are emphasized for safely using hypotensive anesthesia.
The document provides information about anesthesia machines and their components. It discusses the key parts and functions of anesthesia machines including:
- The high pressure system which receives gases from cylinders and regulates pressure.
- The intermediate pressure system which receives gases from regulators and delivers them to flow meters.
- The low pressure system which takes gases from flow meters to the machine outlet and contains vaporizers.
It describes components like pressure regulators, flow meters, safety devices, and the common gas outlet in detail. The document is an overview of the design and workings of modern anesthesia machines.
This document provides information on medical gas supply cylinders. It discusses the general principles of compressed gas cylinders, cylinder components and identification, maintenance, sizes and construction. It covers topics like cylinder storage, color coding, the pin index system, and troubleshooting. Gas cylinders are made of thin-walled steel to withstand high pressures and come in various sizes. Oxygen is stored as a gas while nitrous oxide is stored as a liquid-vapor mixture. Cylinders are color-coded for easy identification and have valves with a pin-index system to prevent connecting the wrong gas. Proper storage, handling, and maintenance are important for safety.
1) Balanced anesthesia aims to achieve loss of consciousness, memory, pain, and muscle tone. It involves preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative management.
2) Preoperative management includes obtaining history, performing examination, ordering relevant investigations, and administering premedication. Key parts of examination focus on cardiovascular, respiratory, airway, and neurological systems.
3) Intraoperative management consists of monitoring, positioning the patient, selecting anesthesia technique, inducing and maintaining anesthesia, administering fluids, and performing extubation and recovery.
4) Postoperative management involves transferring the patient, providing pain management, and addressing any complications.
This document discusses mechanical ventilation and provides information on various ventilator settings and modes. It describes settings for tidal volume, respiratory rate, PEEP, FiO2, I:E ratio and more. It also covers different types of patients that may require ventilation including COPD, asthma and ARDS patients. Troubleshooting tips are provided for issues like rising pressures and patient agitation. The goals of ventilation depend on the condition but may include reducing work of breathing, controlling hypoventilation and limiting airway pressures.
Titration is important to determine the optimal pressure for positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy. Manual titration involves starting at 4 cm for CPAP and gradually increasing pressure until apneas, hypopneas, and snoring are abolished. If high pressure is required or hypoxia occurs, bilevel PAP may be better. Oxygen can be added if needed to target SpO2 of 92-94%. The goal is an optimal or good titration with minimal events and arousals at a pressure the patient can tolerate. Common issues include mask leaks, discomfort, and congestion which may require pressure adjustment or changing the interface.
Anaesthetic Implications Of Lung Resection (3).pptananya nanda
This document provides information on preoperative assessment for lung resection surgery. It discusses evaluating patients' risks, exercise tolerance, predicted postoperative lung function, and discontinuing smoking. For high-risk patients, it recommends measuring diffusing capacity and conducting ventilation/perfusion scans. The aim is to identify at-risk patients and determine how much lung tissue can be removed safely. A thorough history, exam, tests including spirometry, ECG, and labs are outlined. The document also covers intraoperative management including techniques for one lung ventilation.
The document discusses pulmonary function tests (PFTs), specifically spirometry. It provides details on lung anatomy and physiology, the purpose of PFTs in evaluating lung function and disease, how spirometry is performed and interpreted, and what values it measures such as FEV1, FVC, and their ratios. PFTs including spirometry are useful diagnostic tools to evaluate symptoms, monitor treatment effectiveness, and distinguish obstructive from restrictive lung diseases.
This document describes the Bain's circuit breathing system. It has a 6mm inner tube to deliver fresh gas from the machine to the patient and a wider outer corrugated tube attached to a reservoir bag. During inspiration, fresh gas flows from the machine through the inner tube and outer tube to the patient. During expiration, fresh gas continues flowing into the system while expired gas gets mixed with it and flows back into the reservoir bag and outer tube. The APL valve vents excess gas to prevent overpressurization of the system. Tests are described to check the functionality of the Bain's circuit.
Spirometry is the measurement of the flow and volume of air entering and leaving the lungs Test of pulmonary function (PFT) Indicator of health status or disease Exercise fitnessRespiratory system is functions include gas exchange , pH regulation, vocalization , and protection from foreign substances.Respiration:Cellular is the cellular mechanism of energy conversionExternal is the exchange of gases between atmosphere and cells, Includes ventilation, gas exchange at lungs and cells, and transport of gases in the blood.
1. The document discusses DLCO (diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide), which measures the efficiency of the lungs in transporting oxygen across the alveolar capillary membrane.
2. It describes the single breath hold method for measuring DLCO, which involves inhaling a gas mixture containing carbon monoxide and exhaling into a collection device to measure gas concentrations.
3. DLCO can be lowered in conditions that decrease the surface area for diffusion like emphysema, or increase the thickness of the alveolar capillary membrane like interstitial lung diseases.
This document discusses the history and evolution of anesthesia monitoring standards from the early days of visual monitoring through the development of electronic monitors. It outlines key events that improved safety such as the establishment of the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation in 1985 and the development of monitoring standards in 1985 and 1986. The standards require continual evaluation of oxygenation, ventilation, circulation and temperature during all anesthetics using minimum monitoring equipment including pulse oximetry, capnography and ECG. The techniques and limitations of various monitors are reviewed.
The document provides an overview of mechanical ventilation, including its objectives, indications, goals, and basic physics. It discusses normal respiration physiology and how positive pressure ventilation works. The major sections cover definitions of key terms, the anatomy and workings of ICU ventilators, physiology of positive pressure ventilation, and modes of ventilation. Modes discussed include volume control, pressure control, time-cycled, and combination modes.
This document provides an overview of mechanical ventilation, including its history, types of ventilators, modes of ventilation, and indications for use. It begins with a definition of mechanical ventilation and descriptions of negative pressure and positive pressure machines. It then covers various modes of ventilation including volume-targeted modes, pressure-regulated modes, and modes based on breath initiation such as assist-control, SIMV, and pressure support. The document concludes with a section on indications for mechanical ventilation and complications that can arise.
Percutaneous tracheostomy by Saja ALdulaijanMaher AlQuaimi
Percutaneous tracheostomy is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed at the bedside to insert a tracheostomy tube. It involves using dilators of increasing size to gradually widen the incision and insert the tracheostomy tube. The Ciaglia and Griggs techniques are two common methods that use dilators over a guidewire to perform the procedure. Percutaneous tracheostomy has advantages over open surgical tracheostomy as it does not require transferring the patient to the operating room and has lower risks of complications like infection and stenosis. Proper patient positioning, identification of anatomical landmarks, and use of bronchoscopy are important for successful placement of the tracheostomy tube.
The document discusses interpretation of spirometry data. It provides normal values for measures like FEV1, FVC and FEF25-75. An obstructive pattern is defined as a decreased FEV1/FVC ratio below 0.7, with decreased FEV1 and possibly decreased FVC. A restrictive pattern shows a normal or mildly reduced FEV1 but reduced FVC. Acceptability and repeatability criteria for spirometry tests are outlined.
Medical thoracoscopy, also known as pleuroscopy, is a minimally invasive procedure that allows physicians to access the pleural space to perform diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. It provides high diagnostic yields for pleural effusions and pleural biopsies. Complications are generally minor but precautions must be taken to prevent issues like infection or tumor seeding. Thoracoscopy is now the preferred method for evaluating undiagnosed pleural effusions and certain pneumothorax, empyema, and mesothelioma cases.
A ventilator is a machine that mechanically moves breathable air in and out of the lungs to breathe for patients unable to do so on their own. There are different types of ventilators for various settings and patients, including transport ventilators for movement, ICU ventilators for greater control, and neonatal ventilators designed for preterm infants. Factors such as the patient's condition, diagnosis, lung compliance, and staff familiarity help determine which ventilator and mode is most appropriate for each individual patient.
This document discusses various types of breathing systems used in anesthesia including open, semi-open, semi-closed and closed systems. It provides details on common breathing systems such as the circle system, Mapleson classifications A-F, Bain system and Jackson-Rees modification. The ideal properties of a breathing system are also listed.
Mechanical ventilator, common modes, indications,nursing responsibilities MURUGESHHJ
it is an brief summary with diagrammatic presentation for NURSES regarding Mechanical ventilator, uses, complications, types, important terms,common modes, NIV, uses, NURING ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES for handling INTUBATED patients...
Prezentacja zawiera podstawowe zasady dbania o higien ukadu nerwowego i zdrowie psychiczne czowieka, a tak甜e omawia podstawowe choroby neurologiczne i psychiczne.
The document provides information about anesthesia machines and their components. It discusses the key parts and functions of anesthesia machines including:
- The high pressure system which receives gases from cylinders and regulates pressure.
- The intermediate pressure system which receives gases from regulators and delivers them to flow meters.
- The low pressure system which takes gases from flow meters to the machine outlet and contains vaporizers.
It describes components like pressure regulators, flow meters, safety devices, and the common gas outlet in detail. The document is an overview of the design and workings of modern anesthesia machines.
This document provides information on medical gas supply cylinders. It discusses the general principles of compressed gas cylinders, cylinder components and identification, maintenance, sizes and construction. It covers topics like cylinder storage, color coding, the pin index system, and troubleshooting. Gas cylinders are made of thin-walled steel to withstand high pressures and come in various sizes. Oxygen is stored as a gas while nitrous oxide is stored as a liquid-vapor mixture. Cylinders are color-coded for easy identification and have valves with a pin-index system to prevent connecting the wrong gas. Proper storage, handling, and maintenance are important for safety.
1) Balanced anesthesia aims to achieve loss of consciousness, memory, pain, and muscle tone. It involves preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative management.
2) Preoperative management includes obtaining history, performing examination, ordering relevant investigations, and administering premedication. Key parts of examination focus on cardiovascular, respiratory, airway, and neurological systems.
3) Intraoperative management consists of monitoring, positioning the patient, selecting anesthesia technique, inducing and maintaining anesthesia, administering fluids, and performing extubation and recovery.
4) Postoperative management involves transferring the patient, providing pain management, and addressing any complications.
This document discusses mechanical ventilation and provides information on various ventilator settings and modes. It describes settings for tidal volume, respiratory rate, PEEP, FiO2, I:E ratio and more. It also covers different types of patients that may require ventilation including COPD, asthma and ARDS patients. Troubleshooting tips are provided for issues like rising pressures and patient agitation. The goals of ventilation depend on the condition but may include reducing work of breathing, controlling hypoventilation and limiting airway pressures.
Titration is important to determine the optimal pressure for positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy. Manual titration involves starting at 4 cm for CPAP and gradually increasing pressure until apneas, hypopneas, and snoring are abolished. If high pressure is required or hypoxia occurs, bilevel PAP may be better. Oxygen can be added if needed to target SpO2 of 92-94%. The goal is an optimal or good titration with minimal events and arousals at a pressure the patient can tolerate. Common issues include mask leaks, discomfort, and congestion which may require pressure adjustment or changing the interface.
Anaesthetic Implications Of Lung Resection (3).pptananya nanda
This document provides information on preoperative assessment for lung resection surgery. It discusses evaluating patients' risks, exercise tolerance, predicted postoperative lung function, and discontinuing smoking. For high-risk patients, it recommends measuring diffusing capacity and conducting ventilation/perfusion scans. The aim is to identify at-risk patients and determine how much lung tissue can be removed safely. A thorough history, exam, tests including spirometry, ECG, and labs are outlined. The document also covers intraoperative management including techniques for one lung ventilation.
The document discusses pulmonary function tests (PFTs), specifically spirometry. It provides details on lung anatomy and physiology, the purpose of PFTs in evaluating lung function and disease, how spirometry is performed and interpreted, and what values it measures such as FEV1, FVC, and their ratios. PFTs including spirometry are useful diagnostic tools to evaluate symptoms, monitor treatment effectiveness, and distinguish obstructive from restrictive lung diseases.
This document describes the Bain's circuit breathing system. It has a 6mm inner tube to deliver fresh gas from the machine to the patient and a wider outer corrugated tube attached to a reservoir bag. During inspiration, fresh gas flows from the machine through the inner tube and outer tube to the patient. During expiration, fresh gas continues flowing into the system while expired gas gets mixed with it and flows back into the reservoir bag and outer tube. The APL valve vents excess gas to prevent overpressurization of the system. Tests are described to check the functionality of the Bain's circuit.
Spirometry is the measurement of the flow and volume of air entering and leaving the lungs Test of pulmonary function (PFT) Indicator of health status or disease Exercise fitnessRespiratory system is functions include gas exchange , pH regulation, vocalization , and protection from foreign substances.Respiration:Cellular is the cellular mechanism of energy conversionExternal is the exchange of gases between atmosphere and cells, Includes ventilation, gas exchange at lungs and cells, and transport of gases in the blood.
1. The document discusses DLCO (diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide), which measures the efficiency of the lungs in transporting oxygen across the alveolar capillary membrane.
2. It describes the single breath hold method for measuring DLCO, which involves inhaling a gas mixture containing carbon monoxide and exhaling into a collection device to measure gas concentrations.
3. DLCO can be lowered in conditions that decrease the surface area for diffusion like emphysema, or increase the thickness of the alveolar capillary membrane like interstitial lung diseases.
This document discusses the history and evolution of anesthesia monitoring standards from the early days of visual monitoring through the development of electronic monitors. It outlines key events that improved safety such as the establishment of the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation in 1985 and the development of monitoring standards in 1985 and 1986. The standards require continual evaluation of oxygenation, ventilation, circulation and temperature during all anesthetics using minimum monitoring equipment including pulse oximetry, capnography and ECG. The techniques and limitations of various monitors are reviewed.
The document provides an overview of mechanical ventilation, including its objectives, indications, goals, and basic physics. It discusses normal respiration physiology and how positive pressure ventilation works. The major sections cover definitions of key terms, the anatomy and workings of ICU ventilators, physiology of positive pressure ventilation, and modes of ventilation. Modes discussed include volume control, pressure control, time-cycled, and combination modes.
This document provides an overview of mechanical ventilation, including its history, types of ventilators, modes of ventilation, and indications for use. It begins with a definition of mechanical ventilation and descriptions of negative pressure and positive pressure machines. It then covers various modes of ventilation including volume-targeted modes, pressure-regulated modes, and modes based on breath initiation such as assist-control, SIMV, and pressure support. The document concludes with a section on indications for mechanical ventilation and complications that can arise.
Percutaneous tracheostomy by Saja ALdulaijanMaher AlQuaimi
Percutaneous tracheostomy is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed at the bedside to insert a tracheostomy tube. It involves using dilators of increasing size to gradually widen the incision and insert the tracheostomy tube. The Ciaglia and Griggs techniques are two common methods that use dilators over a guidewire to perform the procedure. Percutaneous tracheostomy has advantages over open surgical tracheostomy as it does not require transferring the patient to the operating room and has lower risks of complications like infection and stenosis. Proper patient positioning, identification of anatomical landmarks, and use of bronchoscopy are important for successful placement of the tracheostomy tube.
The document discusses interpretation of spirometry data. It provides normal values for measures like FEV1, FVC and FEF25-75. An obstructive pattern is defined as a decreased FEV1/FVC ratio below 0.7, with decreased FEV1 and possibly decreased FVC. A restrictive pattern shows a normal or mildly reduced FEV1 but reduced FVC. Acceptability and repeatability criteria for spirometry tests are outlined.
Medical thoracoscopy, also known as pleuroscopy, is a minimally invasive procedure that allows physicians to access the pleural space to perform diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. It provides high diagnostic yields for pleural effusions and pleural biopsies. Complications are generally minor but precautions must be taken to prevent issues like infection or tumor seeding. Thoracoscopy is now the preferred method for evaluating undiagnosed pleural effusions and certain pneumothorax, empyema, and mesothelioma cases.
A ventilator is a machine that mechanically moves breathable air in and out of the lungs to breathe for patients unable to do so on their own. There are different types of ventilators for various settings and patients, including transport ventilators for movement, ICU ventilators for greater control, and neonatal ventilators designed for preterm infants. Factors such as the patient's condition, diagnosis, lung compliance, and staff familiarity help determine which ventilator and mode is most appropriate for each individual patient.
This document discusses various types of breathing systems used in anesthesia including open, semi-open, semi-closed and closed systems. It provides details on common breathing systems such as the circle system, Mapleson classifications A-F, Bain system and Jackson-Rees modification. The ideal properties of a breathing system are also listed.
Mechanical ventilator, common modes, indications,nursing responsibilities MURUGESHHJ
it is an brief summary with diagrammatic presentation for NURSES regarding Mechanical ventilator, uses, complications, types, important terms,common modes, NIV, uses, NURING ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES for handling INTUBATED patients...
Prezentacja zawiera podstawowe zasady dbania o higien ukadu nerwowego i zdrowie psychiczne czowieka, a tak甜e omawia podstawowe choroby neurologiczne i psychiczne.
Na ruch nigdy nie jest za p坦添no - Sawomir KwiecieFundacja Dantian
Na ruch nigdy nie jest za p坦添no
O tym jak wiczenia wyrose z chiskiej tradycji mog by pomocne w profilaktyce Alzheimera i innych gro添nych chor坦b XXI wieku.
Wyobra添my sobie m坦zg jako du甜y dom w kt坦rym domownicy zapalili wszystkie wiata, wcznie z tymi na choince. S one jak tysice neuron坦w kontaktujcych si i wymieniajcych midzy sob informacje. Co si dzieje, gdy te wszystkie wata zaczynaj po kolei gasn? Hipokamp, czyli cz m坦zgowia odpowiedzialna za procesy pamiciowe, zanika. Pofadowana kora m坦zgowa, kt坦ra uczestniczy w procesie mowy, zapamitywania i innych procesach mylowych, wygadza si.
Sen polakow badanie portalu www.epsycholodzy.pl Michal Pajdak
Pomimo wzrastajcej powszechnej wiadomoci oraz medialnego promowania higieny snu, na trudnoci zwizane z zasypianiem, przebudzeniem si w nocy lub zbyt wczesnym przebudzeniem skar甜y si prawie 40% Polak坦w. Jeszcze do niedawna problem bezsennoci dotyczy g坦wnie ludzi starszych. Obecnie, dowiadcza go prawie poowa Polak坦w w ka甜dym wieku. Wszechobecno bezsennoci w dzisiejszym wiecie sprawia, ze zostaa ona potraktowana jako osobna jednostka chorobowa obejmujca swoj definicj zaburzenie prawidowego rytmu, gbokoci oraz czasu trwania snu i czuwania.
Trudnociom zwizanym z zaniciem bardzo czsto towarzyszy tak甜e negatywny afekt oraz silne napicie emocjonalne, podobne do tego, kt坦rego dowiadczamy w sytuacjach stresowych. W zale甜noci od okolicznoci oraz przyczyn bezsennoci, trudnoci te przybieraj charakter kr坦tko lub dugotrway.
Bardzo wa甜n rol w caym procesie odgrywa zwikszanie wiadomoci spoeczestwa na temat odpowiedniej higieny snu. W skr坦cie higien snu nazywa si kontrolowanie wszelkich czynnik坦w oraz bod添c坦w poprzedzajcych sen oraz mogcych go zak坦ci. Zalicza si do nich, midzy innymi: unikanie silnego wiata w porze wieczornej, ograniczenie alkoholu i papieros坦w, preferowanie l甜ejszych posik坦w w czasie kolacyjnym, powstrzymanie si przed spo甜ywaniem kofeiny na okoo 6 godzin przed snem, a tak甜e unikanie wysiku fizycznego o p坦添nej porze. Istotne jest r坦wnie甜 pilnowanie staego rytmu kadzenia si spa oraz porannego wstawania.
Serdecznie zapraszam do zapoznania si z wynikami sonda甜u przeprowadzonego przez UCE RESEARCH dla platformy ePsycholodzy.pl w drugiej poowie wrzenia 2021 roku wr坦d 1016 dorosych Polak坦w wypowiadajcych si na temat jakoci swojego snu podczas pandemii COVID 19. O komentarz w ramach dyskusji wynik坦w poprosilimy kilku psycholog坦w
i psychoterapeut坦w.
Technika elektroencefalografii i metody analizy danych EEG od potencja坦w wywoanych (ERP) po lokalizacj 添r坦de przy pomocy algorytm坦w LORETA oraz poprzez modelowanie dipoli.
4. Bez nich nie byoby biofeedbacku:
1.Jerzy Konorski w latach 30-tych XX wieku,
po zapoznaniu si z pracami Pawowa prowadzi
warunkowych. Ten polski neurofizjolog znany
jest w wiecie jako orkrywc odruch坦w
warunkowych drugiego typu (instrumentalnych).
kontynuowaa badania, kt坦re elektryzoway cay
坦wczesny wiat naukowy i zachcay do dalszych
5. W latach 60-tych wyjechaa z Polski do Stan坦w
Zjednoczonych i kontynuowaa swoje badania
wsp坦pracujc z N. Millerem i B. Stermanem
uznanymi za pionier坦w biofeedbacku.
Po nich pojawiy si kolejne badania
opublikowane przez Lubara, Birbaumera.
6. M坦zg - sternik
M坦zg z setk miliard坦w neuron坦w zajmuje si zarzdzaniem, sterowaniem,
docieraniem do ka甜dego zaktka
ludzkiego ciaa.
Dziki neuroprzeka添nikom,
neuromodulatorom i neurohormonom
m坦zg mo甜e mie wpyw na ka甜d
kom坦rk w organizmie.
7. Jako metoda w peni biologiczna
nie ma dziaa ubocznych,
a jej efekty s por坦wnywalne
do leczenia farmakologicznego.
Poza dziaaniem terapeutycznym mo甜e
wspomaga zdrowy rozw坦j m坦zgu
ju甜 od koca 3-go roku 甜ycia.
8. Treningi EEG Biofeedback stanowi now
skuteczn pomoc w zwikszeniu mo甜liwoci
naszego umysu.
Pesymici uwa甜aj, 甜e z mo甜liwoci naszego
m坦zgu wykorzystujemy wycznie jego 5%,
optymici 10%.
Treningi EEG Biofeedback zwiksz szybko
mylenia, kreatywno i pami
- dziki czemu mo甜emy wykorzysta nawet
30% potencjau naszego umysu.
I SAMOREGULACJA (warunkowanie instrumentalne) :
W czasie treningu pacjent widzi przebieg swoich
fal m坦zgowych przeo甜ony na obraz pod
postaci wideogry.
Stara si zmieni sw坦j wzorzec fal m坦zgowych,
aby osign z g坦ry ustalony cel.
Zwiksza prawdopodobiestwo wystpienia
po甜danego zachowania w przyszoci.
10. Warunkowanie instrumentalne, oznacza
prawidowo m坦wic, 甜e trenowane
zachowania wywouj szereg wyuczonych
odpowiedzi, kt坦re tworz procesy, albo maj
wpyw na rodowisko zewntrze.
Termin biofeedback, oznacza wpyw na
aspekty naszego ciaa takie jak:
temperatura sk坦ry lub rytm serca.
11. Biofeedback nie jest nowym odkryciem. Jest to
uniwersalny i naturalny proces biologiczny.
Przykad: nauka jazdy na rowerze (wrodzony
8-letnie dziecko jest w stanie nauczy si je添dzi na
rowerze w cigu p坦 godziny. Po zimowej przerwie nie musi
uczy si tej umiejtnoci od nowa potrafi ju甜 je添dzi.
Ka甜dy z nas ma urzdzenie do biofeedbacku w swoim
ciele, w uchu wewntrznym jest nim bdnik.
Bdnik wypeniony jest pynem znajdujcym si w
malekich p坦okrgych kanalikach, kt坦re wykrywaj ruch
naszego ciaa w ka甜dym kierunku. Informacje o tym ruchu
przekazywane s byskawicznie do m坦zgu drog suchow.
Informacje z neurofeedbacku przesyane s drog
wzrokow i suchow.
13. Poprawa parametr坦w pracy m坦zgu koreluje z
sukcesem w grze.
Pozytywnie rozbudzony m坦zg d甜y do nagr坦d
i optymalizuje swoj prac
w procesie samouczenia si
(10-20 trening坦w po 30-60 minut ka甜dy).
14. Pacjent wpywa na przebieg gry za pomoc wasnego umysu poprzez
zwikszania aktywno m坦zgu w po甜danej czstotliwoci (fal
m坦zgowych), komputer promuje takie zachowanie i nagradza je
odpowiednimi zmianami na ekranie. Jeli zwiksza si aktywno fal
w niepo甜danej czstotliwoci, nagroda nie jest przyznawana.
Stopniowo m坦zg uczy si reagowa na otrzymywane bod添ce i
rozpoczyna si "nauka" emitowania odpowiednich wzorc坦w fal
m坦zgowych (w przypadku sesji terapeutycznych).
Uzyskanie waciwych czstotliwoci w EEG jest nagradzane punktami
w formie wizualnej i d添wikowej, co sprawia, 甜e pozytywnie
pobudzony m坦zg rozpoczyna mimowolny proces uczenia si, d甜c
do zdobycia kolejnych nagr坦d.
15. Celem treningu jest polepszenie czynnoci
bioelektrycznej m坦zgu wraz
z ukierunkowaniem i wzmocnieniem
koncentracji uwagi, hamowanie stan坦w
nadmiernego pobudzenia bd添 stan坦w
nadmiernego blokowania.
Je甜eli EEG jest nieprawidowe pod
wpywem Biofeedbacku normalizuje si.
16. 損 Zwiksza mo甜liwoci umysowe, pami,
kreatywno, szybko uczenia si i podejmowania
decyzji, zmniejsza poziom stresu
損 Stosowany jest w terapii m.in.: zaburze
psychosomatycznych, schorze neurologicznych,
specyficznych trudnoci w uczeniu si (dysleksja,
dysgrafia), lkach, depresji, zaburzeniach mowy,
nadpobudliwoci psychoruchowej
(zespoy ADHD, ADD).
17. Podczas pierwszej sesji specjalista: pedagog,
psycholog, logopeda lub neurolog
przeprowadza wstpny wywiad z pacjentem.
Nastpnie wykonywany jest zapis EEG (wraz z
opisem) oraz przeprowadzana jest wstpna
sesja treningowa EEG Biofeedback.
Przebieg treningu jest cakowicie bezbolesny
i nieinwazyjny.
18. Dla pacjenta przyjmuje form gry
komputerowej, kt坦rej przebieg sterowany
jest jego umysem.
Na gowie oraz uszach pacjenta umieszczane s
elektrody rejestrujce fale m坦zgowe, kt坦re
s nastpnie przesyane do komputera, kt坦ry
je wzmacnia i przetwarza, tak aby zapewni
sprz甜enie zwrotne w postaci odpowiednich
zmian w przebiegu gry.
19. W r坦甜nych stanach wiadomoci zmieniaj si fale m坦zgowe:
gamma - przy stresie, tremie, lku, w sytuacjach
beta - zwykle w niej przebywamy podczas dnia, koncentracja na zadaniu
alfa (ang. alpha) - w tw坦rczych stanach inspiracji, wystpuj przy
pozytywnym myleniu, niekt坦rych stanach medytacji, sen na jawie, spok坦j
teta (ang. theta) - w nie z marzeniami sennymi, w transie hipnotycznym,
ale te甜 tw坦rcze myli
delta -podczas snu lub zaburzenia uczenia si i urazy m坦zgu
21. Istniej raporty kliniczne potwierdzajce skuteczno EEG Biofeedback w
nastpujcych problemach zdrowotnych u os坦b dorosych:
zaburzenia snu;
b坦le gowy i migreny;
lki i agresywno;
stany paniki;
poprawy szybkoci zapamitywania, uczenia si i przypominania sobie materiau r坦wnie甜 w zakresie jzyk坦w obcych!
polepszenia osigni sportowych (wszystkie dyscypliny sportowe, taniec itp.);
polepszenia wynik坦w studiowania, tak甜e w szkoach muzycznych.
22. oraz u dzieci i modzie甜y:
zaburzenia zachowania w tym g坦wnie nadpobudliwo psychoruchowa znana pod
nazw ADHD;
zaburzenia snu;
zaburzenia procesu uczenia (dysleksja, dysgrafia) oraz trudnoci w nauce;
zaburzenia uwagi i jej utrzymania;
padaczka (epilepsja);
m坦zgowe pora甜enie dziecice;
zaburzenia przyjmowania jedzenia (bulimia, anoreksja).
poprawy szybkoci zapamitywania, uczenia si i przypominania sobie materiau r坦wnie甜 w zakresie jzyk坦w obcych!
polepszenia osigni sportowych (wszystkie dyscypliny sportowe, taniec itp.);
polepszenia wynik坦w nauki, tak甜e w szkoach muzycznych.
23. Z ka甜dego treningu EEG Biofeedback
drukowany jest wynik treningu i
ledzona poprawa funkcji w procesie
samouczenia si kontroli pracy
Tenis trening motoryczny od 1500 do 5000 powt坦rze w
celu zautomatyzowania ruchu.
U os坦b zdrowych, chccych zoptymalizowa swoje funkcjonowanie (poprawa
koncentracji, pamici, kreatywnoci, obni甜enie poziomu stresu) - okoo 15-20
W stanach nerwicowych, lkowych - minimum 20 sesji.
W prostych zaburzeniach uwagi, koncentracji - u dzieci ok. 40, u dorosych
ok. 30.
W specyficznych trudnociach uczenia si (dysleksja, dysortografia) oraz
zaburzeniach mowy i zachowania (hyper- i hypoaktywno) oraz innych
lekkich dysfunkcjach m坦zgu - u dzieci ok. 60, u dorosych okoo 40.
25. Wynosi od 65% do 95% w zale甜noci od
rodzaju problemu i gbokoci zaburzenia.
Np. w zaburzeniach snu skuteczno jest
najwy甜sza - u dorosych notuje si prawie
100%, w moczeniu nocnym pozytywnie reaguje
na trening 18 z 20 dzieci,
w zaburzeniach uwagi z nadruchliwoci oraz
w zaburzeniach nerwicowych - okoo 85%.
Efektyno wrasta, jeli po przerwie
wykonujemy kilka trening坦w
26. Dzisiaj ju甜 wiemy, 甜e dugotrwae napicie
psychiczne, wprawdzie nie zawsze prowadzi
do mierci, ale zak坦ca dziaanie ukadu
pokarmowego, pogbia dolegliwoci zwizane
z menopauz i zaburza podno.
Specjalici s dzisiaj przekonani, 甜e 60-90%
wszystkich porad lekarskich wi甜e si z
dolegliwociami, kt坦re zostay wywoane
27. Stres jest zasadniczym czynnikiem
chorobotw坦rczym. Cierpienie nas zabija.
Ma to odzwierciedlenie w jzyku.
M坦wimy: ten czowiek zamartwi si na mier,
albo, umar, bo mia zamane serce.
Wiemy o tym, 甜e uczucia mog uzdrawia i
zabija. Wiemy o tym od tysicy lat!
- pisze dr Simonton, onkolog
28. Naukowcy udowadniaj, jak wielka jest zdolno psychiki
do leczenia organizmu. Jak wynika z najnowszych
bada naukowych - schorzenia wywoane stresem
czsto bardzo trudno leczy konwencjonalnymi
metodami farmakologicznymi. Dr H. Benson wykazujc
pozytywne zmiany fizjologiczne bdce nastpstwem
r坦甜nych technik relaksu wymienia wyra添ny wzrost lub
spadek istotnych 甜yciowo funkcji organizmu. I tak, w
czasie treningu biofeedback zwalnia si rytm
oddechu, spada cinienie ttnicze i ttno, a wyra添nie
wzrastaj fale alfa w m坦zgu.
29. Proces leczenia organizmu jest znacznie
przypieszony, kiedy m坦zg znajduje si w
okrelonym stanie. Pojawienie si rytm坦w
m坦zgowych alfa, teta i delta powoduje
wyra添ne obni甜enie si poziomu hormon坦w
stresowych. Wystpowanie wymienionych fal
m坦zgowych w spos坦b znaczcy podwy甜sza
tak甜e sprawno immunologiczn organizmu.