This document certifies that Miss Jonita Lobo completed a bonafide biology investigatory project on anemia for her class 12 practical exam in February 2013 under the supervision of her internal examiner. It was submitted for evaluation to the All India Senior Secondary School Certificate external examiner. The acknowledgments section thanks Miss Lobo's biology teachers, sister, brother, and parents for their guidance and support throughout the project.
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Biology investigatory project on anaemia
Certified to be the Bonafide work done by
Miss Jonita Lobo of class xii during the
year 2012-2013 under my supervision
Internal examiner
Submitted for the All India Senior
Secondary School Certificate for practical
exam held in February 2013.
External examiner:
I would like to thank my biology teachers Mrs.
Madhu and Mrs. Marita for their guidance and
continuous support throughout this project.
A Special note of appreciation goes out to my
sister and brother, whose valuable suggestions
have helped in adding immense life to this
investigatory report.
I would like to thank my parents for their constant
support and endeavoring patience that helped me
see to the end of this report.