The biology lecture covered chapters 12 and 13 on mitosis and meiosis, with quizzes scheduled for Monday on mitosis and Wednesday on meiosis. Cyclins act as internal controls for cell cycles, while external controls include anchorage dependence where animal cells must attach to extracellular matrix to divide, and density-dependent inhibition that prevents cancer cells from dividing nonstop without limits due to a lack of these controls and expression of telomerase. There are two types of tumors - benign and malignant.
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Biology lecture wednesday, october 16, 2013
1. Biology lecture - Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Pro lectured Ch 12 and Ch 13
Monday: quiz on mitosis
Wednesday: quiz on meiosis
Cyclins are internal controls
What are the external controls for cell cycles?
Ancorahge dependence: anima cells must be attaxhed to ECM in order to divide
Cancer cells do not exhibit density –dependent inhibition nor anchorage dependence
Cancer cells divide nonstop and continue to divide due to telomerase (enzyme)
There are two types of tumors benign and malignant.