Bios Life Slim is a fiber-based drink that contains ingredients like Biosphere Fiber and Unicity 7X to help with weight loss and maintaining healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It works by curbing appetite, reducing calorie intake, trapping and removing cholesterol from the digestive tract, and maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. When taken twice daily before meals along with exercise and a balanced diet, it can help with weight loss and improved health.
Bios Life Slim is a fiber-based supplement that contains proprietary ingredients to aid in weight loss and management of cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It contains Biosphere Fiber, Unicity 7X, Bios Cardio matrix, and a Bios Vitamin Complex. Bios Life Slim helps the body regulate fat storage and provides benefits like increased energy, improved cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and regulated bowel function. It comes in two formulas tailored for weight loss or cholesterol/glucose support and should be mixed with water or other liquids and drank twice or three times daily before meals.
Herbal Supplement To Gain Weight Naturally - Weight Gain Formula Planet Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda Weight Gain Formula is a blend of traditional herbs like Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and others which help to regulate body metabolism and gain body weight in a very natural way. The diet starts to work, whatever food is consumed is processed properly in the body and assimilated to each and every cell so that the body takes out the maximum.
Herbal Supplement To Gain Weight Naturally - Weight Gain FormulaPlanet Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda Weight Gain Formula is a blend of traditional herbs like Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and others which help to regulate body metabolism and gain body weight in a very natural way. The diet starts to work, whatever food is consumed is processed properly in the body and assimilated to each and every cell so that the body takes out the maximum.
The document summarizes an antioxidant meal replacement shake called X-ProteinMeal. It contains high levels of antioxidants, protein, fiber and nutrients. The shake is intended to help with weight loss and maintenance. It provides the antioxidant equivalency of various fruits and vegetables in one serving. It also outlines wellness plans for losing weight that incorporate the shakes, calories intake, sleep and other lifestyle factors. Pricing and purchasing options are provided.
Ketogenic diet or as some people prefer to call it; The Keto diet or low-carb...IbtissamMaher
The ketogenic diet or as like some people prefer to call it; the
Keto diet or low carb diet is about consuming a lot of protein
and fats but fewer carbs. This diet makes the body send the
fats that we consume to the liver, which the latter transform it
into energy to keep the body strong and active for a long time
without feeling tired quickly.
This document summarizes the key points about fitness and nutrition from 6 chapters of a longer document. It discusses how nutrition and fitness are both important for health, highlighting the importance of drinking water for bodily functions. Regular exercise provides health benefits like reducing risks of disease. While minor physical activities can also be effective for health if done regularly. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle through both nutrition and fitness is important.
This document provides information on various Well dietary supplements. It discusses Well Protein Nourisher, a high protein body nourisher containing soy and milk proteins. It also discusses Well AM-PM, an energizing and stress-relieving dietary supplement containing ingredients like curcumin and ashwagandha. Another product covered is Well Joint Ease, a dietary supplement for healthy joints containing glucosamine and boswellia. The document also provides information on supplements targeted towards women, including Well naturOpause for menopausal health and Well Freedom for premenstrual health.
The document provides information about Herbalife products and programs. It discusses Herbalife's history and emphasizes using natural ingredients. It describes various product lines including nutritional shakes, supplements, and personalized protein powder. Whole health programs like Quickstart Protein Plus and Ultimate Program are summarized. Guidelines around lifestyle analysis, balanced diets, and check up parties are also mentioned.
We are a International Weight Loss and Nutrition Company that has been helping people lose weight for over 20 years, We have helped over 30 million people worldwide lose weight fast, safely and effectively with our doctor approved, all natural products. Most importantly, we will work with you personally to keep the weight off <span>permanently</span>.<br>Let us Help you lose weight too!<br>
This document discusses lifelong nutritional needs and how they change throughout life. Nutritional requirements can vary based on age, gender, lifestyle, health conditions, and activity level. It also discusses vegetarian diets and how nutritional needs differ for athletes, including staying hydrated and avoiding dangerous performance enhancers. The risks of dietary supplements, especially herbal supplements and megadoses, are also covered.
This document discusses different types of special diets that people follow. It explains that dietary needs change throughout life and differ between individuals. Some common reasons for special diets are religious beliefs, food allergies or intolerances like celiac disease, and athletic training. The document provides details on vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free diets. It emphasizes the importance of obtaining proper nutrition from alternative food sources when entire food groups are excluded.
Balanced nutrition is important for optimal health and includes getting enough nutrients from foods. Protein is needed to build muscle while healthy fats and carbohydrates provide energy. A healthy diet balances calories from protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and water. Regular exercise, stress management and adequate rest also contribute to overall wellness.
Smoothies that Heal is a free smoothies recipe ebook that teaches you how to make healthy smoothies for acne, allergies, arthritis, chronic pain, depression, diabetes, eczema, high blood pressure, menopause, stress, urinary tract infections and weight loss.
The document describes a new spray nozzle technology called Click&Dry that is safer and more efficient than traditional nozzles. Key features include improved hygiene through easier cleaning, faster nozzle changes, and longer component life. Click&Dry uses advanced sealing and design features to allow higher operating pressures with greater safety margins compared to older nozzle styles.
European Commodity Market Regulations Part 1CTRM Center
Increased regulation and oversight of European energy and commodity trading has commenced as various aspects of the EMIR (European Market Infrastructure Regulation), REMIT (Regulation on wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency), and other regulations start to bite. These regulations are already having an impact on trading and risk management business practices and may have far reaching and as yet, even un-thought of consequences for the industry. Unfortunately, the authorities have yet to define some of the detail and clarity needed to be able to determine this.
O documento descreve um livro chamado "Authenticity - What Consumers Really Want", escrito por James H. Gilmore e B. Joseph Pine II. O livro expõe as vantagens de introduzir autenticidade nos negócios para atrair o novo consumidor, que agora exige que os produtos sejam reais. Os autores analisam por que os consumidores procuram autenticidade e como as empresas fornecem inautenticidade. Eles fornecem orientações sobre como as empresas podem avaliar sua autenticidade e tornar suas ofertas
Handouts New and Emerging Models for Work-based LearninNAFCareerAcads
This document defines Career Practicum as a type of work-based learning experience intended to bridge Career Exploration and Career Preparation. Career Practicum experiences provide students with practical experience interacting with industry professionals to deepen classroom learning and develop college and career readiness skills. Key aspects of Career Practicum include having clearly defined student learning outcomes, being integrated into students' academic programs, and involving direct supervision from teachers and industry professionals. The document outlines student learning outcomes supported by Career Practicum experiences and criteria for designing and assessing Career Practicum to ensure rigor and support of intended outcomes.
Ropa para trabajar con total libertad de movimientos, con tejidos adaptados a las situaciones más difÃciles con un diseño actual y para amplios sectores de la medicina, el cuidado de la salud, la atención al público, el cuidado de niños y niñas o los servicios ambulatorios.
Tomi Ahonen: Engage With Mobile at WSA-mobile Global Congress Abu Dhabiwsa-mobile
This document provides a summary of Tomi Ahonen's presentation on mobile trends. It discusses Ahonen's background and expertise in mobile as well as key trends such as the declining price of smartphones, increasing smartphone adoption rates, and growing mobile usage. Retail, government services, and other industries are increasingly embracing mobile.
The document provides information about Herbalife products and programs. It discusses Herbalife's history and emphasizes using natural ingredients. It describes various product lines including nutritional shakes, supplements, and personalized protein powder. Whole health programs like Quickstart Protein Plus and Ultimate Program are summarized. Guidelines around lifestyle analysis, balanced diets, and check up parties are also mentioned.
We are a International Weight Loss and Nutrition Company that has been helping people lose weight for over 20 years, We have helped over 30 million people worldwide lose weight fast, safely and effectively with our doctor approved, all natural products. Most importantly, we will work with you personally to keep the weight off <span>permanently</span>.<br>Let us Help you lose weight too!<br>
This document discusses lifelong nutritional needs and how they change throughout life. Nutritional requirements can vary based on age, gender, lifestyle, health conditions, and activity level. It also discusses vegetarian diets and how nutritional needs differ for athletes, including staying hydrated and avoiding dangerous performance enhancers. The risks of dietary supplements, especially herbal supplements and megadoses, are also covered.
This document discusses different types of special diets that people follow. It explains that dietary needs change throughout life and differ between individuals. Some common reasons for special diets are religious beliefs, food allergies or intolerances like celiac disease, and athletic training. The document provides details on vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free diets. It emphasizes the importance of obtaining proper nutrition from alternative food sources when entire food groups are excluded.
Balanced nutrition is important for optimal health and includes getting enough nutrients from foods. Protein is needed to build muscle while healthy fats and carbohydrates provide energy. A healthy diet balances calories from protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and water. Regular exercise, stress management and adequate rest also contribute to overall wellness.
Smoothies that Heal is a free smoothies recipe ebook that teaches you how to make healthy smoothies for acne, allergies, arthritis, chronic pain, depression, diabetes, eczema, high blood pressure, menopause, stress, urinary tract infections and weight loss.
The document describes a new spray nozzle technology called Click&Dry that is safer and more efficient than traditional nozzles. Key features include improved hygiene through easier cleaning, faster nozzle changes, and longer component life. Click&Dry uses advanced sealing and design features to allow higher operating pressures with greater safety margins compared to older nozzle styles.
European Commodity Market Regulations Part 1CTRM Center
Increased regulation and oversight of European energy and commodity trading has commenced as various aspects of the EMIR (European Market Infrastructure Regulation), REMIT (Regulation on wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency), and other regulations start to bite. These regulations are already having an impact on trading and risk management business practices and may have far reaching and as yet, even un-thought of consequences for the industry. Unfortunately, the authorities have yet to define some of the detail and clarity needed to be able to determine this.
O documento descreve um livro chamado "Authenticity - What Consumers Really Want", escrito por James H. Gilmore e B. Joseph Pine II. O livro expõe as vantagens de introduzir autenticidade nos negócios para atrair o novo consumidor, que agora exige que os produtos sejam reais. Os autores analisam por que os consumidores procuram autenticidade e como as empresas fornecem inautenticidade. Eles fornecem orientações sobre como as empresas podem avaliar sua autenticidade e tornar suas ofertas
Handouts New and Emerging Models for Work-based LearninNAFCareerAcads
This document defines Career Practicum as a type of work-based learning experience intended to bridge Career Exploration and Career Preparation. Career Practicum experiences provide students with practical experience interacting with industry professionals to deepen classroom learning and develop college and career readiness skills. Key aspects of Career Practicum include having clearly defined student learning outcomes, being integrated into students' academic programs, and involving direct supervision from teachers and industry professionals. The document outlines student learning outcomes supported by Career Practicum experiences and criteria for designing and assessing Career Practicum to ensure rigor and support of intended outcomes.
Ropa para trabajar con total libertad de movimientos, con tejidos adaptados a las situaciones más difÃciles con un diseño actual y para amplios sectores de la medicina, el cuidado de la salud, la atención al público, el cuidado de niños y niñas o los servicios ambulatorios.
Tomi Ahonen: Engage With Mobile at WSA-mobile Global Congress Abu Dhabiwsa-mobile
This document provides a summary of Tomi Ahonen's presentation on mobile trends. It discusses Ahonen's background and expertise in mobile as well as key trends such as the declining price of smartphones, increasing smartphone adoption rates, and growing mobile usage. Retail, government services, and other industries are increasingly embracing mobile.
This presentation looks at issues which startups need to look while pitching this ideas / business plans to VCs.
Shailesh Vickram Singh has been an entrepreneur and VC for last 16 years and is presently working with SeedFund - India's leading early stage fund.
NetFlow en profundidad: Consejos y trucos para sacar el máximo provecho del a...SolarWinds
Venga y participe del webinar en español sobre Las Mejores Practicas de Netflow, donde aprendera trucos y consejos para sacar el maximo provecho a su ancho de banda. Será una presentación en vivo acerca de las caracterÃsticas del software. Usted aprenderá cómo funciona la herramienta y tendra la oportunidad de hacer preguntar a nuestro ingeniero.
• Introducción al NetFlow y otras tecnologÃas de flujo
• Configuración de la red para recoger datos sobre el flujo
• Algunos casos de uso cotidiano para el monitorear la red.
Bios Life Slim is a fiber-based drink that contains ingredients like Biosphere Fiber and Unicity 7X to help with weight loss and maintaining healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It works by curbing appetite, reducing calorie intake, trapping and removing cholesterol from the digestive tract, and maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. When taken twice daily before meals along with exercise and a balanced diet, it can help with weight management, increased fullness, and improved waist-to-hip ratio.
Bios Life Slim is a fiber-based drink that contains ingredients like Biosphere Fiber and Unicity 7X to help with weight loss and maintaining healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It works by curbing appetite, reducing calorie intake, trapping and removing cholesterol from the digestive tract, and maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. When taken twice daily before meals along with exercise and a balanced diet, it can help with weight loss and improved health.
Bios Life Slim is a fiber-based supplement that contains proprietary ingredients to help with weight loss and managing cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It contains Biosphere Fiber, Unicity 7X, Bios Cardio matrix, and a Bios Vitamin Complex. Bios Life Slim works by helping the body regulate fat storage and provides benefits like increased energy, improved cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and regulated bowel function. The product comes in two formulas tailored for specific health goals like weight loss or maintaining healthy cholesterol and glucose levels. Bios Life Slim is taken two to three times daily before meals by mixing one sachet in water or other beverages.
Bios Life Slim is a fiber-based supplement that contains proprietary ingredients to aid in weight loss and management of cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It contains Biosphere Fiber, Unicity 7X, Bios Cardio matrix, and a Bios Vitamin Complex. Bios Life Slim helps the body regulate fat storage and provides benefits like increased energy, improved cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and regulated bowel function. It comes in two formulas tailored for weight loss or cholesterol/glucose support and should be mixed with water or other liquids and drank twice or three times daily before meals.
Bios Life Slim is a fiber-based supplement that contains proprietary ingredients to help with weight loss and managing cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It contains Biosphere Fiber, Unicity 7X, Bios Cardio matrix, and a Bios Vitamin Complex. Bios Life Slim works by helping the body regulate fat storage and provides benefits like increased energy, improved cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and regulated bowel function. The product comes in two formulas tailored for specific health goals like weight loss or maintaining healthy cholesterol and glucose levels. Bios Life Slim is taken two to three times daily before meals by mixing one sachet in water or other beverages.
Bios Life Slim is a fiber-based supplement that contains proprietary ingredients to help with weight loss and managing cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It contains Biosphere Fiber, Unicity 7X, Bios Cardio matrix, and a Bios Vitamin Complex. Bios Life Slim works by helping the body regulate fat storage and provides benefits like increased energy, improved cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and regulated bowel function. The product comes in two formulas tailored for specific health goals like weight loss or maintaining healthy cholesterol and glucose levels. Bios Life Slim is taken two to three times daily before meals by mixing one sachet in water or other beverages.
Bios Life Slim is a fiber-based supplement that contains proprietary ingredients to aid in weight loss and management of cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It contains Biosphere Fiber, Unicity 7X, Bios Cardio matrix, and a Bios Vitamin Complex. Bios Life Slim helps the body regulate fat storage and provides benefits like increased energy, improved cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and regulated bowel function. It comes in two formulas tailored for weight loss or cholesterol/glucose support and should be mixed with water or other liquids and drank twice or three times daily before meals.
Bios Life Slim is a fiber-based supplement that contains proprietary ingredients to aid in weight loss and management of cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It contains Biosphere Fiber, Unicity 7X, Bios Cardio matrix, and a Bios Vitamin Complex. Bios Life Slim helps the body regulate fat storage and provides benefits like increased energy, improved cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and regulated bowel function. The product comes in two formulas tailored for specific health goals like weight loss or blood sugar management and should be taken 10-15 minutes before meals by mixing one sachet in water or other beverages.
Bios Life Slim is a fiber-based supplement that contains proprietary ingredients to aid in weight loss and management of cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It contains Biosphere Fiber, Unicity 7X, Bios Cardio matrix, and a Bios Vitamin Complex. Bios Life Slim helps the body regulate fat storage and provides benefits like increased energy, improved cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and regulated bowel function. It comes in two formulas tailored for weight loss or cholesterol/glucose support and should be mixed with water or other liquids and drank twice or three times daily before meals.
Bios Life Slim is a fiber-based supplement that contains proprietary ingredients to aid in weight loss and management of cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It contains Biosphere Fiber, Unicity 7X, Bios Cardio matrix, and a Bios Vitamin Complex. Bios Life Slim helps the body regulate fat storage and provides benefits like increased energy, improved cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and regulated bowel function. It comes in two formulas tailored for weight loss or cholesterol/glucose support and should be mixed with water or other liquids and drank twice or three times daily before meals.
Bios Life Slim is a clinically proven natural product that helps regulate the amount of fat stored in the body. It works by slowing the absorption of glucose to keep insulin levels low and allow the body to burn stored fat for energy. Taking Bios Life Slim twice daily before meals, following a 4-4-12 eating pattern of balanced meals spaced 4 hours apart with 12 hours between dinner and breakfast, and making other healthy lifestyle changes can help turn the body into a fat burning machine for weight loss. Bios Life Slim is safe to take long term for at least 3 months to achieve fat loss results.
This document summarizes a digestive supplement called LPGN DIGESTIVE+++. It contains a probiotic, prebiotic blend, and comprehensive enzyme blend chosen to promote digestive health and nutrient absorption. The supplement aims to support the declining digestive enzyme production that occurs with age. Nearly 70 million Americans suffer from digestive issues, showing the need for digestive support.
The document provides information on various Herbalife nutrition products, including Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix, Personalized Protein Powder, Vitamin Mineral & Herbal Tablets, Cell Activator, Herbal Control, Cell-U-Loss, Activated Fiber, Aloe Plus, Simply Probiotic, Beta heart, Joint Support, Niteworks, Herbalifeline, Herbalife Calcium Tablets, Afresh, Hydrate 24, Dinoshake, Skin Booster, and ShakeMate. Each product is described in 1-2 sentences highlighting its key ingredients and benefits. The document appears to be an overview of Herbalife's nutrition product line.
Lipozene reviews 100% natural weight loss supplement to helphr2000
Lipozene is a weight loss supplement containing glucomannan, a fiber that forms a gel in the stomach to make one feel full. Taking two capsules before meals can help reduce calorie intake and burn fat for weight loss. Weight loss varies by person but adding exercise can help lose weight faster. Lipozene is considered safe as glucomannan has been used for centuries, but vitamin supplements are recommended and plenty of water should be consumed.
The document discusses Limu Lean, a weight management system consisting of meal replacement shakes, an appetite controller, and digestive cleanse. It provides frequently asked questions about the products, including how they work together for weight loss, their nutritional benefits, and guidelines for their use. Key details covered include that the system uses fucoidan and protein sources to burn fat and control appetite while providing optimal nutrition.
This document summarizes the benefits of joining Unicity, a company that develops products promoting well-being through clinical studies. It outlines the financial opportunities through Unicity's distributorship program, including earning retail profits, personal rebates up to 30%, group bonuses up to 20%, fast start bonuses up to 30%, and team builder bonuses up to 9 lakhs. Higher levels provide additional rewards like presidential royalties and bonuses up to 72.9 lakhs. The global opportunity allows distributors to build their business across borders.
OHM is a supplement that provides natural energy through ingredients like schizandra, rhodiala, and ginseng. It contains taurine, B vitamins, and D-ribose to increase mental focus and energy. The gel pack makes it convenient to access this energy on the go. OHM may help with daily energy and focus, efficient food conversion to energy, energy during exercise, immune system support, and reducing fatigue from daily activities.
This document contains information about various health and fitness products from ViSalus, including protein shakes, energy drinks, snack bars, and a 90-day weight loss challenge program. The products are described as containing proprietary blends and nutrients to support weight loss, muscle growth, and increased energy. Contact information is provided for Jeff Sibell on his ViSalus website.
The document discusses USANA's active nutrition products and provides information about their benefits. It states that the earnings portrayed by USANA representatives are not typical, and that success requires diligent effort. It directs readers to USANA's website for information on average annual earnings. The document promotes USANA's line of nutrition products and provides details about their ingredients, nutritional profiles, and purported health benefits.
The document provides an overview of obesity and weight management strategies in Malaysia and Singapore. It states that 39% of Malaysians are overweight or obese, up from 20% in 1996. Common causes of obesity include sedentary lifestyles, excessive calorie intake, and high consumption of saturated fats and sugars. It then outlines a 6-week meal plan and supplement regimen from Nutrilite for healthy weight loss and management.
Bios Life D is a revolutionary, fiber-based, vitamin-rich,
natural product that is clinically proven to help the body
maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
Product Information
With proper care and some simple lifestyle adjustments, such as
exercising and adopting healthy eating habits, you can support your
overall health and help sustain your desired blood sugar levels.
Adding Bios Life D to a daily regimen can help you maintain healthy
blood sugar levels.*
Some of the active ingredients in Bios Life D include:
Beta Glucans. A fiber that helps control the lipid and glucose
response after a meal, and help stimulate the immune system.
Biosphere Fiber.â„¢
A patented blend of five highly soluble fibers that
quickly forms a matrix in the digestive system that:
• Slows the rate of absorption of carbohydrates*
• Maintains desired blood glucose levels*
• Curbs the appetite so you want to eat less food*
• Traps cholesterol*
B-vitamin Complex. Required by the body for energy production.
Features and Benefits
Bios Life D, when used as directed, helps:
• Manage your appetite naturally*
• Sustain healthy blood sugar levels with Biosphere Fiber™
• Lower the glycemic index of food you eat*
• Maintain healthy cholesterol levels*
• Maintain healthy triglyceride levels*
Drinking Bios Life D before meals cuts your appetite and improves your
blood sugar level regulation.*
Bios Lifeâ„¢
Supports Healthy Blood Sugar Levels*
Item code: 25140
Per Serving: 1 Sachet
Sachets Per Box: 60
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Who can take Bios Life D?
A. Bios Life D is suitable for adults.
Pregnant and nursing mothers
should consult their doctor before
using this product.
Q. How often should I use it?
A. We recommend that you take Bios
Life D 10-15 minutes before meals,
two to three times a day.
Q. Are there any side effects
associated with using Bios Life D?
A. Bios Life D has been taken by
thousands of people with no adverse
side effects. Because of the fiber
content, individuals who do not
consume much fiber on a regular
basis may experience loose stools
or an upset stomach when first using
it.These effects stop over time.
Q. Can I take Bios Life D if I am on other
A. We recommend you consult with
your doctor to determine if this
dietary supplement is right for you.
Q. Is Bios Life D gluten free?
A. Yes. Bios Life D is gluten free.
Q. What is the shelf life of Bios Life D?
A. Bios Life D has a shelf life of two
years if kept in the original, sealed
* This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease,
illness or pain, in compliance with applicable laws.
2. Drinking Bios Life D before meals reduces your appetite
and improves your blood sugar regulation.*
What Does Bios Life D Do For You?
Assists the Body in Maintaining Healthy Blood Sugar Levels*
The fiber in Bios Life D has been found to lower the glycemic index of foods eaten. Fiber is able to slow the
absorption of glucose in the intestine, which helps moderate the amount of glucose released into the blood.
Reduces the Appetite*
Soluble fiber interacts with water to create a gel-like matrix in the intestinal tract.This matrix takes up the physical
space normally taken up by food and helps lead to a sense of fullness. Eating less causes your body to start
burning its stored fat instead of using your most recent meal as an energy source.
Increases Lipolysis (the hydrolysis of lipids)*
When insulin is no longer present, your body's fat cells begin to release free fatty acids as a source of energy.
As your body uses up the stored free fatty acids, your fat cells get smaller; this is
seen as a reduction in body size.
Ingredients and Recommended Use
Directions: For best results, take Bios Life D twice a day, ten to fifteen
minutes before your largest meals.
Mix each packet with 200-250 ml of water. Stir vigorously or use a shaker
cup. Drink immediately.
Ingredients: Guar Gum, Gum Arabic, Pectin, Oat fiber, Natural and Artificial Orange Flavor,
Calcium Carbonate, Orange Juice Powder, Citric Acid, Beta Carotene, Beta Glucan, Ascorbic
Acid, Maltodextrin, Sucralose, Vitamin E, Niacinamide, Sodium Selenite, Biotin, Pyridoxine HCI,
Riboflavin, Thiamine HCI, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid.
This product is a dietary supplement. Medication that can be taken with food may be taken with this
product; consult with your physician first. This product is for adults only. No sugar added.
Bios Life D is a vegetarian product.
Divyashree Chambers
2nd Floor, A Wing
11 O Shaugnessy Road
Langford Town
Bangalore 560025
Toll Free number: 1-800-102-2467 (BIOS)
International calls: +91 80-42911335
Fax number: +91 80-49046600
* This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease,
illness or pain, in compliance with applicable laws.
Bios Lifeâ„¢
| Science
Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
Revised 06/2011