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It seemed time that some one looked at the wonderful world of business communication with a twinkle in their eye. After a brief visit to the ophthalmologist - this picture book for grown up's was born.
2. Welcome
Communication in business is essential. Ensuring that
your message is heard and understood by people is a
vital skill. It is unfortunate then, that this book will not
help you at all in that endeavour.
What it may do is to keep you amused as you ponder
which VoIP system is the best for your business.
I always value feedback, preferably constructive so Id
love to hear from you. is my
address. And if youd like high res versions of any of the
pages Ill be happy to oblige.
Meanwhile I hope you enjoy the pictures !
David Hill
Chairman Birchills Telecom
Aldridge 2017
3. Joseph, Val and Judy feel it is important
that the team in London can share in the
success. So they send them a photo.
4. Kate knows that in business you should
communicate a LOT.
There is the phone, email, instant chat,
conferencing and even talking. Lots of
opportunities to blame others.
5. Roland hears - Your call is important to
us. Its so important that we are putting
you in a queue before cutting you off.
6. Mitch is pleased to learn about the
Nigerian prince who has just died and left
him $22m in a Swiss bank account. All he
has to do is to send $1,000 to unlock the
deposit. It can be in his bank account
7. Simon says, Auto responding to email is
great mine says, I am on pregnancy
leave until 2020.
8. Ruth has bought into 21st century
She can pick up her email wherever she is
It helps prevent boredom when she is
9. Melanie has been logged out by a
Windows update, just after she had spent
2 hours typing an email, but just before
she saved it.
10. Paula knows that negotiation is all about
calm rational discussion, a meeting of
minds, and win win situations.
11. Emma believes in 101% effort, over
communication, and total commitment in
dealing with customers for other
12. Emma sometimes forgets that her
customers arent in the same room
The cleaners want more money to clean
lipstick off her screen.
13. Gemma asks her daughter, Just what is
your problem with answering all of my
business emails?
14. David confirms that the outrageous bribe
requested is perfectly acceptable in view
of the size of arms shipment being made.
15. George realises that complex protocols
have to be undertaken before an
employee can be dismissed.
23. Thelma is astonished to learn about the
amount of money she is going to get in
compensation for the whiplash injury she
never had, in the accident that never
24. Simon thinks that everyone in his carriage
should know that:
he is on a train
he will be late
he is very, very important
25. Arthur is beginning to think the jokes he
made about ISIS, suicide bombers and
anthrax, probably werent that funny.