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sequence databases

                                                       lennart martens

                                 Computational Omics and Systems Biology Group
                                     Department of Medical Protein Research, VIB
                                     Department of Biochemistry, Ghent University
Lennart Martens             BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
                                                        Ghent, Belgium
lennart.m artens@ugent.be      UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
                     IN SEQUENCE DATABASES

Lennart Martens             BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be       UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
Peptide-level sequence redundancy

       >Protein 1                                             >Protein 1 (1-6)
       LENNARTMARTENS                                         LENNAR
       >Protein 2                                             >Protein 1 (7-10)
       LENNARTMARTENT                                         TMAR
                                                              >Protein 1 (11-14)
          non-redundant protein DB
                                                              >Protein 2 (1-6)
                                                             >Protein 2 (7-10)
                                                              >Protein 2 (11-14)
          non-redundant peptide DB

     Database content:                         all peptide sequences in the database
     Database inform ation:                    number of unique peptide sequences
                                               database information
     Database inform ation ratio:
                                                  database content
Lennart Martens             BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be       UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
Information ratios for common databases
 12,000,000                                                                                                 100%
                                                     ratio          Content   information
                                                                                               10,307,319   90%

 10,000,000                             Tryptic cleavage, 1 allowed missed cleavage,
                                              Mass limits from 600 to 4000 Da.                              80%



  6,000,000                                                                                                 50%
                                          41%                                   42%

  4,000,000                                                                    4,472,356
                                         3,186,806                                                          30%

  2,000,000        1,584,806
                                                               1,559,685                                    10%

         0                                                                                                  0%
              UniProtKB/SwissProt   UniProtKB/TrEMBL         Ensembl human    IPI human     NCBI nr human
                    human                 human

Lennart Martens                       BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be                  UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011

Lennart Martens             BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be       UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
The influence of the sequence database

     N                                               C
                            In vivo processing                             Search
                                                                                    ID   miss

       N                                            C
                            Enzymatic digest and subsequent
                             NH2-terminal peptide isolation

                                         Not in the sequence database!

Lennart Martens             BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be       UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
An example

                  Mitochondrial Isovaleryl-coA Dehydrogenase

                            N -term inal transit peptide (1-29)
                     30                                                   47
                                I sovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase (30  423)


Lennart Martens                 BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be           UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
Extending the information content

   AHSLLPVDDAINGLSEEQR                                                AHSLLPVDDAINGLSEEQR

                                                                           Revised search
                            ID   miss                                      base

Lennart Martens                  BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be            UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
Another example: in vivo protein cleavage

                   NH 2                                                               COOH
                                  R                                   R
                                           R        D                         R

                                                    Caspase cleavage of this protein
                                                                      (for 50%)

                   NH 2                                                               COOH
                                  R                                   R
                                           R        D                         R

           NH 2                       COOH              NH 2                                  COOH
                            R                                                     R
                                  RD                                                      R

                                                   NH2-terminal peptide isolation

                                   COOH                                               COOH
                   NH 2                                        NH 2
                                  R                                                   R

                                                                  NOT IN DB!

Lennart Martens             BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be       UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
Solving the issue: bifunctional enzymes

                                          NH 2

                             result of in vivo             result of in vitro
                                protease                       trypsin

      Creation of a bifunctional enzyme will generate the correct peptides!

                    Title:Arg-C                                         Title:dual ArgC_Cathep
                    Cleavage:R                                          Cleavage:DX R
                    Restrict:P                                          Restrict:P
                    Cterm                                               Cterm

                  Arg-C definition                                        Arg-C (N-term),
                                                                         Cathepsin (C-term)

Lennart Martens                BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be            UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
                        DATABASE ON DEMAND

Lennart Martens             BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be       UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
Working with databases: DBToolkit
                            http:/ / genesis.UGent.be/ dbtoolk it

                            See: M artens et al., Bioinform atics 2005, 21(17): 3584-3585

Lennart Martens                   BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be              UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
Summary of DBToolkit functionalities

         a) Enzymatic digestion using regular or dual enzymes
                 proteins to peptides
         b) N-terminal or C-terminal ragging
                  enhancing the information content of the database
         c) Non-lossy redundancy clearing
                 raising database information ratio
         d) Create shuffled and reversed databases
                  false-positives testing
         e) Extract sequence-based subsets
                  a priori prediction of potential success rate
         f) Map peptides back to proteins (maximal annotation approach)
                  find all matching proteins, and select primaries

Lennart Martens             BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be       UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
Database on Demand  DBToolkit online
                            http:/ / w w w .ebi.ac.uk/ pride/ dod

                            See: R eisinger et al., P roteom ics 2009, 9(18): 4421-4424

Lennart Martens                 BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be            UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011

Lennart Martens             BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be       UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
Serum degradation over time

                      From : Yi et al., Journal of P roteom e R esearch 2007, 6(5): 1768-1781

Lennart Martens                 BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be            UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
Plasma degradation over time

                      From : Yi et al., Journal of P roteom e R esearch 2007, 6(5): 1768-1781

Lennart Martens                 BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be            UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
                            SEQUENCE DATABASES

Lennart Martens               BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be         UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
Example 1: HUPO PPP actualisation
              Bringing the P P P from I P I 2.21 to I P I 3.13
             1555       Total
             1048       Unchanged               67%
              507       Changed                 33%
                  Of which:
                        338 Propagated 22%                  67% (of Changed)
                        169 Defunct    11%                  33% (of Changed)
                            Of which
                                   95 Defunct (RFSQ_XP) 6%                           56% (of Defunct)
  Both exist,                      72 Defunct (Ensembl) 5%                           43% (of Defunct)
  1 taxonomy now: RAT
  1 immunoglobin
                                    2 UniProt           0%                            1% (of Defunct)

                  1048 + 345 = 1386 recoverable (89.1%)

                       See: M artens and M ueller et al., P roteom ics 2006, 6(18):5059-75

Lennart Martens                BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be           UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
Example 2: human blood platelets
              Bringing the P latelets from I P I 2.31 to I P I 3.13
              673           Total
              578           Unchanged            86%
               95           Changed              14%
                   Of which:
                            78 Propagated 12%                 82% (of Changed)
                            17 Defunct     3%                 18% (of Changed)
                              Of which
                                      5 Defunct (RFSQ_XP) 1%                          29% (of Defunct)
                                     12 Defunct (Ensembl) 2%                          71% (of Defunct)

                   578 + 78 = 656 recoverable (97%)
                       See: M artens and M ueller et al., P roteom ics 2006, 6(18):5059-75

Lennart Martens                BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be           UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
Proteins sometimes age badly

                               Adapted from : http:/ / w w w .ebi.ac.uk/ ipi

Lennart Martens             BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be       UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011

Lennart Martens             BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be       UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
Identifiers through (name)space and time
                      http:/ / w w w .ebi.ac.uk/ tools/ picr

                                                                                  Limit search by
 Submit accessions
    OR sequences
 (FASTA) with 500
  entry interactive
   limit (no batch
                                                                                      Choose to
                                                                                      return all
                                                                                    mappings or
                                                                                   only active ones

  Select output format
                                                                                    Select one or
                                                                                  many databases
                                                                                  to map to in one
                                             Run                                       request

                            See: C担t辿 et al., BM C Bioinform atics 2007, 8: 401

Lennart Martens             BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be        UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
Mapping results

Lennart Martens             BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be       UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011

Lennart Martens             BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be       UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
Decoy databases, the latest fashion
 Three main types of decoy DBs are used:

           - Reversed databases (easy)

           - Shuffled databases (slightly more difficult)
                      LENNARTMARTENS  NMERLANATERTTN                      (for instance)

           - Randomized databases (as difficult as you want it to be)
                      LENNARTMARTENS  GFVLAEPHSEAITK                      (for instance)

 The concept is that each peptide identified from the decoy database is an incorrect
 identification. By counting the number of decoy hits, we can estimate the number of
 false positives in the original database.

Lennart Martens             BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be       UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
Estimating the FDR (i)

                        2  nbr _ decoy _ hits
         FDR =
               nbr _ forward _ hits + nbr _ decoy _ hits

 FDR is the False Discovery Rate  it is a metric that gives you an indication of how
 many (percent) of your identifications are potentially incorrect. Note that we multiply
 the number of decoy hits by 2, because we should not only count the actual decoy
 hits, but also the hidden false positives that are present in the forward
 identifications. The assumption here is that we expect one forward false positive hit
 per decoy false positive hit, hence the doubling term.

                               From: Elias and Gygi, Nature Methods 2007, 4(3): 207-214

Lennart Martens             BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be       UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
Estimating the FDR (ii)

                                   nbr _ decoy _ hits
                            FDR =
                                  nbr _ forward _ hits

 This metric was proposed by Storey and Tibbs for genomics data, and further
 investigated by Lukas K辰ll for proteomics. It provides a more accurate (and simpler!)
 estimate of the FDR, but can be extended to also take into account the (suspected)
 false positives in the forward set.

                                 See: Storey and Tibbs, PNAS 2003, 100(16): 9440-9445
                                         See: K辰ll et al,., JPR 2008, 7(1): 29-34

Lennart Martens              BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be        UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011
Thank you!
Lennart Martens             BITS MS Data Processing  Sequence Databases
lennart.m artens@ugent.be       UGent, Gent, Belgium  16 December 2011

More Related Content

BITS - Overview of sequence databases for mass spectrometry data analysis

  • 2. sequence databases lennart martens lennart.martens@ugent.be Computational Omics and Systems Biology Group Department of Medical Protein Research, VIB Department of Biochemistry, Ghent University Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases Ghent, Belgium lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 3. PEPTIDES AND REDUNDANCY IN SEQUENCE DATABASES Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 4. Peptide-level sequence redundancy >Protein 1 >Protein 1 (1-6) LENNARTMARTENS LENNAR >Protein 2 >Protein 1 (7-10) LENNARTMARTENT TMAR >Protein 1 (11-14) TENS = non-redundant protein DB >Protein 2 (1-6) LENNAR = >Protein 2 (7-10) TMAR >Protein 2 (11-14) non-redundant peptide DB TENT Database content: all peptide sequences in the database Database inform ation: number of unique peptide sequences database information Database inform ation ratio: database content Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 5. Information ratios for common databases 12,000,000 100% 93% ratio Content information 10,307,319 90% 10,000,000 Tryptic cleavage, 1 allowed missed cleavage, Mass limits from 600 to 4000 Da. 80% 70% 8,000,000 60% 6,000,000 50% 45% 41% 42% 40% 4,000,000 4,472,356 3,491,778 3,186,806 30% 23% 20% 2,000,000 1,584,806 2,394,844 1,877,500 1,559,685 10% 1,466,927 1,309,625 0 0% UniProtKB/SwissProt UniProtKB/TrEMBL Ensembl human IPI human NCBI nr human human human Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 6. ENRICHING SEQUENCE DATABASES Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 7. The influence of the sequence database N C In vivo processing Search ID miss base N C + Enzymatic digest and subsequent NH2-terminal peptide isolation Not in the sequence database! Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 8. An example Mitochondrial Isovaleryl-coA Dehydrogenase MATATRLLGWRVASWRLRPPLAGFVS N -term inal transit peptide (1-29) 30 47 QRAHSLLPVDDAINGLSEEQRQLRE I sovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase (30 423) LDGIQCFGGNGYINDFPMGRFLRDA 423 KLYEIGAGTSEVRRLVIGRAFNADFH Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 9. Extending the information content AHSLLPVDDAINGLSEEQR AHSLLPVDDAINGLSEEQR HSLLPVDDAINGLSEEQR SLLPVDDAINGLSEEQR LLPVDDAINGLSEEQR LPVDDAINGLSEEQR PVDDAINGLSEEQR VDDAINGLSEEQR Revised search Search ID miss base base ID Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 10. Another example: in vivo protein cleavage NH 2 COOH R R R D R Caspase cleavage of this protein (for 50%) NH 2 COOH R R R D R NH 2 COOH NH 2 COOH R R RD R NH2-terminal peptide isolation COOH COOH NH 2 NH 2 R R NOT IN DB! Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 11. Solving the issue: bifunctional enzymes COOH NH 2 R result of in vivo result of in vitro protease trypsin Creation of a bifunctional enzyme will generate the correct peptides! Title:Arg-C Title:dual ArgC_Cathep Cleavage:R Cleavage:DX R Restrict:P Restrict:P Cterm Cterm Arg-C definition Arg-C (N-term), Cathepsin (C-term) definition Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 12. DBTOOLKIT AND DATABASE ON DEMAND Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 13. Working with databases: DBToolkit http:/ / genesis.UGent.be/ dbtoolk it See: M artens et al., Bioinform atics 2005, 21(17): 3584-3585 Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 14. Summary of DBToolkit functionalities a) Enzymatic digestion using regular or dual enzymes proteins to peptides b) N-terminal or C-terminal ragging enhancing the information content of the database c) Non-lossy redundancy clearing raising database information ratio d) Create shuffled and reversed databases false-positives testing e) Extract sequence-based subsets a priori prediction of potential success rate f) Map peptides back to proteins (maximal annotation approach) find all matching proteins, and select primaries etc Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 15. Database on Demand DBToolkit online http:/ / w w w .ebi.ac.uk/ pride/ dod See: R eisinger et al., P roteom ics 2009, 9(18): 4421-4424 Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 16. WHY DOES PROCESSING MATTER? Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 17. Serum degradation over time From : Yi et al., Journal of P roteom e R esearch 2007, 6(5): 1768-1781 Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 18. Plasma degradation over time From : Yi et al., Journal of P roteom e R esearch 2007, 6(5): 1768-1781 Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 19. TIME-LABILITY OF SEQUENCE DATABASES Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 20. Example 1: HUPO PPP actualisation Bringing the P P P from I P I 2.21 to I P I 3.13 1555 Total 1048 Unchanged 67% 507 Changed 33% Of which: 338 Propagated 22% 67% (of Changed) 169 Defunct 11% 33% (of Changed) Of which 95 Defunct (RFSQ_XP) 6% 56% (of Defunct) Both exist, 72 Defunct (Ensembl) 5% 43% (of Defunct) 1 taxonomy now: RAT 1 immunoglobin 2 UniProt 0% 1% (of Defunct) 1048 + 345 = 1386 recoverable (89.1%) See: M artens and M ueller et al., P roteom ics 2006, 6(18):5059-75 Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 21. Example 2: human blood platelets Bringing the P latelets from I P I 2.31 to I P I 3.13 673 Total 578 Unchanged 86% 95 Changed 14% Of which: 78 Propagated 12% 82% (of Changed) 17 Defunct 3% 18% (of Changed) Of which 5 Defunct (RFSQ_XP) 1% 29% (of Defunct) 12 Defunct (Ensembl) 2% 71% (of Defunct) 578 + 78 = 656 recoverable (97%) See: M artens and M ueller et al., P roteom ics 2006, 6(18):5059-75 Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 22. Proteins sometimes age badly Adapted from : http:/ / w w w .ebi.ac.uk/ ipi Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 23. THE PICR MAPPING SERVICE Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 24. Identifiers through (name)space and time http:/ / w w w .ebi.ac.uk/ tools/ picr Limit search by taxonomy (pessimistic) Submit accessions OR sequences (FASTA) with 500 entry interactive limit (no batch limit) Choose to return all mappings or only active ones Select output format Select one or many databases to map to in one Run request search See: C担t辿 et al., BM C Bioinform atics 2007, 8: 401 Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 25. Mapping results Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 26. ESTIMATING FALSE DISCOVERY RATES THE DECOY DATABASE APPROACH Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 27. Decoy databases, the latest fashion Three main types of decoy DBs are used: - Reversed databases (easy) LENNARTMARTENS SNETRAMTRANNEL - Shuffled databases (slightly more difficult) LENNARTMARTENS NMERLANATERTTN (for instance) - Randomized databases (as difficult as you want it to be) LENNARTMARTENS GFVLAEPHSEAITK (for instance) The concept is that each peptide identified from the decoy database is an incorrect identification. By counting the number of decoy hits, we can estimate the number of false positives in the original database. Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 28. Estimating the FDR (i) 2 nbr _ decoy _ hits FDR = nbr _ forward _ hits + nbr _ decoy _ hits FDR is the False Discovery Rate it is a metric that gives you an indication of how many (percent) of your identifications are potentially incorrect. Note that we multiply the number of decoy hits by 2, because we should not only count the actual decoy hits, but also the hidden false positives that are present in the forward identifications. The assumption here is that we expect one forward false positive hit per decoy false positive hit, hence the doubling term. From: Elias and Gygi, Nature Methods 2007, 4(3): 207-214 Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 29. Estimating the FDR (ii) nbr _ decoy _ hits FDR = nbr _ forward _ hits This metric was proposed by Storey and Tibbs for genomics data, and further investigated by Lukas K辰ll for proteomics. It provides a more accurate (and simpler!) estimate of the FDR, but can be extended to also take into account the (suspected) false positives in the forward set. See: Storey and Tibbs, PNAS 2003, 100(16): 9440-9445 See: K辰ll et al,., JPR 2008, 7(1): 29-34 Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011
  • 30. Thank you! Questions? Lennart Martens BITS MS Data Processing Sequence Databases lennart.m artens@ugent.be UGent, Gent, Belgium 16 December 2011