Aritz, Garazi eta ni hasi ginen power point honi hasiera ematen. bertan 3 bloke nagusi antzeman daitezke: pintxoak, platerak eta postreak eta edariak. Hiru bloke horiek aurkezten dute, Euskal Herrian zein gastronimia nagusiak diren aurkeztu nahi ditugu edo jendeak zein plater eta edari dira gehien eskatzen dituztenak.
Euskal gastronomiak ospe handia dauka mundu guztian: pintxoak, plater tipikoak, edariak... Mokaduz mokadu zapore ezberdinekin gozatzeko aukera eskaintzen baitu, kultura bihurtu den janariak.
The document summarizes the editing style and preferences of M. Edward Whelan III during his time working at the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC) from 2004 onward. It provides examples of Whelan's directives to staff regarding proper punctuation, word choice, and formatting in emails and documents. These include a preference for curly apostrophes, M dashes without spaces, hyphens in compound nouns, and a dislike of phrases like "No problem." The document also humorously recounts stories from past office managers about adjusting to Whelan's highly particular style over his near-decade leading EPPC.
The document is a portfolio evaluation for an AS Media Studies course. It discusses the candidate's media product, an indie music magazine called Fever.
The summary discusses how the magazine represents its target audience of teens and young adults interested in indie music and fashion. It also covers how the magazine uses conventions from real publications like NME magazine in its design, including a color scheme of red, black, and white.
The candidate reflects on learning new skills like using a DSLR camera and photo editing software. They discuss progressing from their first magazine cover design to a second, more professional-looking version for the indie magazine. Overall, the portfolio shows the candidate learning and developing their magazine design skills over multiple draft
This document discusses different types of intellectual property including copyright, inventions, trademarks, and counterfeiting. It notes that copyright protects the work of authors and encourages further creation. Inventions are important for human progress and offer solutions to problems. Trademarks help producers identify themselves and what they sell while helping customers know what they are buying. Counterfeiting harms producers and can mislead customers by imitating genuine products. The document encourages people to examine products before buying and report counterfeits to the proper authorities. It also announces a contest on drawings and epigrams about intellectual property topics.
Remaja mengalami keruntuhan akidah akibat pengaruh budaya barat seperti punk dan gothic serta gejala murtad. Syirik adalah dosa paling besar kerana menyekutukan Allah dengan makhluk. Ada dua jenis syirik iaitu jali (terang) dan khafi (tersembunyi). Pendidikan akidah perlu diperkukuhkan untuk cegah keruntuhan akidah remaja.
The document summarizes the editing style and preferences of M. Edward Whelan III during his time working at the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC) from 2004 onward. It provides examples of Whelan's directives to staff regarding proper punctuation, word choice, and formatting in emails and documents. These include a preference for curly apostrophes, M dashes without spaces, hyphens in compound nouns, and a dislike of phrases like "No problem." The document also humorously recounts stories from past office managers about adjusting to Whelan's highly particular style over his near-decade leading EPPC.
The document is a portfolio evaluation for an AS Media Studies course. It discusses the candidate's media product, an indie music magazine called Fever.
The summary discusses how the magazine represents its target audience of teens and young adults interested in indie music and fashion. It also covers how the magazine uses conventions from real publications like NME magazine in its design, including a color scheme of red, black, and white.
The candidate reflects on learning new skills like using a DSLR camera and photo editing software. They discuss progressing from their first magazine cover design to a second, more professional-looking version for the indie magazine. Overall, the portfolio shows the candidate learning and developing their magazine design skills over multiple draft
This document discusses different types of intellectual property including copyright, inventions, trademarks, and counterfeiting. It notes that copyright protects the work of authors and encourages further creation. Inventions are important for human progress and offer solutions to problems. Trademarks help producers identify themselves and what they sell while helping customers know what they are buying. Counterfeiting harms producers and can mislead customers by imitating genuine products. The document encourages people to examine products before buying and report counterfeits to the proper authorities. It also announces a contest on drawings and epigrams about intellectual property topics.
Remaja mengalami keruntuhan akidah akibat pengaruh budaya barat seperti punk dan gothic serta gejala murtad. Syirik adalah dosa paling besar kerana menyekutukan Allah dengan makhluk. Ada dua jenis syirik iaitu jali (terang) dan khafi (tersembunyi). Pendidikan akidah perlu diperkukuhkan untuk cegah keruntuhan akidah remaja.
David Snively owns Wall Inspections and provides property inspection services. He discusses various home safety topics such as smoke detectors, carbon monoxide monitors, fire extinguishers, natural gas safety, electrical safety, and creating an emergency plan. For smoke detectors, he explains detector types, placement, and new laws requiring detectors with 10-year batteries. For carbon monoxide monitors, he discusses the dangers of CO poisoning and proper monitor placement. Fire extinguisher information includes types, classification symbols, and how to use the PASS method. The document provides safety tips for natural gas, electricity, and creating an emergency evacuation plan with exit maps and practice drills.