This document outlines the requirements to become a Chinese instructor in New Jersey, including having a bachelor's degree with a 2.75 GPA or higher, 30 credits in Chinese with 12 at the advanced level, 3 credits in second language acquisition, passing the ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview and NYU Mandarin 16-Point Proficiency Exam, providing documentation of credentials through an evaluation service, and obtaining a license either as a citizen or through a sworn affidavit and five-year non-citizen license. The document also provides timelines for credential evaluations, exams, credit banking, and receiving a teaching license once all application materials are submitted.
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Biyuan Wang: New Jersey Chinese Teacher Certification
1. Biyuan Yang
Chinese Instructor
Bard High School Early College ¨C Newark
Nov. 30, 2012
2. ? A Bachelor's degree with a GPA of 2.75
or higher
? 30-credits in Chinese, of which at least 12
are at the advanced level
? 3-credits on SLA
? ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview
? U.S. citizenship
3. ? Foreign credential evaluation service
- independent of NJDOE
- charges various fees
- fast service available
4. ? NYU Mandarin 16-Point Proficiency
- 12 points + 4 points written test
- credit banking by Thomas Edison State
- Evaluation Services can highlight the
Chinese credits on original transcript
5. ? Mandarin ¨C intermediate high or up
? English ¨C advanced low or up
- 30-minute phone conversation with a tester
- topics include both informal and formal
? Place of test: LTI (White Plains, NY), or
proctor (deans, principles, AP)
7. ? Foreign credential evaluation ¨C two to
four weeks
? NYU 16-point exam ¨C four weeks
? Credit banking ¨C two weeks
? ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview ¨C
eight weeks
? Completed paperwork ¨C license issued
same day