Instead of hoping someone needs what you are selling, why not take a proactive approach and be the expert and create some ways your customer can be more profitable and productive powered by ideas you share with them and powered by your products and services...sounds more interesting that way.
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1. Being the Expert:
Growing Your Customers Business
Presenter: Peter Muir, Bizucate Inc.
息 2008 Bizucate Inc.
2. Todays Objectives
≒ Well be polling to customize the experience
≒ Review the last call to action
≒ Discuss Being an Expert and how to be one
≒ Identify ways to leverage your expert knowledge
and skills into customer ideas you can share
≒ Focus on using their customer as a main point of
≒ Discuss actions you can take away to help your
customer and your business grow
Page 2
3. Previous Call to Action on February 12, 2008
1. Discuss changes in communications with customers
2. Business Plan
р Dont have one? Write one!
р Got One? Review it and check your progress.
3. Marketing Plan. Same as the Business Plan
4. Sales Process. Same as Business Plan
р Understand what your customers are going through
р Use a Business Development Sales Approach to create a
deeper relationship with your customers
≒ The time you spend on these four things will be the best
time you spend on your business this year!
Page 3
4. Being the Experttoo Bold?
≒ Who and what de鍖nes an expert?
≒ Webster says:
One with the special skill or knowledge
representing mastery of a particular subject.
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5. Skill/Knowledge Comes from a
Genuine Interest in
≒ Business beyond your own
≒ A market (Commercial or Consumer)
≒ Local and global in鍖uences
≒ Your customers business
р Relation they have with potential customer
р Relation they have with their existing customers
you may be that existing customer
Page 5
6. Being the Educational Expert
≒ Someone who attempts to keep up and share
opinions and information about the topic at hand
≒ Understands there is ALWAYS more than one
perspectiveand listens to it
р Thats how you grow your knowledge
≒ Has passion about the journey and shows
it in all they do
≒ Can tie the journey to their business to be able to
continue to learn and share
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7. Two Words to Get You Started
≒ Local
≒ Regional
≒ National
≒ International
Page 7
8. Vertical Approach to New Business
And Xeroxs Vertical Market Kits
PIA/GATFs Marketing 4 Digital
1. Health Care 17. Pharmaceutical
2. Gambling and Wagering 18. Retail Food
3. Insurance 19. Wholesale Food
4. Department Stores 20. Higher Ed
5. Auto Industry 21. Fundraising
6. Advertising Agencies 22. Sports Entertainment
7. Cruise Industry 23. Associations
8. Real Estate 24. Publishing
9. Telecom 25. Architectural and Engineering
10. Banks 26. Beverage
11. Home Of鍖ce 27. Book Publishing
12. Investment Companies 28. Fashion Apparel
13. Hotel 29. Franchise Options
14. Utilities 30. Greeting Cards
15. Travel 31. High Technology
16. Professional 32. Toys and Games
Page 8
9. I Call ItAbsorbing an Industry
≒ What do they do? ≒ Where do they advertise?
≒ What do they read? ≒ Who are their customers?
≒ What are their interests? ≒ How do they communicate
≒ What are their worries? with their customers?
≒ What have early adopters ≒ What are the trends?
learned? ≒ How can I capitalize on
≒ What have/havent they trends in their world?
taken time to 鍖gure? ≒ What other industries do I
≒ What trade orgs do they 鍖nd out about along the
join? way?
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10. Working With One is Easier than Many
≒ When you try to take a broad approach you miss a
great opportunity to explore the individual
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Image: and
11. Consider Three Levels of Knowledge
1. The Individual
≒ Role in the organization
≒ Personal goals
≒ What makes them look good?
2. Their Organization
≒ What does the company want?
≒ Willingness to do what it takes to go there?
3. Their Customer
≒ Why do they do business with the company?
≒ What more/What less do they wish for?
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12. What Could You Talk About?
≒ Their world
≒ Their business
≒ Their customers world
≒ The world outside the business
Page 12
13. Two Topics You Can ALWAYS Talk About
1. Money
2. Customers
Page 13
Image: apudgeisasandwich.鍖 and
14. *Pause in the Story*
≒ The term customer going forward can also represent
р Constituent
р Member
р Student
р Donor
р And many more
Page 14
15. Two Customer Discussions Everyone Wants
to Know More About
1. Getting them (Acquisition)
2. Keeping them (Retention)
≒ When you start talking about their customers
(existing and potential) theyll want to know what
you know
≒ You dont need to name names, talk in type of
Page 15
16. Message
Sender Message Soc.
Feedback TV Ntwrk
Message Message
Message SMS Text Message
E-News Radio
Message E-Stmnt
Message Message
Message Message
PURL Inst.
Blog Phone Messg.
Feedback Receiver
Page 16
息 2008 Bizucate Inc.
17. Understanding Your Customers World:
Target Marketing's Media Usage Forecast 2008
≒ Media fragmentation more pronounced
≒ Direct mail could become a casualty of costs that rise too
greatly compared to its performance
≒ Few respondents indicated greater reliance on direct
mail due to technological advancementssuch as
variable data personalization and personalized URLs
and targeting abilities, the majority of mail-related
comments cited rising postal and paper costs as the
reasons behind their media reallocations for 2008.
≒ The upside is that marketers are interested in multi-
channel, integrated marketing and ROI more than ever,
so theyre getting smarter about effective testing and
measurement with each campaign.
Page 17
Target Marketing Magazine: March 2008
18. Overall Media Spend on Marketing
Page 18
Target Marketing Magazine: March 2008
21. Get Your Multi-channel Game On!
Customer Acquisition Customer Retention
≒ Direct Mail ≒ E-Mail
р VI and pURL ≒ Direct Mail
≒ E-Mail р VI and pURL
≒ Search Engine Marketing ≒ (Telemarketing)
(Paid) ≒ Catalogs
≒ (Telemarketing) ≒ Advertising on websites
≒ Search Engine Optimization ≒ DR Space Advertising
≒ Catalogs ≒ Insert Media
≒ Advertising on websites
Page 21
22. Kevin Litten, EU Expert
Were getting a 7.5% return
on a thank you campaign. We
used to send out letters of
thanks, now our thank you
address labels and additional
support card and BRE are
generating additional support!
р Customer of EU Services, a direct
marketing production company
My best successes are
when I show my customer an
application that can drive their
р Kevin Litten, Sales, EU Services
Page 22
23. Business Development Approaches
≒ Program ideas (repetitive personalized work)
≒ Campaign ideas (multi-channel, multi touch)
≒ Newsletter topics
≒ Seminar themes
≒ What if you did your own studies with your own
customers and shared generic results?
≒ And moreemail me yours
Page 23
24. The Hardest Parts
≒ How much time can you spend?
≒ Do you charge for what you are doing?
≒ How much do you charge?
≒ Closing if its the right 鍖t
≒ These can be good challenges to have
≒ It will get easier as you do more
≒ It sounds more interesting than a price, quality or
speed discussion to many customers
Page 24
25. Sy Sperling Knew How
Im not only the Hair Club president,
but Im also a client.
≒ Practice using your business and tell the story!
≒ Makes a great case study
≒ Empathize and understand the challenges you face
≒ Problem nothing to be ashamed of
≒ As a result of 鍖rst-hand experience,
I can sincerely recommend my product
Page 25
26. Good Reads and Resources
≒ Now is Gone:
≒ Target Marketing:
≒ Direct Marketing Association:
≒ American Marketing Assoc.:
≒ Xerox Pro鍖tAccelerator:鍖t
Page 26
27. Einstein on creativity
Imagination is more
important than knowledge.
For while knowledge de鍖nes
all we currently know and
understand, imagination
points to all we might yet
discover and create.
Page 27
28. Call to Action!
1. Business Plan, Marketing Plan and Sales Strategy Review
along with following changes in communications
2. Decide if you want to be an expert and immerse yourself
in your customers business and their relationship with their
existing and potential customers
3. Develop ideas you can share helping your customer reach
their goals while including services and products you offer
≒ The time you spend on these three things could be the best
time you spend on your customers business this year!
Page 28
29. Thank You!
р E-Mail:
р Website:
р Blog:
р Skype/AIM/Google Talk: pimuir
р Mail: 157 Hausman RD
Green Lane, PA 18054 USA
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