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Facts & Figures
 Power demand in the city rose by 25.46% in Delhi whereas the installed capacity
dropped by 26.09%
 CAG unearthed about Rs 12,000 crore scam for the process of privatization of power
 In Delhi, there has been over 72% increase in tariff over the last 2 years. The meters
installed by private companies bill 3 times more, costing Rs 2000 crore extra to
 The Delhi Government gives an overall annual subsidy of Rs. 3450 Crore to power
companies of Tatas and Ambani. The accounts of the two Reliance Companies - BSES
Yamuna and BSES Rajdhani are fudged and unreliable
 Rs. 5,000 Crore scam was run by Delhi government in the name of providing
electricity to CWG village
 In 2010, DERC Chairman Brijender Singh had rejected the claims by DISCOMS of
incurring losses and recommended slashing of Power Tariff. Further adding that
DISCOMs were making huge profits and tariffs should be reduced by 23%
 After Brijinder Singhs retirement as DERC Chief, power prices were hiked by 23% in
2011 and 32% in the year 2012 by new chief in Delhi. Despite repeated demands
Delhi government has not allowed the CAG audit of the accounts of DISCOMs
 The Delhi Transport Corporation has suffered losses amounting to Rs. 2335 Crore
 Delhi has 5,000 buses whereas the requirement is of 11000 buses. However, even
after 12 years, the Government has failed to achieve the number
 Low floor bus purchase scam is of worth Rs. 130 crore by ruling government
Bjp delhi power facts & figures

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Bjp delhi power facts & figures

  • 1. Facts & Figures Electricity Power demand in the city rose by 25.46% in Delhi whereas the installed capacity dropped by 26.09% CAG unearthed about Rs 12,000 crore scam for the process of privatization of power In Delhi, there has been over 72% increase in tariff over the last 2 years. The meters installed by private companies bill 3 times more, costing Rs 2000 crore extra to consumers The Delhi Government gives an overall annual subsidy of Rs. 3450 Crore to power companies of Tatas and Ambani. The accounts of the two Reliance Companies - BSES Yamuna and BSES Rajdhani are fudged and unreliable Rs. 5,000 Crore scam was run by Delhi government in the name of providing electricity to CWG village In 2010, DERC Chairman Brijender Singh had rejected the claims by DISCOMS of incurring losses and recommended slashing of Power Tariff. Further adding that DISCOMs were making huge profits and tariffs should be reduced by 23% After Brijinder Singhs retirement as DERC Chief, power prices were hiked by 23% in 2011 and 32% in the year 2012 by new chief in Delhi. Despite repeated demands Delhi government has not allowed the CAG audit of the accounts of DISCOMs Transport The Delhi Transport Corporation has suffered losses amounting to Rs. 2335 Crore Delhi has 5,000 buses whereas the requirement is of 11000 buses. However, even after 12 years, the Government has failed to achieve the number Low floor bus purchase scam is of worth Rs. 130 crore by ruling government http://bjpdelhi.org/reports-pdf/factsandfigures.pdf