The Website of BJP-Delhi Unit gives Facts and Figures regarding issues affecting residents of Delhi; such as Power, Water, Law and Order, Transportation, and so on. This file is an extract of the first page of that 4 page document.
The document discusses making energy efficient homebuilding more affordable. It summarizes the goals of the Leading Builders of America (LBA) trade association to identify solutions to make energy efficient homebuilding cost neutral for builders and consumers. The LBA is analyzing the added costs of building homes that are 30% more energy efficient. It also discusses impediments like mortgage underwriting guidelines and appraisal processes not accounting for energy savings. The LBA is working on proposed legislation called the SAVE Act to require energy costs and savings be included in mortgages and appraisals to incentivize energy efficient building and retrofitting of existing homes.
India urban and industrial waste to energy marketRajesh Sarma
The Urban and Industrial waste based power projects have been witnessing upward trend in recent years driven by increasing investments from private sector and ongoing government initiatives to promote generation of power from urban and industrial waste. The overall installed capacity of grid connected waste power projects surpassed 70 MW by end of 2011 as compare to more than 90 MW of off grid waste base power projects.
Delhi has become the first state in India where consumers will be compensated by power distribution companies for unscheduled power cuts lasting over an hour. Consumers will receive Rs. 50 for each of the first two hours of a power cut and Rs. 100 for every subsequent hour. If a power cut recurs, compensation will be paid from the initial outage. Consumers do not need to submit claims, as compensation will be automatically paid after power is restored. Consumers can appeal to grievance redressal forums if they disagree with the compensation decision.
MERV, the largest maker of electric vehicle technologies, is working with Mahindra & Mahindra to electrify more of their vehicles. M&M has acquired a 55.2% stake in electric vehicle company Reva Electric Vehicles. MERV has already tested a prototype electric commercial vehicle and sells two electric models, with the goal of integrating electric drive technologies into more Mahindra vehicles like the Scorpio.
The document discusses broadband availability and adoption rates in the United States and West Virginia from 1999-2005. It shows that while households with computers and the potential for broadband has increased substantially, actual broadband subscriptions have grown at a slower rate. Specifically, it provides data on the growth of high-speed internet lines in the US overall and West Virginia more locally, breaking down the technologies of cable modem and ADSL.
Blackberry's Canadian maker RIM says it does not have a key to decode emails for Indian security agencies. The Indian government also plans to send notices to Google and Skype requiring them to set up servers in India to allow full communication monitoring.
The Supreme Court has asked the Indian tax authority to state Vodafone's exact tax liability before hearing the entire tax evasion case regarding Vodafone's 2007 purchase of Hutchison Essar.
Budget carrier Indigo has received government permission to begin international flights next year, becoming the second Indian low-cost airline after SpiceJet to fly overseas. SpiceJet plans to launch flights to Kathmandu and Colombo from next month.
Arvind Kejriwal, the leader of the Aam Aadmi Party, made false promises in his party's manifesto to voters in Delhi regarding reducing electricity bills by 50%. Specifically, he promised to cut household electricity bills by Rs. 1,000 per month for those paying Rs. 2,000 monthly, which would amount to savings of Rs. 60,000 over 5 years. However, fulfilling this promise was mathematically impossible. By making this impossible promise, Kejriwal committed fraud and effectively bribed voters in order to mislead them and promote his political agenda.
Two features of London as the global centre of anonymous finance might be worth remarking on. First the flows from offshore are so large that they are central to British economic policy. Indeed they provide it a considerable measure of protection from Brexit. And second, this has been enabled by the policies undertaken by John Maynard Keynes at Bretton Woods and by the first Labour Government after the War. Those ensured that central banks around the world would continue to hold sterling until London could be revived as a global financial centre. This was done by putting off repayment of wartime borrowing from countries such as India, Egypt and Brazil, and thereafter defaulting on the obligation to make the pound sterling fully convertible.
The Quest For the Origins of Vedic Culture: The Indo-Aryan Migration Debate,...Sadanand Patwardhan
Edwin Bryant surveys the evidence [linguistic, philological, archaeological, carbon dating, etc.] and interpretations put forward on the highly contested and vexatious debate about the Original Homeland of the Rig Vedic people, who called themselves Aryan. The allied theme of movement of Aryans -whether into Indian subcontinent or out of Sapta-Sindhu area [between Indus and Saraswati rivers]- is also explored.
This book was written by the author in the context of impending partition of British India and its Dominions into India and Pakistan on the basis of religions. The author has discussed many aspects of such a division encompassing Nation State, Nationalities, Status of Minorities, Cultures, Religions, Economic, Financial, Political, Military and Defence, etc. On pages 30 to 40, he discusses the aspect of Religion, which is of particular interest in the now raging debate in India over Cow/Beef and Temple Desecration.
Richard Eaton wrote a two part article in Frontline issues of 22 December 2000 and 5 January 2001. The article examines the evidence of temple desecration in medieval India by Muslim States and the rationale behind those acts. Which temples were destroyed, why and by whom. He gives examples of some 80 temple desecrations and adds the list is not exhaustive. However, the thesis put forward by Sitaram Goel in his book "HINDU TEMPLES WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM" that tens of thousands of temples were destroyed by Muslim rulers, Eaton argues, evidence doesn't support such indiscriminate wholesale destruction. The source for Goel's contention was not archaeology or survey of monuments, but literary accounts of contemporary witnesses/ writers, who were often court-writers given to hyperbole in the praise of their masters. While it is well known that Prophet Mohammed did destroy hundreds of idols at Mecca and Arab armies continued to be zealous iconoclasts in succeeding centuries, Goel argued that desecration of temples in India too was driven by same ideology.This was not the case according to Eaton and reasons for "selective temple desecration" were rooted in power politics.
The plan to take over sovereign Greece assets to privatise them in order to guarantee pay back of bailout loans to creditors like ECB and IMF.
Greece is to receive today its first tranche of 3rd bailout, which will quickly go to pay off 2nd bailout repayment due also today to ECB along with past missed repayments to IMF and ECB.
That is a neat arrangement indeed. Greece is given money by ECB, mind you only a book entry or rather a digital click, to only pay back to ECB and IMF, another digital click, with Greece getting almost nothing in the bargain save except more indebtedness.
That is to say: The 3rd bailout money would pay off obligations of the 2nd bailout that was arranged to pay off the obligations of the first bailout. Meanwhile Greece debts keep on piling all the time to ensure that Greeks owe more and more to the creditors and owe less and less of their own country.
This loss Sovereignty or selling family silver to pay creditors has a sweet sounding name
The second term 2009-2014 of Congress led UPA government was marked by slew of corruption scandals blowing up in its face. Then the leaks from HSBC and LGT Bank in Liechtenstein came in that Rich Indians had stashed their ill gotten wealth with them, often ably aided by the banks. This confirmed the old belief that Indians have thousands of billions of US$ stashed in Switzerland and other safe heavens abroad safe behind the secrecy of regulatory walls. In the 2014 general elections that BJP led NDA won handsomely under its charismatic leader Narendra Modi tall promises were made that the illegal hoards of money would be brought back for the development of India. In fact, it was boasted that within specific time period of 100 days the task would be accomplished. Supreme Court had ordered the UPA government in its dying months to constitute a Special Investigation Team, SIT, supervised by retired judges that were chosen by it to monitor the black money probe. Modi took credit by constituting SIT within weeks of assuming power, though he was by law required to do so. However, after the initial flush of defeating the corrupt UPA government, even Modi government was seen dragging its feet on the issue by arguing in the court that it couldn't disclose the names of Indians holding Foreign bank accounts already received from HSBC/LGT leaks because of treaties and agreements with foreign governments; the very same plea taken by previous UPA government. In the current 2015 budget session of parliament the finance minister Arun Jaitely introduced a bill through which NDA government seeks to address the charge that it is going soft on the issue of black money.
Report of the High Level Committee on Forest and Environment Related Laws, Ch...Sadanand Patwardhan
Narendra Modi led government formed a high level committee to review all Environment related legislation with special reference to various judicial verdicts stemming from and on them in order to suggest comprehensive changes or amendments while keeping in mind "ground realities". The committee was led by T S R Subramanian and had, curiously, member secretary of Gujarat Pollution Control Board as its secretary. The report of the committee was "accessed" by Business Standard and also put in public domain. In that sense, this is a "leaked" report. Committee has suggested complete overthrow of the environment laws and recommended a single omnibus act in its place. Even the powers of National Green Tribunals are to be seriously curtailed and restrictions put on judiciary's ability to review executive decisions. It also recommends far reaching decentralization of powers to States and delegation of authority to district level authorities. Whatever the quality of current legislation, it is generally observed in breach; and executive and administration is actively apathetic to the protection of environment. Environment protection is seen as a great impediment rather than something crucial for quality of human life. Environment Ministry since the days of UPA rule is seen as barrier to India's Growth story and colossal funds have been tied up in several stalled infrastructure projects with public sector banks being the biggest losers. But instead of nailing the real culprits -the nexus between Greedy Businesses, venal Administration and apathetic watchdog bodies who together are more than willing to flout all the laws and rape the environment- the blame is put on the activists who expose these rackets, and judiciary that upholds the laws. Modi has sold the dream to turn India into next China and needs massive investments from Local and Global corporates. That wouldn't happen unless large scale plunder of environment is allowed sans any safeguards or restorative measures. Because that alone would free internal rate of return on huge infrastructure projects to climb to "healthy" 15-18% from the abysmal 7-8% in recent past. This committee has delivered what the government desired.
History of Education in India: During The British Period.Sadanand Patwardhan
The book is about what exactly it's name suggests. It starts with the review of State of Education in British India in the early 19th century as revealed by the surveys carried out in Madras Presidency at the instance of Governor Munro and far more detailed surveys carried out in some districts of Bengal and Bihar by Adams. Contrary to generally held popular notion that British led the foundation of education; the system of primary education was pretty widespread and robust, though it had already fallen to bad times. In fact, the method of pedagogy, use of senior students to coach junior students, was so economical and useful that it was imitated in England. The primary education was essentially community organized and private tutoring played a big role, where persons of means in villages made it possible for other children to learn along with their own. Syed Nuruallah and J P Naik were well known educationists and published the book in 1943. Naik even started the well known Indian Institute of Education [] in Pune. The pages from 14 to 35 deal with the surveys of indigenous system of primary education and later pages delves into what the British did to education in India.
Attack on Afghanistan Formalised before 9/11: was Key to Unlock Route to Gas ...Sadanand Patwardhan
International oilcompanies had long been aware that the former USSR states of Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistanand, Kazakhstan have huge reserves of oil and naturalgas. The problem forUS, and other Western oil companies, was how to get oil and gas from these huge land-locked reserves to seaports for export. In1995, the Union Oil Company of California (Unocal) gained an agreement with Turkmenistan to lay a gas pipeline from Turkmenistan, across Afghanistan,to the Pakistan coast. Unocal also gained a natural gas agreement with Uzbekistan. Pipelines from Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan could then merge and cross Afghanistan. Unocal then gained a deal with Uzbekistan's northernneighbour, Kazakhstan, and oil and gas pipelines could then run south from Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan and link with the trans-Afghanistan pipelines.
During the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the US established a covert operation in Afghanistan code named `BearTrap'. This anti-Soviet operation established a base in Afghanistan jointly funded by the US and SaudiArabia--and run by the CIA and Pakistan's ISI. The ISI component was headed by Osama bin Laden [Saudi National and heir of powerful Saudi family with close ties to house of Saud]
In August 1996, Unocal led the formation of Central Asia Gas Pipeline Ltd (Centgas). Unocal invited Taliban leaders to Texas to finalise the Centgasproject. The Telegraph reported on December14,1997, ``Oil barons court Taliban in Texas''.
9/11 was blamed on Osama Bin Laden and Taliban without a shred of evidence being offered only to pre-text attack already planned attack on Afghanistan to have a unified single pro-US government there instead of the violently squabbling factions holding different regions, which made Centgas project impossible. On October 7, 2001, US and UK forces commenced their attack on Afghanistan. However, the US planned an invasion of Afghanistan before the events of 9/11. The Guardian reported on September 22, 2001, ``Threat of US strikes passed to Taliban weeks before New York attack''. Time magazine reported on August 12, 2002, ``They had a plan; long before 9/11''.
University of Nebraska Prepares Jihadi Schoolbooks for Afghan Kids, USAID Dis...Sadanand Patwardhan
Story began in 1980 as Ronald Reagan rose to Presidency in USA. Cold War was at peak. Soviet forces entered Afghanistan to "assist" Afghan Government. General Zia Ul Haq ruled neighbouring Pakistan. A plan was hatched to indoctrinate Afghans opposed to their government and Soviets into extremist and highly intolerant Salafi / Wahabi strain of Islam. Saudi money opened Madrasas in areas of Pakistan bordering Afghanistan.Afghan refugees were trained in hordes in violent Jihadist ideology. Osama Bin Laden was drafted by Saudi-USA to organise Islamist resistance. Taliban was born. To teach innocent Afghan children the "fine" points of violent Jihad, Center for Afghan Studies, University of Nebraska, was drafted to produce "suitable" schoolbooks with enough content of militarist Jihad. The books were distributed through USAID. Rest was history. Soviet Union had to hobble out of Afghanistan and disintegrated within couple of years. However, same textbooks were still being redistributed in Afghanistan after George Bush attacked it in October 2001, though UNESCO had prepared schoolbooks really suited to Afghan children's needs rather than that of US administration's. Even a photo of Laura Bush standing in front of a display of the Nebraska books had appeared in American newspapers with the announcement that USAID would pay for "Jihadi" textbooks for Afghan students.
Andrew Norfolk, investigative journalist with Times - London, did a series of article since 2010 regarding the Child Sexual Exploitation in the Borough of Rotherham near Sheffield in North England. His dogged discovery led to tasking of Professor Alexis Jay to investigate the pervasive abuse of children in the borough. She came out with her report last week. It says on a conservative basis scandalously high 1400 girls were groomed, abused, raped, threatened over a period of 16 years from 1997 to 2014. Actual scale could be much higher. What was more scandalous was the silence of the civic and police authorities about the scale of abuse because of misplaced notion of being politically correct and of being non-racist. There failure left children vulnerable to predations of mostly Pakistani Muslim gangs for over a decade. See also:
Intelligence Bureau Report On Foreign Funded NGOs' Impact On India's Developm...Sadanand Patwardhan
On 11th June 2014 several Indian media houses reported on the leaked Intelligence Bureau report on the activities of "foreign funded'" Non Governmental Organizations that are proving to be "Achilles's Heel" of "India's Development Efforts". [][][][]. Different Media Houses gave different slants to their reports that suited individual editorial policy. Intelligence Bureau works under the Home Ministry, is tasked with country's internal security, and has Prime Minister's ears too. This document purports to give the full IB report. The report was submitted to PM's Office, Finance and Home Ministers, National Security Adviser, among others.
Central Government in India transfers share of its revenue to states as assistance for the many centrally sponsored schemes. There are various formulas developed by different persons or committee to decide how best to distribute this central assistance. In 2012, Government of India tasked the Raghuram Rajan Committee to evolve yet another measure that would look at the need of the states in a more holistic fashion. This index was also called Underdevelopment or Need based Index and formed a component of the formula for central assistance that included a Fixed Share and Performance Based share apart from Need Based Share. Performance was also to be measured in terms of improvement in CDI over a period.
This document provides information on multidimensional poverty in India based on a 2005 national household survey. It finds that:
- 53.7% of Indians are multidimensionally poor, meaning they are deprived in at least one third of ten living standards indicators. The average proportion deprived across multiple indicators (intensity) is 52.7%.
- Rural areas (28.6% MPI poor) have higher multidimensional poverty than urban areas (18.1%). Nutrition and child mortality contribute most to poverty nationally and in rural areas, while education contributes most in urban areas.
- Poverty varies significantly across states, from over 60% in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar to under 5% in Delhi,
Dr. Jean Dreze and Reetika Khera in 2012 computed Human Development Index for 20 Major Indian states using the then available latest data. HDI that they developed was combined with its variant that addressed the status of Children in the 0-5 years age group specifically. Their findings were published in Economic and Political Weekly.
Oligarchy rules democracy: Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Int...Sadanand Patwardhan
Each of four theoretical traditions in the study of American politics which can be characterized as theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy, Economic Elite Domination, and two types of interest group pluralism, Majoritarian Pluralism and Biased Pluralism offers different predictions about which sets of actors have how much influence over public policy: average citizens; economic elites; and organized interest groups, mass-based or business-oriented. A great deal of empirical research speaks to the policy influence of one or another set of actors, but until recently it has not been possible to test these contrasting theoretical predictions against each other within a single statistical model. This paper reports on an effort to do so, using a unique data set that includes measures of the key variables for 1,779 policy issues. Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic Elite Domination and for theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralism. The study is by Martin Gilens, Princeton University and Benjamin I. Page, Northwestern University.
Growth Rate of Gross State Domestic Product in Only Agriculture Sector at Con...Sadanand Patwardhan
The planning commission has table 56 that gives Growth Rate of Gross State Domestic Product in Only Agriculture Sector at Constant 2004- 05 Prices ( 2005-06 to 2012-13 ). This document took the same table and ranked the states according to the average growth rate of GSDP for 8 years, i.e. 2005-06 to 2012-13. This was done to compare how different states have performed in Agriculture in comparison to their peers.
State wise GSDP, Per Capita Income and Annual Growth Rates at 2004-05 prices.Sadanand Patwardhan
This file, State wise GSDP, Per Capita Income and Annual Growth Rates at 2004-05 prices, has been created from Planning Commission's database and provides information on Gross State Domestic Product, Per Capita Income, and Annual Growth rates at 2004-2005 prices for the years 2009-2010, 2010-2011, and 2011-2012. The table is sorted on Growth Rates followed by PCI at constant prices.
Acra: Biometrix Marketing Business Profile and 3 x Statements Containing Part...Sadanand Patwardhan
Biometrix Marketing Pvt. Ltd.'s Business Profile obtained on 5 August 2008 from Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore. It also contains Company Charges Transactions (Statement Containing Particulars of Charge) for 3 separate charges created in favour of the branches of ICICI Bank (1 Charge) and Axis Bank (2 Charges) over the Options Agreement (as defined in the Instrument of Charge) between Ekansha Enterrpise Pvt. Ltd. and Biometrix Marketing Pvt. Ltd. respecting the grant of certain PUT and CALL options in respect of certain CCPS (Compulsory Convertible Preference Shares- as defined in the facility agreement).
The Johns Hopkins Maya Trial_ A Landmark Case of Medical Negligence.docxvoice ofarticle
The Johns Hopkins Maya trial has captured national attention as a defining case of medical negligence, legal controversy, and institutional accountability. Filed by the Kowalski family against Johns Hopkins All Childrens Hospital, the lawsuit centers around the alleged mistreatment of Maya Kowalski, a young girl diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). The jurys verdict, awarding the family $261 million, has ignited discussions about patient rights, medical ethics, and legal recourse in cases of hospital negligence.
The Quest For the Origins of Vedic Culture: The Indo-Aryan Migration Debate,...Sadanand Patwardhan
Edwin Bryant surveys the evidence [linguistic, philological, archaeological, carbon dating, etc.] and interpretations put forward on the highly contested and vexatious debate about the Original Homeland of the Rig Vedic people, who called themselves Aryan. The allied theme of movement of Aryans -whether into Indian subcontinent or out of Sapta-Sindhu area [between Indus and Saraswati rivers]- is also explored.
This book was written by the author in the context of impending partition of British India and its Dominions into India and Pakistan on the basis of religions. The author has discussed many aspects of such a division encompassing Nation State, Nationalities, Status of Minorities, Cultures, Religions, Economic, Financial, Political, Military and Defence, etc. On pages 30 to 40, he discusses the aspect of Religion, which is of particular interest in the now raging debate in India over Cow/Beef and Temple Desecration.
Richard Eaton wrote a two part article in Frontline issues of 22 December 2000 and 5 January 2001. The article examines the evidence of temple desecration in medieval India by Muslim States and the rationale behind those acts. Which temples were destroyed, why and by whom. He gives examples of some 80 temple desecrations and adds the list is not exhaustive. However, the thesis put forward by Sitaram Goel in his book "HINDU TEMPLES WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM" that tens of thousands of temples were destroyed by Muslim rulers, Eaton argues, evidence doesn't support such indiscriminate wholesale destruction. The source for Goel's contention was not archaeology or survey of monuments, but literary accounts of contemporary witnesses/ writers, who were often court-writers given to hyperbole in the praise of their masters. While it is well known that Prophet Mohammed did destroy hundreds of idols at Mecca and Arab armies continued to be zealous iconoclasts in succeeding centuries, Goel argued that desecration of temples in India too was driven by same ideology.This was not the case according to Eaton and reasons for "selective temple desecration" were rooted in power politics.
The plan to take over sovereign Greece assets to privatise them in order to guarantee pay back of bailout loans to creditors like ECB and IMF.
Greece is to receive today its first tranche of 3rd bailout, which will quickly go to pay off 2nd bailout repayment due also today to ECB along with past missed repayments to IMF and ECB.
That is a neat arrangement indeed. Greece is given money by ECB, mind you only a book entry or rather a digital click, to only pay back to ECB and IMF, another digital click, with Greece getting almost nothing in the bargain save except more indebtedness.
That is to say: The 3rd bailout money would pay off obligations of the 2nd bailout that was arranged to pay off the obligations of the first bailout. Meanwhile Greece debts keep on piling all the time to ensure that Greeks owe more and more to the creditors and owe less and less of their own country.
This loss Sovereignty or selling family silver to pay creditors has a sweet sounding name
The second term 2009-2014 of Congress led UPA government was marked by slew of corruption scandals blowing up in its face. Then the leaks from HSBC and LGT Bank in Liechtenstein came in that Rich Indians had stashed their ill gotten wealth with them, often ably aided by the banks. This confirmed the old belief that Indians have thousands of billions of US$ stashed in Switzerland and other safe heavens abroad safe behind the secrecy of regulatory walls. In the 2014 general elections that BJP led NDA won handsomely under its charismatic leader Narendra Modi tall promises were made that the illegal hoards of money would be brought back for the development of India. In fact, it was boasted that within specific time period of 100 days the task would be accomplished. Supreme Court had ordered the UPA government in its dying months to constitute a Special Investigation Team, SIT, supervised by retired judges that were chosen by it to monitor the black money probe. Modi took credit by constituting SIT within weeks of assuming power, though he was by law required to do so. However, after the initial flush of defeating the corrupt UPA government, even Modi government was seen dragging its feet on the issue by arguing in the court that it couldn't disclose the names of Indians holding Foreign bank accounts already received from HSBC/LGT leaks because of treaties and agreements with foreign governments; the very same plea taken by previous UPA government. In the current 2015 budget session of parliament the finance minister Arun Jaitely introduced a bill through which NDA government seeks to address the charge that it is going soft on the issue of black money.
Report of the High Level Committee on Forest and Environment Related Laws, Ch...Sadanand Patwardhan
Narendra Modi led government formed a high level committee to review all Environment related legislation with special reference to various judicial verdicts stemming from and on them in order to suggest comprehensive changes or amendments while keeping in mind "ground realities". The committee was led by T S R Subramanian and had, curiously, member secretary of Gujarat Pollution Control Board as its secretary. The report of the committee was "accessed" by Business Standard and also put in public domain. In that sense, this is a "leaked" report. Committee has suggested complete overthrow of the environment laws and recommended a single omnibus act in its place. Even the powers of National Green Tribunals are to be seriously curtailed and restrictions put on judiciary's ability to review executive decisions. It also recommends far reaching decentralization of powers to States and delegation of authority to district level authorities. Whatever the quality of current legislation, it is generally observed in breach; and executive and administration is actively apathetic to the protection of environment. Environment protection is seen as a great impediment rather than something crucial for quality of human life. Environment Ministry since the days of UPA rule is seen as barrier to India's Growth story and colossal funds have been tied up in several stalled infrastructure projects with public sector banks being the biggest losers. But instead of nailing the real culprits -the nexus between Greedy Businesses, venal Administration and apathetic watchdog bodies who together are more than willing to flout all the laws and rape the environment- the blame is put on the activists who expose these rackets, and judiciary that upholds the laws. Modi has sold the dream to turn India into next China and needs massive investments from Local and Global corporates. That wouldn't happen unless large scale plunder of environment is allowed sans any safeguards or restorative measures. Because that alone would free internal rate of return on huge infrastructure projects to climb to "healthy" 15-18% from the abysmal 7-8% in recent past. This committee has delivered what the government desired.
History of Education in India: During The British Period.Sadanand Patwardhan
The book is about what exactly it's name suggests. It starts with the review of State of Education in British India in the early 19th century as revealed by the surveys carried out in Madras Presidency at the instance of Governor Munro and far more detailed surveys carried out in some districts of Bengal and Bihar by Adams. Contrary to generally held popular notion that British led the foundation of education; the system of primary education was pretty widespread and robust, though it had already fallen to bad times. In fact, the method of pedagogy, use of senior students to coach junior students, was so economical and useful that it was imitated in England. The primary education was essentially community organized and private tutoring played a big role, where persons of means in villages made it possible for other children to learn along with their own. Syed Nuruallah and J P Naik were well known educationists and published the book in 1943. Naik even started the well known Indian Institute of Education [] in Pune. The pages from 14 to 35 deal with the surveys of indigenous system of primary education and later pages delves into what the British did to education in India.
Attack on Afghanistan Formalised before 9/11: was Key to Unlock Route to Gas ...Sadanand Patwardhan
International oilcompanies had long been aware that the former USSR states of Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistanand, Kazakhstan have huge reserves of oil and naturalgas. The problem forUS, and other Western oil companies, was how to get oil and gas from these huge land-locked reserves to seaports for export. In1995, the Union Oil Company of California (Unocal) gained an agreement with Turkmenistan to lay a gas pipeline from Turkmenistan, across Afghanistan,to the Pakistan coast. Unocal also gained a natural gas agreement with Uzbekistan. Pipelines from Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan could then merge and cross Afghanistan. Unocal then gained a deal with Uzbekistan's northernneighbour, Kazakhstan, and oil and gas pipelines could then run south from Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan and link with the trans-Afghanistan pipelines.
During the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the US established a covert operation in Afghanistan code named `BearTrap'. This anti-Soviet operation established a base in Afghanistan jointly funded by the US and SaudiArabia--and run by the CIA and Pakistan's ISI. The ISI component was headed by Osama bin Laden [Saudi National and heir of powerful Saudi family with close ties to house of Saud]
In August 1996, Unocal led the formation of Central Asia Gas Pipeline Ltd (Centgas). Unocal invited Taliban leaders to Texas to finalise the Centgasproject. The Telegraph reported on December14,1997, ``Oil barons court Taliban in Texas''.
9/11 was blamed on Osama Bin Laden and Taliban without a shred of evidence being offered only to pre-text attack already planned attack on Afghanistan to have a unified single pro-US government there instead of the violently squabbling factions holding different regions, which made Centgas project impossible. On October 7, 2001, US and UK forces commenced their attack on Afghanistan. However, the US planned an invasion of Afghanistan before the events of 9/11. The Guardian reported on September 22, 2001, ``Threat of US strikes passed to Taliban weeks before New York attack''. Time magazine reported on August 12, 2002, ``They had a plan; long before 9/11''.
University of Nebraska Prepares Jihadi Schoolbooks for Afghan Kids, USAID Dis...Sadanand Patwardhan
Story began in 1980 as Ronald Reagan rose to Presidency in USA. Cold War was at peak. Soviet forces entered Afghanistan to "assist" Afghan Government. General Zia Ul Haq ruled neighbouring Pakistan. A plan was hatched to indoctrinate Afghans opposed to their government and Soviets into extremist and highly intolerant Salafi / Wahabi strain of Islam. Saudi money opened Madrasas in areas of Pakistan bordering Afghanistan.Afghan refugees were trained in hordes in violent Jihadist ideology. Osama Bin Laden was drafted by Saudi-USA to organise Islamist resistance. Taliban was born. To teach innocent Afghan children the "fine" points of violent Jihad, Center for Afghan Studies, University of Nebraska, was drafted to produce "suitable" schoolbooks with enough content of militarist Jihad. The books were distributed through USAID. Rest was history. Soviet Union had to hobble out of Afghanistan and disintegrated within couple of years. However, same textbooks were still being redistributed in Afghanistan after George Bush attacked it in October 2001, though UNESCO had prepared schoolbooks really suited to Afghan children's needs rather than that of US administration's. Even a photo of Laura Bush standing in front of a display of the Nebraska books had appeared in American newspapers with the announcement that USAID would pay for "Jihadi" textbooks for Afghan students.
Andrew Norfolk, investigative journalist with Times - London, did a series of article since 2010 regarding the Child Sexual Exploitation in the Borough of Rotherham near Sheffield in North England. His dogged discovery led to tasking of Professor Alexis Jay to investigate the pervasive abuse of children in the borough. She came out with her report last week. It says on a conservative basis scandalously high 1400 girls were groomed, abused, raped, threatened over a period of 16 years from 1997 to 2014. Actual scale could be much higher. What was more scandalous was the silence of the civic and police authorities about the scale of abuse because of misplaced notion of being politically correct and of being non-racist. There failure left children vulnerable to predations of mostly Pakistani Muslim gangs for over a decade. See also:
Intelligence Bureau Report On Foreign Funded NGOs' Impact On India's Developm...Sadanand Patwardhan
On 11th June 2014 several Indian media houses reported on the leaked Intelligence Bureau report on the activities of "foreign funded'" Non Governmental Organizations that are proving to be "Achilles's Heel" of "India's Development Efforts". [][][][]. Different Media Houses gave different slants to their reports that suited individual editorial policy. Intelligence Bureau works under the Home Ministry, is tasked with country's internal security, and has Prime Minister's ears too. This document purports to give the full IB report. The report was submitted to PM's Office, Finance and Home Ministers, National Security Adviser, among others.
Central Government in India transfers share of its revenue to states as assistance for the many centrally sponsored schemes. There are various formulas developed by different persons or committee to decide how best to distribute this central assistance. In 2012, Government of India tasked the Raghuram Rajan Committee to evolve yet another measure that would look at the need of the states in a more holistic fashion. This index was also called Underdevelopment or Need based Index and formed a component of the formula for central assistance that included a Fixed Share and Performance Based share apart from Need Based Share. Performance was also to be measured in terms of improvement in CDI over a period.
This document provides information on multidimensional poverty in India based on a 2005 national household survey. It finds that:
- 53.7% of Indians are multidimensionally poor, meaning they are deprived in at least one third of ten living standards indicators. The average proportion deprived across multiple indicators (intensity) is 52.7%.
- Rural areas (28.6% MPI poor) have higher multidimensional poverty than urban areas (18.1%). Nutrition and child mortality contribute most to poverty nationally and in rural areas, while education contributes most in urban areas.
- Poverty varies significantly across states, from over 60% in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar to under 5% in Delhi,
Dr. Jean Dreze and Reetika Khera in 2012 computed Human Development Index for 20 Major Indian states using the then available latest data. HDI that they developed was combined with its variant that addressed the status of Children in the 0-5 years age group specifically. Their findings were published in Economic and Political Weekly.
Oligarchy rules democracy: Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Int...Sadanand Patwardhan
Each of four theoretical traditions in the study of American politics which can be characterized as theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy, Economic Elite Domination, and two types of interest group pluralism, Majoritarian Pluralism and Biased Pluralism offers different predictions about which sets of actors have how much influence over public policy: average citizens; economic elites; and organized interest groups, mass-based or business-oriented. A great deal of empirical research speaks to the policy influence of one or another set of actors, but until recently it has not been possible to test these contrasting theoretical predictions against each other within a single statistical model. This paper reports on an effort to do so, using a unique data set that includes measures of the key variables for 1,779 policy issues. Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic Elite Domination and for theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralism. The study is by Martin Gilens, Princeton University and Benjamin I. Page, Northwestern University.
Growth Rate of Gross State Domestic Product in Only Agriculture Sector at Con...Sadanand Patwardhan
The planning commission has table 56 that gives Growth Rate of Gross State Domestic Product in Only Agriculture Sector at Constant 2004- 05 Prices ( 2005-06 to 2012-13 ). This document took the same table and ranked the states according to the average growth rate of GSDP for 8 years, i.e. 2005-06 to 2012-13. This was done to compare how different states have performed in Agriculture in comparison to their peers.
State wise GSDP, Per Capita Income and Annual Growth Rates at 2004-05 prices.Sadanand Patwardhan
This file, State wise GSDP, Per Capita Income and Annual Growth Rates at 2004-05 prices, has been created from Planning Commission's database and provides information on Gross State Domestic Product, Per Capita Income, and Annual Growth rates at 2004-2005 prices for the years 2009-2010, 2010-2011, and 2011-2012. The table is sorted on Growth Rates followed by PCI at constant prices.
Acra: Biometrix Marketing Business Profile and 3 x Statements Containing Part...Sadanand Patwardhan
Biometrix Marketing Pvt. Ltd.'s Business Profile obtained on 5 August 2008 from Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore. It also contains Company Charges Transactions (Statement Containing Particulars of Charge) for 3 separate charges created in favour of the branches of ICICI Bank (1 Charge) and Axis Bank (2 Charges) over the Options Agreement (as defined in the Instrument of Charge) between Ekansha Enterrpise Pvt. Ltd. and Biometrix Marketing Pvt. Ltd. respecting the grant of certain PUT and CALL options in respect of certain CCPS (Compulsory Convertible Preference Shares- as defined in the facility agreement).
The Johns Hopkins Maya Trial_ A Landmark Case of Medical Negligence.docxvoice ofarticle
The Johns Hopkins Maya trial has captured national attention as a defining case of medical negligence, legal controversy, and institutional accountability. Filed by the Kowalski family against Johns Hopkins All Childrens Hospital, the lawsuit centers around the alleged mistreatment of Maya Kowalski, a young girl diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). The jurys verdict, awarding the family $261 million, has ignited discussions about patient rights, medical ethics, and legal recourse in cases of hospital negligence.
How Estevan Mercury Shaped Community Journalism for 122 YearsNorthland News
The Estevan Mercury has played a vital role in the citys media landscape for more than a century. As one of the longest-running newspapers in Saskatchewan, its closure marks the end of an era for local journalism. With its final edition, No. 1228, the publication leaves behind a rich legacy of informing, educating, and connecting the people of Estevan. Editor David Willberg announced the difficult decision on social media, leading to an outpouring of tributes from residents and journalists alike. While print editions will no longer be available, articles from Estevan will still be accessible through
JD Euroway presents itself as a trusted investment advisory firm, but is there more beneath the surface? Uncover the hidden role of Fritz, the firms deceptive tactics, and why investors should be wary of Talal Hameds sudden rise as its public face.
Anna Hall_ Beyond the Heptathlon, A Story Woven in Grit and Gold.docxvoice ofarticle
Let's cut to the chase, shall we? Youve probably heard the name "Anna Hall." Track and field circles, especially those following the heptathlon, are buzzing. But, you know, a name on a medal doesn't tell the whole story, does it? We're talking about a person, a life, a journey thats way more interesting than any Wikipedia entry. So, grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and let's unravel the tapestry that is the Anna Hall biography. It's a story of grit, sheer willpower, and a whole lot of heart. This isn't just about records and rankings; its about the human being behind the accolades.
The Future of Health Data Platforms_ Trends to Watch in the Next Decade.pdfInsider Market Research
Health data platforms in 2025: 1. Epic Systems 2. HealthTap 3. Teladoc Health 4. Fitbit 5. Practo 6. Zocdoc 7. Ada Health 8. Welltok 9. Apple Health and more
Belle Dingle has been at the heart of some of Emmerdales most emotional and intense plots. From struggling with schizophrenia to dealing with a toxic relationship, her journey has kept viewers hooked.
One of Belle Dingles most gripping storylines was her experience with domestic abuse. Her relationship with Tom King started with love but soon turned controlling and manipulative. After enduring months of emotional pain, Belle finally took a stand, reporting Tom to the police and reclaiming her freedom.
Belle Dingles resilience makes her one of Emmerdales strongest characters, and fans cant wait to see whats next for her!
The Tragic Case of Teresa Youngblut & the Fatal Shooting of David Maland.docxvoice ofarticle
On January 20, 2025, a routine traffic stop on Interstate 91 in Coventry, Vermont, escalated into a deadly encounter, resulting in the fatal shooting of U.S. Border Patrol Agent David Maland. The suspect, 21-year-old Teresa Youngblut, was taken into custody following the incident, while Felix Bauckholt, a German national, was also implicated. Authorities are investigating potential ties to the radical Zizian cult, raising national concerns. The tragic event has sparked debates on law enforcement safety and extremist threats. As details emerge, officials continue to piece together the circumstances surrounding this shocking act of violence.
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Madhu Rajan is a journalist and media personality known for his dedication to bringing important stories to light. Based in Bridgewater, New Jersey, Rajan has built a reputation for his in-depth reporting on social issues, humanitarian causes, and community resilience.
John Schmitz touts his business acumen and helping the poor. However the record shows more than 50 code violations on his properties that he's owned in the past.
1. Facts & Figures
Power demand in the city rose by 25.46% in Delhi whereas the installed capacity
dropped by 26.09%
CAG unearthed about Rs 12,000 crore scam for the process of privatization of power
In Delhi, there has been over 72% increase in tariff over the last 2 years. The meters
installed by private companies bill 3 times more, costing Rs 2000 crore extra to
The Delhi Government gives an overall annual subsidy of Rs. 3450 Crore to power
companies of Tatas and Ambani. The accounts of the two Reliance Companies - BSES
Yamuna and BSES Rajdhani are fudged and unreliable
Rs. 5,000 Crore scam was run by Delhi government in the name of providing
electricity to CWG village
In 2010, DERC Chairman Brijender Singh had rejected the claims by DISCOMS of
incurring losses and recommended slashing of Power Tariff. Further adding that
DISCOMs were making huge profits and tariffs should be reduced by 23%
After Brijinder Singhs retirement as DERC Chief, power prices were hiked by 23% in
2011 and 32% in the year 2012 by new chief in Delhi. Despite repeated demands
Delhi government has not allowed the CAG audit of the accounts of DISCOMs
The Delhi Transport Corporation has suffered losses amounting to Rs. 2335 Crore
Delhi has 5,000 buses whereas the requirement is of 11000 buses. However, even
after 12 years, the Government has failed to achieve the number
Low floor bus purchase scam is of worth Rs. 130 crore by ruling government