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BKW Energy Solutions Ltd
Energy Management Solutions/ Health & Safety
Did you Know - The average European business wastes 15% to
20% of its energy.
Energy is a major overhead for any business and is not always proactively
managed, and more importantly, controlled.
BKW Energy Solutions have carried out numerous ESOS projects and the
results are fascinating reading.
ESOS (Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme) and ISO 50001 are the
processes by which businesses can gain control over their energy usage,
and therefore save money on their utility bills.
BKW Energy Solutions Ltd can help reduce businesses Carbon footprint, by
surveying your properties and reporting on Energy Savings Opportunities.
The result is a greener business with a greater corporate and social image.
 Carryout ESOS type surveys to ascertain the base line of energy consumption.
 Report back with Energy Savings Opportunities for the board to consider
implementing in future with simple payback.
 Keep a monitoring brief for a twelve months period to confirm savings are being
made, reporting on a monthly basis.
Interested? Call 0800 047 5917 or
Email: barry@bkwenergysolutions.co.uk
Alternatively for more information please visit our website:

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Bkw energy solutions ltd flyer ver 01

  • 1. BKW Energy Solutions Ltd Energy Management Solutions/ Health & Safety Consultants. Did you Know - The average European business wastes 15% to 20% of its energy. Energy is a major overhead for any business and is not always proactively managed, and more importantly, controlled. BKW Energy Solutions have carried out numerous ESOS projects and the results are fascinating reading. ESOS (Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme) and ISO 50001 are the processes by which businesses can gain control over their energy usage, and therefore save money on their utility bills. BKW Energy Solutions Ltd can help reduce businesses Carbon footprint, by surveying your properties and reporting on Energy Savings Opportunities. The result is a greener business with a greater corporate and social image. HOW? Carryout ESOS type surveys to ascertain the base line of energy consumption. Report back with Energy Savings Opportunities for the board to consider implementing in future with simple payback. Keep a monitoring brief for a twelve months period to confirm savings are being made, reporting on a monthly basis. Interested? Call 0800 047 5917 or Email: barry@bkwenergysolutions.co.uk Alternatively for more information please visit our website: www.bkwenergysolutions.co.uk