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Cheat Sheet: BlackBerry Client for
                                                                                                                                                   Microsoft SharePoint

Product Overview                                                                                                                    Post to blog and wikis
                                                                                                                                   Localized Menus:
The BlackBerry速 Client for Microsoft速 SharePoint速 extends the key features and functionality
                                                                                                                                    Menus and dialogues will be presented in the users language of choice
of the SharePoint environment to a mobile workforce. Using this highly secure solution
                                                                                                                                    Accepts inputs in a particular BlackBerry devices local language settings
enables employees to efficiently collaborate on projects, update documents, organize assets
                                                                                                                                   BlackBerry Optimization:
and share content. As such, it helps a distributed workforce more effectively communicate
                                                                                                                                    Provides a richer user experience versus SharePoint viewed on a Web browser
and make positive contributions to corporate initiatives.
                                                                                                                                    Integrates the SharePoint interface with core BlackBerry functionality
                                                                                                                                    Dashboard-style home screen allows users to work in multiple Microsoft SharePoint Sites
Customer Challenges                                                                                                                 Faster Navigation with folder/file icons that make it easy to recognize content types, and
                                                                                                                                     user-customizable views of content
 Collaborating Without Borders: As work teams become spread across increasingly large
  distances, and traditional collaboration functions become less useful, it is imperative to
  optimize SharePoint functionality for mobile users.                                                                              Key Benefits
 Improving Control over Intellectual Capital: Growing legal and compliance risks have                                                Improves collaboration, communication and productivity
  emphasized the need to ensure that any intellectual capital made available to mobile                                                Enables existing IT investments to be extended to new, innovative ends
  workers is distributed in accordance with corporate IT security measures.                                                           Delivers a familiar user experience that tightly integrates two common resources
 Extending Existing Investments: With costs a constant concern, companies must find new                                              Provides optimized mobile access to the enterprise SharePoint environment
  and intuitive ways to leverage current IT and mobile investments to new ends, in ways that
  drive the business forward.
                                                                                                                                   One-minute Pitch
Product Description                                                                                                                Enterprise collaboration tools have become essential components in the successful execution
                                                                                                                                   of corporate initiatives. But when mobile knowledge workers are unable to access these
Developed for BlackBerry smartphones, the BlackBerry Client for Microsoft SharePoint 2.0
                                                                                                                                   systems and make timely contributions to the project, it can lead to crippling delays and
enables efficient information sharing and secure collaboration. Additional features include:
                                                                                                                                   hinder competitive advantage.
Check-in, Edit, Check-out:
 Enables users to download, edit and upload documents while out of the office, via their
                                                                                                                                   Developed and optimized specifically for use on BlackBerry smartphones, the BlackBerry
  BlackBerry smartphones
                                                                                                                                   Client for Microsoft SharePoint alleviates these concerns by extending core SharePoint
 Keeps collaborative efforts in synch by enforcing strict version control
                                                                                                                                   features to a mobile workforce in a secure, integrated manner. Featuring streamlined access
 Use Documents To Go to create and edit documents
                                                                                                                                   to document libraries, robust asset creation and editing capabilities and the ability to
Quick Folder and File Navigation:
                                                                                                                                   coordinate calendars and events across geographies and languages, the BlackBerry Client for
 Provides easy-to-use search functionality that helps users quickly locate necessary files
                                                                                                                                   Microsoft SharePoint extends the reach of a vital enterprise collaboration application,
 Universal Search
                                                                                                                                   improves knowledge sharing, removes the borders between distributed work teams and
 Enables frequently accessed resources to be added to a favorites list
                                                                                                                                   allows individuals to make a positive contribution to the business  regardless of location.
 Uses Microsoft SharePoints search capability to search entire sites or libraries of content.
Create and View Content:
 Allows mobile users to set up SharePoint sites and update content directly from their                                            Target Info
  BlackBerry smartphones                                                                                                            Business Decision Makers: For business decision makers who want to provide mobile
 Includes document properties such as author, size, date modified and date created                                                  professionals with secure, efficient information sharing and enterprise-class mobile
Calendar Event Support:                                                                                                              collaboration in a way that is optimized for BlackBerry smartphones.
 Enables personnel to view, add and modify SharePoint calendar events                                                              IT Decision Makers: For IT departments looking to extend SharePoint collaboration tools
 Integrates the calendar events on the BlackBerry smartphone and the SharePoint server                                              to BlackBerry smartphone users, while continuing to control access rights and ensure
Collaborate:                                                                                                                         sensitive intellectual capital remains within the corporate firewall.
 Users can share expertise and knowledge with Blogs, Wikis, and Lists, and search for
  content across multiple SharePoint sites.

"Internal Only"
息2010 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. BlackBerry速, RIM速, Research In Motion速, and related trademarks, names and
logos are the property of Research In Motion Limited and are registered and/or used in the U.S. and countries around the world.
Qualifying Questions                                                                                                               Important Bottom-line Sales Info
 What is your current means of enabling mobile and/or remote employees to collaborate                                             System Requirements
  on important projects and initiatives?                                                                                            Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 or 2010
 How important is it to you that sensitive intellectual capital remains within the corporate                                       BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Microsoft Exchange version 5.0 and above
  firewall when being accessed by mobile professionals?                                                                             Dedicated BlackBerry Social Networking Application Proxy Server
 How would the ability to securely extend your existing SharePoint infrastructure to mobile                                         o Requires Windows Server速 2003 (32-bit) with Service Pack 2 or Windows Server 2008
  users increase collaboration and productivity?                                                                                        (32-bit and 64-bit)
 How would your business benefit from anywhere, anytime access to SharePoint document                                               o Should be located on same domain as BlackBerry Enterprise Server
  libraries, folders, assets and calendars?                                                                                         BlackBerry device software version 5.0 and above including the new BlackBerry 7
 In what ways would end users benefit from a solution that replicates the in-office                                                 smartphones
  SharePoint experience in a way that is both familiar and optimized for BlackBerry                                                 *Supported BlackBerry devices must be provisioned on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server
                                                                                                                                    Available globally
Handling Objections                                                                                                                 Language Support: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese
 Objection 1: Im happy providing mobile employees with Web-based SharePoint access.
  Response: Though the Web-based SharePoint experience may be serviceable, it is far from                                          Price
  ideal. With the BlackBerry Client for Microsoft SharePoint, you can provide mobile                                               Per-client pricing varies by total number of clients purchased:
  professionals with a secure extension of the SharePoint environment that is optimized for                                         1 client: $25
  use on the BlackBerry smartphone  and integrated with core BlackBerry functionality,                                             50 clients: $22.50 per
  leading to a rich, familiar end-user experience.                                                                                  100 clients: $20 per
                                                                                                                                    500 clients: $17.50 per
 Objection 2: This solution will bring too much complexity and risk to my IT operations.                                         1,000 clients: $15 per
   Response: The BlackBerry Client for Microsoft SharePoint provides a secure, transparent                                          5,000 clients: $12.50 per
  extension of SharePoint collaboration tools, helping you leverage existing architecture                                           10,000 clients: $11.25 per
  investments without increasing management burden. And because any information
  accessed by mobile workers remains within the corporate firewall, many of the traditional
  risks associated with remote data access are minimized.

Additional Resources to Share with Your Prospect                                                                                   Additional Resources for you
BlackBerry Client for Microsoft SharePoint Customer Brochure                                                                       BlackBerry Client for Microsoft SharePoint Pitch Deck
                                                                                                                                   BlackBerry Client for Microsoft SharePoint Call Script
                                                                                                                                   BlackBerry Client for Microsoft SharePoint Battle card
                                                                                                                                   BlackBerry Client for Microsoft SharePoint Product Brief

"Internal Only"
息2010 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. BlackBerry速, RIM速, Research In Motion速, and related trademarks, names and
logos are the property of Research In Motion Limited and are registered and/or used in the U.S. and countries around the world.

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Black Berry Client For Share Point 2.0 Sales Cheat Sheet

  • 1. Cheat Sheet: BlackBerry Client for Microsoft SharePoint Product Overview Post to blog and wikis Localized Menus: The BlackBerry速 Client for Microsoft速 SharePoint速 extends the key features and functionality Menus and dialogues will be presented in the users language of choice of the SharePoint environment to a mobile workforce. Using this highly secure solution Accepts inputs in a particular BlackBerry devices local language settings enables employees to efficiently collaborate on projects, update documents, organize assets BlackBerry Optimization: and share content. As such, it helps a distributed workforce more effectively communicate Provides a richer user experience versus SharePoint viewed on a Web browser and make positive contributions to corporate initiatives. Integrates the SharePoint interface with core BlackBerry functionality Dashboard-style home screen allows users to work in multiple Microsoft SharePoint Sites Customer Challenges Faster Navigation with folder/file icons that make it easy to recognize content types, and user-customizable views of content Collaborating Without Borders: As work teams become spread across increasingly large distances, and traditional collaboration functions become less useful, it is imperative to optimize SharePoint functionality for mobile users. Key Benefits Improving Control over Intellectual Capital: Growing legal and compliance risks have Improves collaboration, communication and productivity emphasized the need to ensure that any intellectual capital made available to mobile Enables existing IT investments to be extended to new, innovative ends workers is distributed in accordance with corporate IT security measures. Delivers a familiar user experience that tightly integrates two common resources Extending Existing Investments: With costs a constant concern, companies must find new Provides optimized mobile access to the enterprise SharePoint environment and intuitive ways to leverage current IT and mobile investments to new ends, in ways that drive the business forward. One-minute Pitch Product Description Enterprise collaboration tools have become essential components in the successful execution of corporate initiatives. But when mobile knowledge workers are unable to access these Developed for BlackBerry smartphones, the BlackBerry Client for Microsoft SharePoint 2.0 systems and make timely contributions to the project, it can lead to crippling delays and enables efficient information sharing and secure collaboration. Additional features include: hinder competitive advantage. Check-in, Edit, Check-out: Enables users to download, edit and upload documents while out of the office, via their Developed and optimized specifically for use on BlackBerry smartphones, the BlackBerry BlackBerry smartphones Client for Microsoft SharePoint alleviates these concerns by extending core SharePoint Keeps collaborative efforts in synch by enforcing strict version control features to a mobile workforce in a secure, integrated manner. Featuring streamlined access Use Documents To Go to create and edit documents to document libraries, robust asset creation and editing capabilities and the ability to Quick Folder and File Navigation: coordinate calendars and events across geographies and languages, the BlackBerry Client for Provides easy-to-use search functionality that helps users quickly locate necessary files Microsoft SharePoint extends the reach of a vital enterprise collaboration application, Universal Search improves knowledge sharing, removes the borders between distributed work teams and Enables frequently accessed resources to be added to a favorites list allows individuals to make a positive contribution to the business regardless of location. Uses Microsoft SharePoints search capability to search entire sites or libraries of content. Create and View Content: Allows mobile users to set up SharePoint sites and update content directly from their Target Info BlackBerry smartphones Business Decision Makers: For business decision makers who want to provide mobile Includes document properties such as author, size, date modified and date created professionals with secure, efficient information sharing and enterprise-class mobile Calendar Event Support: collaboration in a way that is optimized for BlackBerry smartphones. Enables personnel to view, add and modify SharePoint calendar events IT Decision Makers: For IT departments looking to extend SharePoint collaboration tools Integrates the calendar events on the BlackBerry smartphone and the SharePoint server to BlackBerry smartphone users, while continuing to control access rights and ensure Collaborate: sensitive intellectual capital remains within the corporate firewall. Users can share expertise and knowledge with Blogs, Wikis, and Lists, and search for content across multiple SharePoint sites. "Internal Only" 息2010 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. BlackBerry速, RIM速, Research In Motion速, and related trademarks, names and logos are the property of Research In Motion Limited and are registered and/or used in the U.S. and countries around the world.
  • 2. Qualifying Questions Important Bottom-line Sales Info What is your current means of enabling mobile and/or remote employees to collaborate System Requirements on important projects and initiatives? Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 or 2010 How important is it to you that sensitive intellectual capital remains within the corporate BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Microsoft Exchange version 5.0 and above firewall when being accessed by mobile professionals? Dedicated BlackBerry Social Networking Application Proxy Server How would the ability to securely extend your existing SharePoint infrastructure to mobile o Requires Windows Server速 2003 (32-bit) with Service Pack 2 or Windows Server 2008 users increase collaboration and productivity? (32-bit and 64-bit) How would your business benefit from anywhere, anytime access to SharePoint document o Should be located on same domain as BlackBerry Enterprise Server libraries, folders, assets and calendars? BlackBerry device software version 5.0 and above including the new BlackBerry 7 In what ways would end users benefit from a solution that replicates the in-office smartphones SharePoint experience in a way that is both familiar and optimized for BlackBerry *Supported BlackBerry devices must be provisioned on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server smartphones? Availability Available globally Handling Objections Language Support: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese Objection 1: Im happy providing mobile employees with Web-based SharePoint access. Response: Though the Web-based SharePoint experience may be serviceable, it is far from Price ideal. With the BlackBerry Client for Microsoft SharePoint, you can provide mobile Per-client pricing varies by total number of clients purchased: professionals with a secure extension of the SharePoint environment that is optimized for 1 client: $25 use on the BlackBerry smartphone and integrated with core BlackBerry functionality, 50 clients: $22.50 per leading to a rich, familiar end-user experience. 100 clients: $20 per 500 clients: $17.50 per Objection 2: This solution will bring too much complexity and risk to my IT operations. 1,000 clients: $15 per Response: The BlackBerry Client for Microsoft SharePoint provides a secure, transparent 5,000 clients: $12.50 per extension of SharePoint collaboration tools, helping you leverage existing architecture 10,000 clients: $11.25 per investments without increasing management burden. And because any information accessed by mobile workers remains within the corporate firewall, many of the traditional risks associated with remote data access are minimized. Additional Resources to Share with Your Prospect Additional Resources for you BlackBerry Client for Microsoft SharePoint Customer Brochure BlackBerry Client for Microsoft SharePoint Pitch Deck BlackBerry Client for Microsoft SharePoint Call Script BlackBerry Client for Microsoft SharePoint Battle card BlackBerry Client for Microsoft SharePoint Product Brief "Internal Only" 息2010 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. BlackBerry速, RIM速, Research In Motion速, and related trademarks, names and logos are the property of Research In Motion Limited and are registered and/or used in the U.S. and countries around the world.