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Fall 2008


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Wachovia Executive Derek Cantey
              Contributes Context and Strategy to
               Create Supplier Diversity Results
                                                                 By Edward Cates
Derek Cantey is a valued leader and resource                                                        Wachovia combined the two teams to create a
to our team. He has the wisdom that comes                                                            centralized approach toward integrating suppli-
from laying the foundation of Wachovias ini-                                                        er diversity and development enterprise wide-
tial supplier diversity approach, the vision to                                                      throughout the company.
push for continuous improvement, and passion                                                         Derek Cantey is a valued leader and resource
to create results. - Sonya Dukes, SVP Direc-                                                        to our team. He has the wisdom that comes
tor of Corporate Supplier Diversity                                                                  from laying the foundation of Wachovias ini-
When the vision of equal access to career                                                            tial supplier diversity approach, the vision to
opportunities in corporate America works,                                                            push for continuous improvement, and passion
leadership and passion are combined to create                                                        to create results, said Sonya Dukes, Senior
leaders that impact change and long-term suc-                                                        Vice President and Director of Corporate Sup-
cess. Wachovia executive Derek Cantey repre-                                                         plier Diversity.
sents the aforementioned unique combination                                                          Derek leads the strategic management team
with supply chain expertise and a passion for                                                        within CSD responsible for identifying
supplier diversity and development.                                                                  Wachovia sourcing opportunities by working
As Senior Vice President and Senior Business                                                         between the various lines of business and sup-
Manager for Corporate Supplier Diversity                                                             pliers. Under Dereks leadership, a team of
(CSD), Derek has been with Wachovia for 20                                                           strategic business managers consults with
years based in Charlotte, NC. During his                                                             Global Supply Chain commodity representa-
career he has been through a field of mergers                                                        tives to match spending opportunities with
and acquisitions as his predecessor employer                                                         diverse suppliers.
First Union grew into the national franchise                                                         We also interface with various community
that is now known nationwide in 22 states as                                                         groups and organizations. We work with those
the banking goliath Wachovia.                                                                        organizations to communicate where we are
                                                                                                     going with our commitment to the growth of
Supplier diversity was initially a a grassroots                                                     the community and the relationship, adds
effort at the companythat was initially man-                                                         Cantey.
aged by our Community Development Group.            Bertges, Director of Corporate Real Estate,      Theres a saying in the financial service indus-
As our bank continued to expand was growing         was very supportive of the companys Supplier    try that the only constant is change due to the
through acquisitions, the company developed a       Diversity efforts..                              nature of the industry and history for mergers
business case for diversity and formalized its      Bob really understood why we needed to          and acquisitions. Dereks passion and commit-
efforts to strengthen the minority and women-       include diverse suppliers as part of our pro-    ment to diversity has been a constant through
owned business efforts in the communities we        curement effortsin these opportunities and       change and has created a legacy that has
serve so was our realization that this had to be    served as a primary champion that helped us      impacted affected countless diverse suppliers
more than a community effort and had to have        develop a comprehensive programform what it      and the diversity strategy at one of the largest
a business case, said Derek.                       would look like. With his support and leader-    financial institutions in the country.
Derek was a career supply chain and procure-        ship, he helped us get CEO level engagement      Bringing the right supplier relationships to
ment specialist and was tapped to get involved      and commitment to supplier diversity            Wachovia means a great deal to me. Ive
in building the business case for supplier diver-   On July 9, 2008 Robert Steel was named the       worked to build relationships with suppliers by
sity at Wachovia. His early work pushed to          new CEO of Wachovia and he has reinforced        telling them the truth and creating an open dia-
gain the support of Corporate Real Estate, a        the commitment to supplier diversity from the    logue between them and Wachovia, said
line of business that had viable procurement        top. Wachovia s has grown their annual spend-   Derek humbly about his contributions. Seeing
opportunities for qualified suppliers. With         ing with Minority and Women Business Enter-      suppliers that I have worked with years ago
every merger and acquisition there were             prises from $10-15 million to over $350 mil-     still doing business with us today as customers
rebranding projects and contract opportunities      lion in 2007. Wachovias evolution in supplier   and suppliers makes me feel good. When I
available for qualified suppliers. After not get-   diversity continues today with new leadership    leave I will have helped suppliers create
ting much traction initially, he found executive    and a centralized strategic approach toward      longevity in this organization and thats a lega-
sponsorship at the top of the house in Bob          developing businesses. Earlier in the year       cy Im proud of.
                                      HELP COMMUNITIES PROSPER

                                                               W ITH WACHOVIA

At Wachovia, we believe that the success of our organization  and our communities 
depends on providing opportunities for Minority/Women Business Enterprises (M/WBEs).

Since 2002, Wachovia has spent more than $1.5 billion in partnering with M/WBEs in
an array of areas and industries, and it is our pledge to increase our sourceable spend
with M/WBEs.

Our promise is to sponsor programs and share resources that enable M/WBEs to
grow through education and awareness, partnership development, and measurement
and accountability.

息2008 Wachovia Corporation 083948

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Executive Derek Cantey Contributes and Creates Supplier Diversity Results - Black EOE Journal by Edward Cates

  • 1. Fall 2008 www.blackeoejournal.com $4.50US 04 7 25274 93813 1
  • 2. Wachovia Executive Derek Cantey Contributes Context and Strategy to Create Supplier Diversity Results By Edward Cates Derek Cantey is a valued leader and resource Wachovia combined the two teams to create a to our team. He has the wisdom that comes centralized approach toward integrating suppli- from laying the foundation of Wachovias ini- er diversity and development enterprise wide- tial supplier diversity approach, the vision to throughout the company. push for continuous improvement, and passion Derek Cantey is a valued leader and resource to create results. - Sonya Dukes, SVP Direc- to our team. He has the wisdom that comes tor of Corporate Supplier Diversity from laying the foundation of Wachovias ini- When the vision of equal access to career tial supplier diversity approach, the vision to opportunities in corporate America works, push for continuous improvement, and passion leadership and passion are combined to create to create results, said Sonya Dukes, Senior leaders that impact change and long-term suc- Vice President and Director of Corporate Sup- cess. Wachovia executive Derek Cantey repre- plier Diversity. sents the aforementioned unique combination Derek leads the strategic management team with supply chain expertise and a passion for within CSD responsible for identifying supplier diversity and development. Wachovia sourcing opportunities by working As Senior Vice President and Senior Business between the various lines of business and sup- Manager for Corporate Supplier Diversity pliers. Under Dereks leadership, a team of (CSD), Derek has been with Wachovia for 20 strategic business managers consults with years based in Charlotte, NC. During his Global Supply Chain commodity representa- career he has been through a field of mergers tives to match spending opportunities with and acquisitions as his predecessor employer diverse suppliers. First Union grew into the national franchise We also interface with various community that is now known nationwide in 22 states as groups and organizations. We work with those the banking goliath Wachovia. organizations to communicate where we are going with our commitment to the growth of Supplier diversity was initially a a grassroots the community and the relationship, adds effort at the companythat was initially man- Cantey. aged by our Community Development Group. Bertges, Director of Corporate Real Estate, Theres a saying in the financial service indus- As our bank continued to expand was growing was very supportive of the companys Supplier try that the only constant is change due to the through acquisitions, the company developed a Diversity efforts.. nature of the industry and history for mergers business case for diversity and formalized its Bob really understood why we needed to and acquisitions. Dereks passion and commit- efforts to strengthen the minority and women- include diverse suppliers as part of our pro- ment to diversity has been a constant through owned business efforts in the communities we curement effortsin these opportunities and change and has created a legacy that has serve so was our realization that this had to be served as a primary champion that helped us impacted affected countless diverse suppliers more than a community effort and had to have develop a comprehensive programform what it and the diversity strategy at one of the largest a business case, said Derek. would look like. With his support and leader- financial institutions in the country. Derek was a career supply chain and procure- ship, he helped us get CEO level engagement Bringing the right supplier relationships to ment specialist and was tapped to get involved and commitment to supplier diversity Wachovia means a great deal to me. Ive in building the business case for supplier diver- On July 9, 2008 Robert Steel was named the worked to build relationships with suppliers by sity at Wachovia. His early work pushed to new CEO of Wachovia and he has reinforced telling them the truth and creating an open dia- gain the support of Corporate Real Estate, a the commitment to supplier diversity from the logue between them and Wachovia, said line of business that had viable procurement top. Wachovia s has grown their annual spend- Derek humbly about his contributions. Seeing opportunities for qualified suppliers. With ing with Minority and Women Business Enter- suppliers that I have worked with years ago every merger and acquisition there were prises from $10-15 million to over $350 mil- still doing business with us today as customers rebranding projects and contract opportunities lion in 2007. Wachovias evolution in supplier and suppliers makes me feel good. When I available for qualified suppliers. After not get- diversity continues today with new leadership leave I will have helped suppliers create ting much traction initially, he found executive and a centralized strategic approach toward longevity in this organization and thats a lega- sponsorship at the top of the house in Bob developing businesses. Earlier in the year cy Im proud of.
  • 3. OUR PARTNERSHIPS HELP COMMUNITIES PROSPER W ITH WACHOVIA At Wachovia, we believe that the success of our organization and our communities depends on providing opportunities for Minority/Women Business Enterprises (M/WBEs). Since 2002, Wachovia has spent more than $1.5 billion in partnering with M/WBEs in an array of areas and industries, and it is our pledge to increase our sourceable spend with M/WBEs. Our promise is to sponsor programs and share resources that enable M/WBEs to grow through education and awareness, partnership development, and measurement and accountability. 息2008 Wachovia Corporation 083948