Research In Motion (RIM) will launch a new cloud-based service in mid-2011 that will provide access to Office 365 applications for BlackBerry users. The service will be hosted and supported by RIM and allow for mobile device management and single sign-on between Office 365 and BlackBerry services. Existing customers of Microsoft's Hosted BlackBerry service for BPOS will be offered migration to RIM's new cloud-based BlackBerry service for Office 365 when it becomes generally available in late 2011.
2. Coming in 2011 . . . a new cloud-based service that will make Office 365 available to BlackBerry® users . . . 02-03-11
3. . . . providing the best experience for BlackBerry users of Office 365 02-03-11
4. BlackBerry Cloud-based Service for Office 365 Starting at $0 per user per month* Pre-release is expected to be available in mid 2011 General availability is targeted for late 2011** * Requires purchase of BlackBerry Enterprise Data plan ** Existing Hosted BlackBerry for Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS) – Standard customers will be offered the opportunity to transition to the new service by this time 02-03-11
5. Enhancements Ability to securely manage BlackBerry deployments online with mobile device management capabilities and IT policy settings Self-service functions for end users to manage and secure their own BlackBerry devices online Integrated single sign-on experience between Office 365Ìý and the Research In Motion® (RIM®)-hosted BlackBerry enterprise service Hosted, licensed and supported by RIM 02-03-11
6. An Extension of the Trusted BlackBerry Solution Secure and reliable BlackBerry email and messaging Based on the market-leading BlackBerry® Enterprise Server 02-03-11
7. Existing customers with Hosted BlackBerry for Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS) – Standard will be offered the opportunity to transition to RIM's new BlackBerry cloud-based service for Office 365 at the time RIM's service becomes generally available Microsoft® and RIM are working together on migration from Microsoft's Hosted BlackBerry Service for BPOS – Standard to RIM's cloud-based BlackBerry service We expect to be able to share plans well in advance of customer migration and as a part of the Office 365 transition package from Microsoft Moving Forward 02-03-11
8. Interim Price Change Existing Hosted BlackBerry Service for Business Productivity Online Suite ( BPOS ) – Standard Microsoft will change the price of the existing Hosted BlackBerry for Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS) – Standard to $0 per user per month* Partners should meet with Microsoft and RIM to review the partner experience * Requires purchase of BlackBerry Enterprise Data plan NOTE: Date and details of price change for Hosted BlackBerry for Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS) – Standard are based on an agreement between RIM and Microsoft; Microsoft will provide full details on this price change to their customers and channel partners 02-03-11