This document provides information about black holes from an engineering physics course. It contains the following key points:
1) A black hole is a region of space where the gravitational field is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. It is formed when a massive star collapses under its own gravity.
2) Around a black hole is an event horizon, which marks the point of no return. Beyond this, not even light can escape the black hole's gravitational pull.
3) There are several theories about how black holes form, but most commonly it is believed they are formed when a massive star over 3 times the sun's mass reaches the end of its life and collapses.
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1. Engineering Physics 2110015
Topic: Black Hole
Guided By:
Prof. Sanket Thakor
Branch : Mechanical Engineering Div: L-3
2. Group of the Students
Students name and Enrollment No.
Harshil Zaveri (130120119251)
3. A black hole is a region of space from which
nothing, not even light can escape. It is the
result of the deformation of space time
caused by a very compact mass. Around a
black hole there is an undetectable surface
which marks the point of no return, called an
event horizon.
It is called black because it absorbs all
the light that hits it, reflecting nothing, just
like a perfect black body in thermodynamics.
It works similarly as a black body works in
quantum mechanics.
5. There are many theories to that question.
Most common theory is where a colossal star
with a mass of more than 3 times the Suns
reaches the end of its life, gets crushed
under its own gravity, leaving behind a
compact black hole.
When a gignatic star reaches the final stage
of its life and is about to go supernova, it
spends all the nuclear fuel by then. So it
stops burning and heating up and cannot
create the nuclear energy required to feed
the star.
7. The black hole is
surrounded by an event
horizon which is the
sphere from which light
cannot escape
The distance between the
black hole and its event
horizon is the
Schwarzschild radius (RSch=
The center of the black
hole is a point of infinite
density and zero volume,
called a singularity
9. 9
1915: Einsteins Theory of Gravity predicted the possibility of
black holes, but no one believed they actually existed!
1967: Term Black Hole coined
1970s: Convincing evidence that black holes are real
Today: NASA space telescopes have discovered evidence for
black holes throughout the universe
Albert Einstein
10. 10
What did Einstein say about Gravity?
Mass distorts space - curving it
Objects and light moving near the massive object
are forced to take a curved path around the
Just like the Moon orbiting Earth.
Images courtesy of Professor Gabor Kunstatter, University of Winnipeg
11. 11
How much would you weigh?
On Earth, lets say you weigh 150 lbs.
On the Moon, youd weigh 25 lbs.
On Jupiter, youd weigh 350 lbs.
On the Sun, youd weigh 4,000 lbs.
Near a Black Hole,
youd weigh over
12. 12
Where do black holes come from?
Three classifications of black holes:
Stellar-mass: 3 to 20 times the mass of our
Supermassive: Black holes with millions to
billions of times the mass of our Sun
Mid-mass: In between stellar-mass and
13. 13
Black holes are made when a giant
star, many times the mass of our
Sun, dies.
Most of the stars atmosphere is
blown into space as a supernova
The stars spent core collapses
under its own weight.
If the remaining mass is more than
the mass of 3 Suns, it will collapse
into a black hole.
Where do black holes come from?
Credit: European Southern Observatory
14. 14
Extremely massive black
holes have been found in
the centers of many
galaxies - including our
Where do black holes come from?
Credit: European Southern Observatory (ESO) - Very Large Telescope
15. 15
Scientists are finding these
in the centers of large,
dense star clusters.
Like this globular star
cluster, called M15, in our
Where do black holes come from?
Image Credit: NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
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M74 Photo Credit: NOAO/AURA/NSF
Great distances between the
So how do we survive amid all
these Black Holes?
21. 21
M74 Photo Credit: NOAO/AURA/NSF
Suns orbit >
Everything is orbiting fast
So how do we survive amid all
these Black Holes?
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Including one giant black hole at the very cen
There are 200 billion stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way
There are also millions of black holes
How have we survived?
25. 25
How do we know its there?
Hot material
falling into the
black hole.
Weird motions
of objects
Jets of glowing gas
Credit: ESA, NASA, and Felix
26. 26
How do we know its there?
Movie courtesy of R. Spencer, S. Garrington, D. McKay, T. Muxlow, P. Thomasson, C.
de la Force, A. M. Stirling (University of Manchester, Jodrell Bank); G. Pooley (University
of Cambridge); R. Fender (University of Amsterdam)
Jets of
One month